Search Results - "Mittenbuhler, K"
Immunostimulation by the synthetic lipopeptide P3CSK4: TLR4‐independent activation of the ERK1/2 signal transduction pathway in macrophages
Published in Immunology (01-05-2001)“…Summary Synthetic lipopeptides based on bacterial lipoprotein are efficient activators for monocytes/macrophages inducing the release of interleukin (IL)‐1,…”
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Lipopeptide adjuvants in combination treatment
Published in International immunopharmacology (01-08-2003)“…Synthetic lipopeptides derived from the N-terminus of bacterial lipoprotein constitute potent immunoadjuvants for parenteral and mucosal immunization. When…”
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Modulation of the Th1/Th2 bias by an immunoglobulin histamine complex in the ovalbumin allergy mouse model
Published in International immunopharmacology (01-04-2003)“…Vaccination with the antiallergic drug Histaglobin is used to treat a broad range of human allergic diseases including bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, and…”
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Purification and characterization of acid trehalase from the yeast suc2 mutant
Published in The Journal of biological chemistry (15-06-1988)“…Acid trehalase was purified from the yeast suc2 deletion mutant. After hydrophobic interaction chromatography, the enzyme could be purified to a single band or…”
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Lipopeptide adjuvants: monitoring and comparison of P3CSK4- and LPS-induced gene transcription
Published in International immunopharmacology (01-07-2002)“…Bacteria-derived synthetic lipoproteins constitute potent macrophage activators in vivo and are effective stimuli, enhancing the immune response especially…”
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Generation of antibodies directed against the low-immunogenic peptide-toxins microcystin-LR/RR and nodularin
Published in International journal of immunopharmacology (01-05-2000)“…The preparation of antibodies against the liver toxin microcystin, as described here, is of major importance for its detection and purification in food and…”
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Lipopeptides: adjuvanticity in conventional and genetic immunization
Published in FEMS immunology and medical microbiology (15-07-2003)“…Synthetic lipopeptides derived from the bacterial cell wall component lipoprotein activate B-lymphocytes and macrophages/monocytes in vitro. In vivo they…”
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Lipopeptide adjuvants: generation of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme-specific antibodies for immunochemical diagnosis
Published in European journal of medical research (29-01-2001)“…Lactate dehydrogenase catalyzes the final step in glycolysis, the interconversion of pyruvate and lactate. The tetrameric enzyme is composed of one or two…”
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Immunostimulation by bacterial components: I. Activation of macrophages and enhancement of genetic immunization by the lipopeptide P3CSK4
Published in International journal of immunopharmacology (01-12-2000)“…Synthetic lipopeptides derived from the N-terminus of bacterial lipoprotein constitute potent macrophage activators and polyclonal B-lymphocyte stimulators…”
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Immunostimulatory activity of the bacterial extract OM-8
Published in European journal of medical research (27-03-2000)“…The bacterial extract OM-89 used for the prevention and treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections constitutes an effective immunostimulant in vitro and…”
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Triacyl-lipopentapeptide adjuvants: TLR2-dependent activation of macrophages and modulation of receptor-mediated cell activation by altering acyl-moieties
Published in International immunopharmacology (01-10-2004)“…Synthetic lipopeptides derived from bacterial lipoprotein are efficient immunoadjuvants. In vitro they activate antigen presenting cells (APCs) to induce the…”
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Integrated Sample Preparation, Reaction, and Detection on a High-Frequency Centrifugal Microfluidic Platform
Published in Journal of Laboratory Automation (01-10-2005)“…We extend the toolbox of lab procedures in life sciences by development of centrifugal microfluidics for high-level process integration. This is accomplished…”
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Bacterial cell wall components as immunomodulators—I. lipopeptides as adjuvants for parenteral and oral immunization
Published in International journal of immunopharmacology (01-09-1997)“…We investigated the immunostimulatory properties of synthetically prepared lipopeptides derived from the cell wall of Gram negative bacteria. These compounds…”
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Characterization of different forms of yeast acid trehalase in the secretory pathway
Published in Archives of microbiology (01-02-1991)“…The biosynthesis and processing of the vacuolar (lysosomal) acid trehalase (molecular mass about 220 kDa) was followed in vivo using mutants conditionally…”
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Drug specific antibodies: T-cell epitope-lipopeptide conjugates are potent adjuvants for small antigens in vivo and in vitro
Published in International journal of immunopharmacology (01-05-1997)“…To generate conventional or monoclonal antibodies for the serological detection of drugs, antibiotics, toxins and other low molecular mass substances, a…”
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Induction of an epitope-specific humoral immune response by lipopeptide–hapten conjugates: enhancement of the anti-melittin response by a synthetic T helper (T h)-cell epitope
Published in FEMS immunology and medical microbiology (01-04-1997)“…Lipopeptides of bacterial origin constitute potent immunoadjuvants when combined with antigens. After the immunization with lipopeptides covalently coupled to…”
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Parallelization of chip-based fluorescence immuno-assays with quantum-dot labeled beads
Published in The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 2005. Digest of Technical Papers. TRANSDUCERS '05 (2005)“…This paper presents an optical concept for the read-out of a parallel, bead-based fluorescence immunoassay conducted on a lab-on-a-disk platform. The reusable…”
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Conference Proceeding -
The anti-allergic drug histaglobin inhibits NF-κB nuclear translocation and down-regulates proinflammatory cytokines
Published in International journal of immunopharmacology (01-10-2000)“…The transcription factor NF-κB is the central regulator for the expression of various genes involved in inflammation, infection and immune response including…”
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Lipopeptide adjuvants in combination treatment: Combination immunotherapy
Published in International immunopharmacology (2003)Get full text
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Lipopeptide adjuvants: monitoring and comparison of P 3CSK 4- and LPS-induced gene transcription
Published in International immunopharmacology (2002)“…Bacteria-derived synthetic lipoproteins constitute potent macrophage activators in vivo and are effective stimuli, enhancing the immune response especially…”
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