Search Results - "Morín‐Fraile, Victoria"
El codiseño como impulso del compromiso del estudiantado universitario
Published in AULA ABIERTA (20-12-2021)“…La relación de partenariado entre estudiantes y docentes universitarios mediante prácticas de codiseño fomenta la participación activa, posibilita el…”
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I can't imagine it without my nurse»: Experiences of people with chronic kidney disease in the evaluation process as kidney transplant candidates
Published in Research in nursing & health (01-12-2024)“…This qualitative study aimed to explore the experiences of 11 adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD) undergoing evaluation for kidney transplant (KT) and…”
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Nurse‐led clinical activity in kidney transplantation care in Spain: A cross‐sectional observational study
Published in Journal of renal care (01-06-2024)“…Objectives To explore the presence of specialist outpatient nursing activity in care for kidney transplant recipients in Spain and to determine the level of…”
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Complex management and descriptive cost analysis of kidney transplant candidates: a descriptive cross-sectional study
Published in BMC health services research (24-06-2024)“…The organisational care needs involved in accessing kidney transplant have not been described in the literature and therefore a detailed analysis thereof could…”
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Creating the nursing care map in the evaluation of kidney transplant candidates: A scoping review and narrative synthesis
Published in Nursing open (01-10-2023)“…To analyse the aspects involved in the care of individuals assessed as kidney transplant candidates and to identify the role of nurses in providing specialised…”
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The role of Advanced Practice Nurses in creating the Kidney Transplant candidate care map (APN-preKT): a convergent-parallel mixed methods research protocol
Published in BMC nursing (17-02-2023)“…Waiting time for kidney transplants (KT) is an important health determinant for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). During this time, ongoing…”
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Recording of Social Determinants in Computerized Medical Records in Primary Care Consultations: Quasi-Experimental Study
Published in JMIR formative research (25-01-2023)“… Social determinants of health may be more important than medical or lifestyle choices in influencing people's health. Even so, there is a deficit in recording…”
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Necesidades asistenciales en el estudio de personas candidatas a donantes de riñón
Published in Enfermería nefrológica (30-06-2022)“…Objetivos: Describir las necesidades asistenciales del candidato a donante de riñón; sus características sociodemográficas y clínicas; y analizar los…”
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Análisis cualitativo de los diarios reflexivos de estudiantes de enfermería en trabajos final de grado de aprendizaje-servicio en el distrito III de Hospitalet de Llobregat
Published in Ene (01-12-2021)“…Resumen La formación de futuros profesionales enfermeros debe reforzar el dominio de competencias en promoción de la salud comunitaria. En la fase final del…”
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Prevalencia y grado de control de la diabetes en centros de atención geriátrica
Published in Gerokomos (2023)“…Resumen Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y el grado de control de la diabetes mellitus en la población que vive en residencias geriátricas en la zona de…”
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The usefulness and acceptance of the OSCE in nursing schools
Published in Nurse education in practice (01-02-2020)“…This qualitative study explores the usefulness and acceptance attributed by students and faculty members to an Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE)…”
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Exploring the factors influencing evidence-based approaches to advanced chronic kidney disease: a qualitative study involving nurses and physicians
Published in BMC family practice (21-05-2024)“…Advanced chronic kidney disease (ACKD) is associated with a high risk of adverse cardiovascular and renal events and has a significant impact on quality of…”
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Experience in a community health service learning project in the development of final degree projects
Published in Enfermeria clinica (01-09-2019)Get full text
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Adherence to Antituberculosis Drugs in Children and Adolescents in A Low-Endemic Setting: A Retrospective Series
Published in The Pediatric infectious disease journal (01-06-2017)“…Adherence to antituberculosis drug regimens is critical for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis in pediatrics. In a large retrospective series of…”
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Experience in a community health service learning project in the development of final degree projects
Published in Enfermería clínica (Internet. English ed.) (01-09-2019)Get full text
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Towards the implementation of OSCE in undergraduate nursing curriculum: A qualitative study
Published in Nurse education today (01-02-2017)“…Despite the fact that Objective Structured Clinical Examination is considered to be an efficient assessment method, their implementation in the undergraduate…”
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Necesidades asistenciales durante el estudio de personas candidatas a donantes de riñón
Published in Enfermería nefrológica (01-06-2022)“…Objetivos: Describir las necesidades asistenciales del candidato a donante de riñón; sus características sociodemográficas y clínicas; y analizar los…”
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Published in Texto & contexto enfermagem (2016)“…This is an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study in which 214 nursing students from the University of Barcelona participated, in order to examine…”
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Promotion of physical activity
Published in Revista ROL de enfermería (01-01-2013)“…To know the influence of the factors that determine physical exercise in adults and elderly by the analysis of the determinants categories of health-promoting…”
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Percepciones y factores externos de la actividad física en adolescentes mediante métodos mixtos
Published in Gaceta sanitaria (01-01-2023)“…Resumen: Objetivo: Analizar los niveles de actividad física en adolescentes y su relación con las percepciones sobre actividad física y con los factores…”
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