Search Results - "Morín‐Fraile, Victoria"

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    El codiseño como impulso del compromiso del estudiantado universitario by Escofet Roig, Anna, Novella Cámara, Ana, Morín Fraile, Mª Victoria

    Published in AULA ABIERTA (20-12-2021)
    “…La relación de partenariado entre estudiantes y docentes universitarios mediante prácticas de codiseño fomenta la participación activa, posibilita el…”
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    I can't imagine it without my nurse»: Experiences of people with chronic kidney disease in the evaluation process as kidney transplant candidates by Pedreira‐Robles, Guillermo, MorínFraile, Victoria, Bach‐Pascual, Anna, Graells‐Sans, Ariadna, Garcimartín, Paloma

    Published in Research in nursing & health (01-12-2024)
    “…This qualitative study aimed to explore the experiences of 11 adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD) undergoing evaluation for kidney transplant (KT) and…”
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    Nurse‐led clinical activity in kidney transplantation care in Spain: A cross‐sectional observational study by Pedreira‐Robles, Guillermo, Garcimartín, Paloma, Sevilla‐Guerra, Sonia, Bach‐Pascual, Anna, García‐Martínez, Marta, MorínFraile, Victoria

    Published in Journal of renal care (01-06-2024)
    “…Objectives To explore the presence of specialist outpatient nursing activity in care for kidney transplant recipients in Spain and to determine the level of…”
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    Complex management and descriptive cost analysis of kidney transplant candidates: a descriptive cross-sectional study by Pedreira-Robles, Guillermo, Garcimartín, Paloma, Pérez-Sáez, María José, Bach-Pascual, Anna, Crespo, Marta, Morín-Fraile, Victoria

    Published in BMC health services research (24-06-2024)
    “…The organisational care needs involved in accessing kidney transplant have not been described in the literature and therefore a detailed analysis thereof could…”
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    Creating the nursing care map in the evaluation of kidney transplant candidates: A scoping review and narrative synthesis by Pedreira-Robles, Guillermo, Garcimartín, Paloma, Bach-Pascual, Anna, Giró-Formatger, Dolors, Redondo-Pachón, Dolores, Morín-Fraile, Victoria

    Published in Nursing open (01-10-2023)
    “…To analyse the aspects involved in the care of individuals assessed as kidney transplant candidates and to identify the role of nurses in providing specialised…”
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    Recording of Social Determinants in Computerized Medical Records in Primary Care Consultations: Quasi-Experimental Study by Rodoreda-Pallàs, Berta, Lumillo-Gutiérrez, Iris, Miró Catalina, Queralt, Torra Escarrer, Eva, Sanahuja Juncadella, Jaume, Morin Fraile, Victoria

    Published in JMIR formative research (25-01-2023)
    “… Social determinants of health may be more important than medical or lifestyle choices in influencing people's health. Even so, there is a deficit in recording…”
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    Necesidades asistenciales en el estudio de personas candidatas a donantes de riñón by Pedreira-Robles, Guillermo, Morín-Fraile, Victoria, Bach-Pascual, Anna, Redondo-Pachón, Dolores, Crespo, Marta, Garcimartín, Paloma

    Published in Enfermería nefrológica (30-06-2022)
    “…Objetivos: Describir las necesidades asistenciales del candidato a donante de riñón; sus características sociodemográficas y clínicas; y analizar los…”
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    Análisis cualitativo de los diarios reflexivos de estudiantes de enfermería en trabajos final de grado de aprendizaje-servicio en el distrito III de Hospitalet de Llobregat by Berlanga-Fernández, Sofía, Carreiro-Alonso, Miguel Ángel, Maestre González, Elena, Roselló Novella González, Alba, Morín Fraile, Victoria

    Published in Ene (01-12-2021)
    “…Resumen La formación de futuros profesionales enfermeros debe reforzar el dominio de competencias en promoción de la salud comunitaria. En la fase final del…”
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    Prevalencia y grado de control de la diabetes en centros de atención geriátrica by Carreiro-Alonso, Miguel Ángel, Berlanga-Fernández, Sofía, Conde-Torres, Ricard, Iglesias-Vilanova, Martín, Roselló-Novella, Alba, Morín-Fraile, Victoria

    Published in Gerokomos (2023)
    “…Resumen Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y el grado de control de la diabetes mellitus en la población que vive en residencias geriátricas en la zona de…”
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    The usefulness and acceptance of the OSCE in nursing schools by Solà-Pola, Montserrat, Morin-Fraile, Victòria, Fabrellas-Padrés, Núria, Raurell-Torreda, Marta, Guanter-Peris, Lourdes, Guix-Comellas, Eva, Pulpón-Segura, Anna M.

    Published in Nurse education in practice (01-02-2020)
    “…This qualitative study explores the usefulness and acceptance attributed by students and faculty members to an Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE)…”
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    Adherence to Antituberculosis Drugs in Children and Adolescents in A Low-Endemic Setting: A Retrospective Series by Guix-Comellas, Eva-Maria, Rozas, Librada, Velasco-Arnaiz, Eneritz, Morín-Fraile, Victoria, Force-Sanmartín, Enriqueta, Noguera-Julian, Antoni

    Published in The Pediatric infectious disease journal (01-06-2017)
    “…Adherence to antituberculosis drug regimens is critical for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis in pediatrics. In a large retrospective series of…”
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    Towards the implementation of OSCE in undergraduate nursing curriculum: A qualitative study by Solà, Montserrat, Pulpón, Anna M., Morin, Victòria, Sancho, Raül, Clèries, Xavier, Fabrellas, Núria

    Published in Nurse education today (01-02-2017)
    “…Despite the fact that Objective Structured Clinical Examination is considered to be an efficient assessment method, their implementation in the undergraduate…”
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    Necesidades asistenciales durante el estudio de personas candidatas a donantes de riñón by Pedreira-Robles, Guillermo, Morín-Fraile, Victoria, Bach-Pascual, Anna, Redondo-Pachón, Dolores, Crespo, Marta, Garcimartín, Paloma

    Published in Enfermería nefrológica (01-06-2022)
    “…Objetivos: Describir las necesidades asistenciales del candidato a donante de riñón; sus características sociodemográficas y clínicas; y analizar los…”
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    ANALYSIS OF HOUSEHOLD MEDICINE CHESTS: A SIGNIFICANT LEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR NURSING STUDENTS by Solà, Montserrat, Garrido, Eva, Úbeda, Immaculada, Morin, Victoria, Sancho, Raül, Fabrellas, Núria

    Published in Texto & contexto enfermagem (2016)
    “…This is an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study in which 214 nursing students from the University of Barcelona participated, in order to examine…”
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    Promotion of physical activity by Morín Fraile, Victoria

    Published in Revista ROL de enfermería (01-01-2013)
    “…To know the influence of the factors that determine physical exercise in adults and elderly by the analysis of the determinants categories of health-promoting…”
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    Percepciones y factores externos de la actividad física en adolescentes mediante métodos mixtos by Alba Roselló-Novella, Iris Lumillo-Gutiérrez, Margarida Pla-Consuegra, Antonio Rosa-Castillo, Lorena Villa-Garcia, Victoria Morin-Fraile

    Published in Gaceta sanitaria (01-01-2023)
    “…Resumen: Objetivo: Analizar los niveles de actividad física en adolescentes y su relación con las percepciones sobre actividad física y con los factores…”
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