Search Results - "Miller, Joe T"
New Microsatellite Loci for Prosopis alba and P. chilensis (Fabaceae)
Published in Applications in plant sciences (01-05-2013)“…Premise of the study: As only six useful microsatellite loci that exhibit broad cross-amplification are so far available for Prosopis species, it is necessary…”
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Spatial correspondence between the specialist galling insect genus Kladothrips (Thysanoptera: Tubulifera: Phlaeothripidae) and its Acacia host: ecological and evolutionary constraints on host use
Published in Austral entomology (01-11-2017)“…Specialised insect–plant associations, and the presence of other organisms that specifically target this interaction, represent relatively ancient ecological…”
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Spatial correspondence between the specialist galling insect genus Kladothrips (Thysanoptera: Tubulifera: Phlaeothripidae) and its Acacia host: ecological and evolutionary constraints on host use: Insect-plant spatial correspondence
Published in Austral entomology (01-11-2017)Get full text
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New microsatellite loci for Prosopis alba and P. chilensis (Fabaceae)1
Published in Applications in plant sciences (23-04-2013)“…• Premise of the study: As only six useful microsatellite loci that exhibit broad cross-amplification are so far available for Prosopis species, it is…”
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