Search Results - "Mitchell, Monique M."
Comparing The Influence Of Parents And Peers On The Choice To Use Drugs: A Meta-Analytic Summary of the Literature
Published in Criminal justice and behavior (01-04-2003)“…This literature summary, using meta-analysis, compares the influence of parents versus peers on substance use. The data indicated that the average relationship…”
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Able but not motivated? The relative effects of happy and sad mood on persuasive message processing
Published in Communication monographs (01-06-2000)“…The effects of happy and sad moods on systematic processing are examined in the present study. Research has indicated that positive mood leads to less…”
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Risk, threat, and information seeking about genital herpes: The effects of mood and message framing
Published in Communication studies (22-06-2001)“…This paper examines the effect that mood and message frame has on perceived threat, efficacy, attitude, intention and, ultimately, behavior regarding genital…”
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The effects of anger, sadness and happiness on persuasive message processing: a test of the negative state relief Model
Published in Communication monographs (01-12-2001)“…Although scholars have posited that message strength has a weak effect for those in happy moods, and a strong effect on individuals in sad or neutral moods…”
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The relative effects of timing of suspicion and outcome involvement on biased message processing
Published in Communication monographs (01-06-2001)“…The propensity to believe information to be predominately truthful has been called the truth-bias (e.g., McCornack & Levine, 1990), although the lie-bias is…”
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The impact of guilt and type of compliance-gaining message on compliance
Published in Communication monographs (01-06-1999)“…Consistent with Cialdini's Negative State Relief Model it has been established repeatedly that targets of compliance-gaining attempts comply with a request to…”
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The nature of close relationships as presented in television talk show titles
Published in Communication studies (22-09-1999)“…Although much controversy exists about the value of television talk shows, there is an absence of empirical investigation into the nature of these shows. The…”
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Conflict management satisfaction and relational and sexual satisfaction
Published in Communication research reports (01-09-1998)“…This study examines predictors of relational, and sexual, satisfaction. Specifically, it is hypothesized that the discrepancy between real and ideal conflict…”
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Expert advice on daytime talk television: A beneficial source of information for the general public?
Published in Communication research reports (01-01-1999)“…Experts on talk television have an opportunity to disseminate useful information to the general public. However, many negative claims have been made about…”
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