Search Results - "Mockute, Ruta"
Changes in subfoveal choroidal thickness after uncomplicated cataract surgery
Published in Biomedical papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacký, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia (01-06-2019)“…Recent investigations show that phacoemulsification causing an inflammatory insult to the eye has an effect not only on retina but on the choroid as well. The…”
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ABCA1 rs1883025 and CYP4F2 rs2108622 Gene Polymorphism Association with Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Anti-VEGF Treatment
Published in Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) (16-09-2021)“…Background and Objectives: The age-related macular degeneration (AMD) pathophysiology is multifactorial, as it consists of interactions between aging, genetic,…”
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Associations of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Gene Polymorphisms (TNF)-α TNF-863A/C (rs1800630), TNF-308A/G (rs1800629), TNF-238A/G (rs361525), and TNF-Alpha Serum Concentration with Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Published in Life (Basel, Switzerland) (21-06-2022)“…Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a neurodegenerative disease leading to irreversible central vision loss among the elderly in developed countries…”
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SIRT1: Genetic Variants and Serum Levels in Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Published in Life (Basel, Switzerland) (19-05-2022)“…The aim of this paper was to determine the frequency of rs3818292, rs3758391, rs7895833 single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes and SIRT1 serum levels…”
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Artificial Intelligence and the Future of the Drug Safety Professional
Published in Drug safety (01-04-2019)“…The healthcare industry, and specifically the pharmacovigilance industry, recognizes the need to support the increasing amount of data received from individual…”
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Twins' Macular Pigment Optical Density Assessment and Relation with SCARB1 Gene Polymorphism
Published in Genes (02-01-2023)“…to assess the influence of genetic and environmental factors using twin studies and evaluate the associations of SCARB1 gene variants (rs11057841) with AMD and…”
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The Role of SNPs in IL1RL1 and IL1RAP Genes in Age-related Macular Degeneration Development and Treatment Efficacy
Published in In vivo (Athens) (01-09-2020)“…Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects the central part of the retina and causes blindness. In developed countries, AMD occurs in people over 50 years…”
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Application of Augmented Intelligence for Pharmacovigilance Case Seriousness Determination
Published in Drug safety (01-01-2020)“…Introduction Identification of adverse events and determination of their seriousness ensures timely detection of potential patient safety concerns. Adverse…”
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Artificial Intelligence Within Pharmacovigilance: A Means to Identify Cognitive Services and the Framework for Their Validation
Published in Pharmaceutical medicine (01-04-2019)“…Introduction Pharmacovigilance (PV) detects, assesses, and prevents adverse events (AEs) and other drug-related problems by collecting, evaluating, and acting…”
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Training Augmented Intelligent Capabilities for Pharmacovigilance: Applying Deep-learning Approaches to Individual Case Safety Report Processing
Published in Pharmaceutical medicine (2018)“…Introduction Regulations are increasing the scope of activities that fall under the remit of drug safety. Currently, individual case safety report (ICSR)…”
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Training Augmented Intelligent Capabilities for Pharmacovigilance: Applying Deep.learning Approaches to Individual Case Safety Report Processing
Published in Pharmaceutical medicine (01-12-2018)“…Introduction Regulations are increasing the scope of activities that fall under the remit of drug safety. Currently, individual case safety report (ICSR)…”
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Genotipo Rs2108622 Įtaka Amžinės Geltonosios Dėmės Degeneracijos Pasireiškimui
Published 01-01-2016“…Amžinė geltonosios dėmės degeneracija (AGDD) yra viena iš pagrindinių regėjimo netekimo priežasčių, išsivysčiusiose pasaulio šalyse. Ligos etiologija ir…”
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