Search Results - "Miyahata, Takaaki"
DNA analysis based on toehold-mediated strand displacement on graphene oxide
Published in Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) (03-10-2013)“…Fluorescent dye-labeled probe DNA was immobilized on fluorescence-quenching graphene oxide (GO) through a capture DNA. When targets were added, the probes were…”
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Alteration of DNAzyme Activity by Silver Ion
Published in Chemistry letters (2014)“…The thermal stability of the parallel motif triple helix DNA containing CG.CH+ base triplets is improved by silver ions. The N3 protons of cytosines on the…”
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Graphene Oxide-based Amplified Fluorescence Sensor for Nucleic Acid Detection through Target-catalyzed Hairpin Assembly
Published in Chemistry letters (2015)“…The fluorescence signal of a DNA sensor based on strand exchange on graphene oxide was amplified using a DNA circuit that consisted of autonomous cyclic…”
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