Search Results - "Mohan, Akshaya"
Is innovative workforce planning software the solution to NHS staffing and cost crisis? An exploration of the locum industry
Published in BMC health services research (20-03-2018)“…Workforce planning in the British healthcare system (NHS) is associated with significant costs of agency staff employment. The introduction of a novel software…”
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Journal Article -
Enhancing the prediction of IDC breast cancer staging from gene expression profiles using hybrid feature selection methods and deep learning architecture
Published in Medical & biological engineering & computing (01-11-2023)“…Prediction of the stage of cancer plays an important role in planning the course of treatment and has been largely reliant on imaging tools which do not…”
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Journal Article -
Spatiotemporal roosting movements of the cave-dwelling Andaman Edible-nest Swiftlet /Movimientos espaciotemporales en los dormideros en cuevas de la salangana Aerodramus fuciphagus inexpectatus
Published in The Wilson journal of ornithology (01-03-2019)“…We collected data from 10 caves (3 sites) in the North and Middle Andaman Islands to determine the spatiotemporal changes in the roosting pattern of the…”
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Floral diversity, composition, and recruitment on the karstland of Baratang Island, India
Published in Ecological complexity (01-01-2019)“…Karst-land vegetation was never before documented from India. Baratang limestone karst area, in tropical evergreen, semi-evergreen forests of the Andaman and…”
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Spatiotemporal roosting movements of the cave-dwelling Andaman Edible-nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus inexpectatus)
Published in The Wilson journal of ornithology (09-04-2019)“…We collected data from 10 caves (3 sites) in the North and Middle Andaman Islands to determine the spatiotemporal changes in the roosting pattern of the…”
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Journal Article -
Provable Data Possession using sigma protocols
Published 01-01-2013“…A Provable Data Possession (PDP) scheme allows a client which has stored data at an untrusted server to verify that the server possesses the original data that…”
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Dissertation -
Harnessing Deep Neural Networks for Accurate Offline Signature Forgery Detection
Published in 2023 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) (17-05-2023)“…Signature is considered to be one of the broadly practiced and important biometric features for the verification of an individual. It is used in various…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Screening and Ranking Resumes using Stacked Model
Published in 2021 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT) (10-12-2021)“…Talent acquisition is essential for all companies irrespective of the size of their business. As it is next to impossible to look through numerous resumes…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Nesting behaviour and ecology of the White-browed Fantail Flycatcher (Rhipidura aureola) in Sri Lanka
Published in Zoology and ecology (13-07-2019)“…The White-browed Fantail Flycatcher (Rhipidura aureola) is a widely distributed species in tropical regions of the Indian subcontinent and in Southeast Asia…”
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Journal Article -
Provable Data Possession Using Sigma-protocols
Published in 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (01-06-2012)“…We introduce a scheme for Provable Data Possession (PDP) that allows a client which has stored data at an untrusted server to verify that the server possesses…”
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Conference Proceeding