Search Results - "Mobius, Markus"
Managing Self-Confidence: Theory and Experimental Evidence
Published in Management science (01-11-2022)“…We use a series of experiments to understand whether and how people’s beliefs about their own abilities are biased relative to the Bayesian benchmark and how…”
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Directed Altruism and Enforced Reciprocity in Social Networks
Published in The Quarterly journal of economics (01-11-2009)“…We conducted online field experiments in large real-world social networks in order to decompose prosocial giving into three components: (1) baseline altruism…”
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Measuring the news and its impact on democracy
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (13-04-2021)“…Since the 2016 US presidential election, the deliberate spread of misinformation online, and on social media in particular, has generated extraordinary…”
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Consumption Risk-Sharing in Social Networks
Published in The American economic review (01-01-2014)“…We develop a model in which connections between individuals serve as social collateral to enforce informal insurance payments. We show that: (i) The degree of…”
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Why Beauty Matters
Published in The American economic review (01-03-2006)“…We decompose the beauty premium in an experimental labor market where "employers" determine wages of "workers" who perform a maze-solving task. This task…”
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Social Learning in Economics
Published in Annual review of economics (01-01-2014)“…Social learning is a rapidly growing field for empirical and theoretical research in economics. We encounter social learning in many economically important…”
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Community Size and Network Closure
Published in The American economic review (01-05-2007)Get full text
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Research note: Examining potential bias in large-scale censored data
Published in Harvard Kennedy School misinformation review. (26-07-2021)“…We examine potential bias in Facebook’s 10-trillion cell URLs dataset, consisting of URLs shared on its platform and their engagement metrics. Despite the…”
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Getting Closer or Drifting Apart?
Published in The Quarterly journal of economics (01-08-2004)“…Advances in communication and transportation technologies have the potential to bring people closer together and create a “global village.” However, they also…”
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Published in Journal of the European Economic Association (01-03-2004)“…This paper shows that larger auctions are more efficient than smaller ones, but that despite this scale effect, two competing and otherwise identical markets…”
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What Do We Expect from Our Friends?
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association (01-03-2010)Get full text
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Existence of equilibrium in large double auctions
Published in Journal of economic theory (01-03-2007)“…We show the existence of a pure strategy, symmetric, increasing equilibrium in double auction markets with correlated, conditionally independent private values…”
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What do we Expect from our Friends?
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association (01-01-2010)“…We conduct a field experiment in a large real-world social network to examine how subjects expect to be treated by their friends and by strangers who make…”
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Evaluating the fake news problem at the scale of the information ecosystem
Published in Science advances (01-04-2020)“…"Fake news," broadly defined as false or misleading information masquerading as legitimate news, is frequently asserted to be pervasive online with serious…”
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Trust and Social Collateral
Published in The Quarterly journal of economics (01-08-2009)“…This paper builds a theory of trust based on informal contract enforcement in social networks. In our model, network connections between individuals can be…”
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Examining the consumption of radical content on YouTube
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (10-08-2021)“…Although it is under-studied relative to other social media platforms, YouTube is arguably the largest and most engaging online media consumption platform in…”
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Naïve Learning with Uninformed Agents
Published in The American economic review (01-11-2021)“…The DeGroot model has emerged as a credible alternative to the standard Bayesian model for studying learning on networks, offering a natural way to model naïve…”
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Ethnic discrimination: Evidence from China
Published in European economic review (01-11-2016)“…We study the role of ethnicity in experimental labor markets where “employers” determine wages of “workers” who perform a real effort task. This task requires…”
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Comparing Estimates of News Consumption from Survey and Passively Collected Behavioral Data
Published in Public opinion quarterly (01-01-2021)“…Abstract Surveys are a vital tool for understanding public opinion and knowledge, but they can also yield biased estimates of behavior. Here we explore a…”
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Do Celebrity Endorsements Matter? A Twitter Experiment Promoting Vaccination in Indonesia
Published in The Economic journal (London) (18-03-2024)“…Do celebrity endorsements matter? And if so, how can celebrities communicate effectively? We conduct a nationwide Twitter experiment in Indonesia promoting…”
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