Search Results - "Mikkonen, Janne"
Evaluating the Role of Parental Education and Adolescent Health Problems in Educational Attainment
Published in Demography (01-12-2020)“…This article reconsiders the role of social origin in health selection by examining whether parental education moderates the association between early health…”
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Association between birth weight and educational attainment: an individual-based pooled analysis of nine twin cohorts
Published in Journal of epidemiology and community health (1979) (01-09-2018)“…BackgroundThere is evidence that birth weight is positively associated with education, but it remains unclear whether this association is explained by familial…”
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Using age difference and sex similarity to detect evidence of sibling influence on criminal offending
Published in Psychological medicine (01-07-2022)“…Sibling resemblance in crime may be due to genetic relatedness, shared environment, and/or the interpersonal influence of siblings on each other. This latter…”
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Early Adolescent Health Problems, School Performance, and Upper Secondary Educational Pathways: A Counterfactual-Based Mediation Analysis
Published in Social forces (01-03-2021)“…Early health problems predict lower educational attainment, but it remains unclear whether this is due to health problems weakening school performance or due…”
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The Population Impact of Childhood Health Conditions on Dropout from Upper-Secondary Education
Published in The Journal of pediatrics (01-05-2018)“…To quantify how large a part of educational dropout is due to adverse childhood health conditions and to estimate the risk of dropout across various physical…”
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Nuoruusiän terveysongelmien vaikutus koulutuspolkuihin
Published in Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti (16-12-2021)Get full text
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No causal associations between childhood family income and subsequent psychiatric disorders, substance misuse and violent crime arrests: a nationwide Finnish study of >650 000 individuals and their siblings
Published in International journal of epidemiology (10-11-2021)“…Abstract Background Childhood family income has been shown to be associated with later psychiatric disorders, substance misuse and violent crime, but the…”
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No causal associations between childhood family income and subsequent psychiatric disorders, substance misuse and violent crime arrests: a nationwide Finnish study of > 650 000 individuals and their siblings
Published in International journal of epidemiology (2021)“…Background: Childhood family income has been shown to be associated with later psychiatric disorders, substance misuse and violent crime, but the consistency,…”
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The changing contribution of childhood social characteristics to mortality: a comparison of Finnish cohorts born in 1936–50 and 1961–75
Published in International journal of epidemiology (01-06-2020)“…Abstract Background Life course epidemiology suggests that early life circumstances affect adult mortality, but most of the evidence is based on cohorts born…”
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Intergenerational transmission of depressive symptoms – the role of gender, socioeconomic circumstances, and the accumulation of parental symptoms
Published in Journal of affective disorders (01-11-2016)“…Abstract Background The relationship between parental and offspring depression is well established. Evidence regarding the significance of gender,…”
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