Search Results - "Millett, Bruce"
Vulnerability of Northern Prairie Wetlands to Climate Change
Published in Bioscience (01-10-2005)“…The prairie pothole region (PPR) lies in the heart of North America and contains millions of glacially formed, depressional wetlands embedded in a landscape…”
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Model Estimation of Land-Use Effects on Water Levels of Northern Prairie Wetlands
Published in Ecological applications (01-03-2007)“…Wetlands of the Prairie Pothole Region exist in a matrix of grassland dominated by intensive pastoral and cultivation agriculture. Recent conservation…”
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The Dakota Access Pipeline (Dapl): The Political Geographies of a Controversy
Published in Časopis socìalʹno-ekonomìčnoï geografìï (08-12-2021)“…The Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), constructed 2016-2017, is just one of numerous energy pipelines in the United States. As with many pipelines, environmental…”
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Adaptation of Farming Practices Could Buffer Effects of Climate Change on Northern Prairie Wetlands
Published in Wetlands (Wilmington, N.C.) (01-06-2009)“…Wetlands of the Prairie Pothole Region of North America are vulnerable to climate change. Adaptation of farming practices to mitigate adverse impacts of…”
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Journal Article -
Published in Present environment & sustainable development (15-10-2019)“…Oil frequently plays a crucial role in modern industrial economies. It is a very costly natural resource for those countries that do not have it, but very…”
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Climate trends of the North American prairie pothole region 1906-2000
Published in Climatic change (01-03-2009)“…The Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) is unique to North America. Its millions of wetlands and abundant ecosystem goods and services are highly sensitive to wide…”
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Prairie Wetland Complexes as Landscape Functional Units in a Changing Climate
Published in Bioscience (01-02-2010)“…The wetland complex is the functional ecological unit of the prairie pothole region (PPR) of central North America. Diverse complexes of wetlands contribute…”
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Modeling the Effects of Tile Drain Placement on the Hydrologic Function of Farmed Prairie Wetlands
Published in Journal of the American Water Resources Association (01-12-2016)“…The early 2000s saw large increases in agricultural tile drainage in the eastern Dakotas of North America. Agricultural practices that drain wetlands directly…”
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Measurement of organisational inertia: portability of a South African scale in an Australian context
Published in SA Journal of Industrial Psychology (01-12-2001)“…This research investigates whether the metric qualities of the South African Organisational Inertia Scale have cross-cultural equivalence in the Australian…”
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An analysis of international business-to-business relationships based on the Commitment–Trust theory
Published in Industrial marketing management (01-08-2002)“…Business-to-business relationships are characterized by an exchange between two or more parties. Research has identified several factors that enhance marketing…”
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The Influence of Learning Behaviour on Team Adaptability
Published in International Journal of Learning and Change (01-01-2011)“…Multiple contexts shape team activities and how they learn, and group learning is a dynamic construct that reflects a repertoire of potential behaviour. The…”
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Simultaneously Estimating Crop Yield and Seed Composition using Multitask Learning from UAV Multispectral Data
Published in IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (16-07-2023)“…This study focused on simultaneous estimation of corn grain yield and protein concentration using multitask deep learning. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Perception, reflection and communication: an empirical case study within the pharmaceutical industry
Published in Corporate governance (Bradford) (01-01-2010)“…Purpose - This paper aims to show how instruments of empirical opinion research can help to provide a basis for interactive communication between a company and…”
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Estimating Crop Grain Yield and Seed Composition Using Deep Learning from UAV Multispectral Data
Published in IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (16-07-2023)“…The objective of this work is to predict corn grain yield and seed compositions (i.e., protein, oil and starch concentration) using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Innovation in service internationalization: the crucial role of the frantrepreneur
Published in Entrepreneurship and regional development (01-07-2001)“…This paper introduces the concept of a new entrepreneurial role in services that we call the frantrepreneur. This is based on two case studies of the…”
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Vulnerability of northern prairie wetlands to climate change
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Dissertation -
Vulnerability of northern prairie wetlands to climate change
Published 01-01-2004“…Some areas of the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) will be more vulnerable than others to climate change. This research used the simulation model WETSIM 3.1,…”
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Dissertation -
A conceptual model and evaluation process for educational technology learning resources: a legal case study
Published in Educational media international (01-09-2004)“…The University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Australia, has more than 25 years experience in distributed education. More recently, USQ has embraced information…”
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Relationships, the role of individuals and knowledge flows in the internationalisation of service firms
Published in International journal of service industry management (01-03-2003)“…This article develops a new conceptual model of knowledge flows within international service firms. Our model takes explicit account of the critical role of…”
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Perception, reflection and communication an empirical case study within the pharmaceutical industry
Published in Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society (11-08-2010)“…Purpose This paper aims to show how instruments of empirical opinion research can help to provide a basis for interactive communication between a company and…”
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