Search Results - "Moore, Kelley"

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    The Continued Eclipse of Heterogeneity in Gerontological Research by Stone, Mary Ellen, Lin, Jielu, Dannefer, Dale, Kelley-Moore, Jessica A.

    “…Abstract Objectives. After a long history of neglect, diversity among older people and increasing heterogeneity with age are now familiar ideas in…”
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    Journal Article
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    From Noise to Signal: The Age and Social Patterning of Intra-Individual Variability in Late-Life Health by Lin, Jielu, Kelley-Moore, Jessica A.

    “…Abstract Objectives. Despite a long tradition of attending to issues of intra-individual variability in the gerontological literature, large-scale panel…”
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    Proactive aging: A longitudinal study of stress, resources, agency, and well-being in late life by Kahana, Eva, Kelley-Moore, Jessica, Kahana, Boaz

    Published in Aging & mental health (01-05-2012)
    “…Objectives: Using the Proactivity Model of Successful Aging, we examined how internal and external resources contribute to the maintenance of psychological…”
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    The Black/White Disability Gap: Persistent Inequality in Later Life? by Kelley-Moore, Jessica A., Ferraro, Kenneth F.

    “…Objectives. Previous research on differences between Black and White older adults has produced inconsistent results on whether a gap in disability exists and…”
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    Do Local Social Hierarchies Matter for Mental Health? A Study of Neighborhood Social Status and Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults by Kelley-Moore, Jessica A, Cagney, Kathleen A, Skarupski, Kimberly A, Everson-Rose, Susan A, Mendes de Leon, Carlos F

    “…Despite a well-established association between relative social position and health, stratification at smaller levels of social organization has received scant…”
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    Self-rated Health and mortality among black and White adults: Examining the dynamic evaluation thesis by FERRARO, Kenneth F, KELLEY-MOORE, Jessica A

    “…Many studies of self-rated health show that it is a reliable predictor of mortality even when controlling for health-related variables and status…”
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    When Do Older Adults Become "Disabled"? Social and Health Antecedents of Perceived Disability in a Panel Study of the Oldest Old by Kelley-Moore, Jessica A., Schumacher, John G., Kahana, Eva, Kahana, Boaz

    Published in Journal of health and social behavior (01-06-2006)
    “…Disability carries negative social meaning, and little is known about when (or if), in the process of health decline, persons identify themselves as…”
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    A 3-D Model of Health Decline: Disease, Disability, and Depression among Black and White Older Adults by Kelley-Moore, Jessica A., Ferraro, Kenneth F.

    Published in Journal of health and social behavior (01-12-2005)
    “…Much of the research on health decline in older adulthood has specified a single causal direction between two health domains, often measured at the same time…”
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    Functional limitations and religious service attendance in later life: barrier and/or benefit mechanism? by KELLEY-MOORE, Jessica A, FERRARO, Kenneth F

    “…Why do some studies report a negative relationship between religious service attendance and functional limitations? Two possible mechanisms, the health benefit…”
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    Toward Advocacy in Cancer Care for Older Adults: Survivors Have Cautious Personal Actions but Bold Advice for Others by Kahana, Eva, Kahana, Boaz, Kelley-Moore, Jessica, Adams, Scott A., Hammel, Rachel, Kulle, Diana, Brown, Jane A., King, Cathie

    Published in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (01-11-2009)
    “…OBJECTIVES: To examine narratives of personal coping with the cancer experience and compare them with narratives of advice offered to other cancer patients by…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
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    Assessing Racial Health Inequality in Older Adulthood: Comparisons From Mixed-Mode Panel Interviews by KELLEY-MOORE, Jessica A

    “…Objectives. Estimates of the extent of health disparities among Black and White older adults are not consistent across studies. The purpose of this study was…”
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    Religious Consolation among Men and Women: Do Health Problems Spur Seeking? by Ferraro, Kenneth F., Kelley-Moore, Jessica A.

    “…While most religions provide a meaning system that helps people cope with personal problems, there has been relatively little research on how and why men and…”
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    The Color of Hospitalization Over the Adult Life Course: Cumulative Disadvantage in Black and White? by Ferraro, Kenneth F., Thorpe, Roland J., McCabe, George P., Kelley-Moore, Jessica A., Jiang, Zhen

    “…Objectives. Drawing from cumulative disadvantage theory, this research addresses the following questions: Do hospital admission and discharge rates differ for…”
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    Simulation Training for Fiber-Optic Intubations by Moore, Kelley C., Smith, Sherrill J., Curry, Donna M., Gaspar, Phyllis M., Nelson, Erik J.

    Published in Clinical simulation in nursing (01-09-2014)
    “…Fiberoptic intubations (FOIs) are one skill Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) must be able to perform. However, the high-risk, low-volume nature…”
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    A Half Century of Longitudinal Methods in Social Gerontology: Evidence of Change in the Journal by Ferraro, Kenneth F., Kelley-Moore, Jessica A.

    “…Objectives.With a focus on the use of longitudinal data, this study reviews trends in the quantitative analysis of social science data on aging during the past…”
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    Utility of routine nurse assessment of the risk of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia by Moore, Kelley, Fortner, Barry

    Published in Canadian oncology nursing journal (2010)
    “…Evidence-based guidelines recommend that patients at high risk (> or = 20%) for febrile neutropenia (FN) should receive prophylactic colony-stimulating factors…”
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    Medical visits for chemotherapy and chemotherapy-induced neutropenia: a survey of the impact on patient time and activities by Fortner, Barry V, Tauer, Kurt, Zhu, Ling, Okon, Theodore A, Moore, Kelley, Templeton, Davis, Schwartzberg, Lee

    Published in BMC cancer (20-05-2004)
    “…Patients with cancer must make frequent visits to the clinic not only for chemotherapy but also for the management of treatment-related adverse effects…”
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