Search Results - "Michael Goller"
Dynamics of persistence, withdrawal, and dropout intentions in the initial phase of nursing training: a qualitative longitudinal study
Published in Empirical research in vocational education and training (01-12-2024)“…Taking the perspective of career choice as a lifelong, iterative, constructive, and agentic process, the present study focuses on the development of vocational…”
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Expertise Development at Work: A Workplace Curriculum Perspective in the Domains of Sales Representatives and Leadership Coaches in a German Context
Published in International journal for research in vocational education and training (01-12-2024)“…Context: Active engagement and participation in professional practices are an important requirement for expertise development in vocational domains. However,…”
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Supporting young immigrants in their transition from school to work? A staff perspective on challenges of vocational integration classes
Published in International journal for research in vocational education and training (01-04-2022)“…Context: The implementation of successful measures to support immigrants' integration in cultural, social, and economic life can be considered as one of…”
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Digitalisation in agriculture: knowledge and learning requirements of German dairy farmers
Published in International journal for research in vocational education and training (2021)“…Purpose: This study aims at investigating how digitalisation (in the sense of industry 4.0) has changed the work of farmers and how they experience the changes…”
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Conceptual Change in the Face of Digitalization: Challenges for Workplaces and Workplace Learning
Published in Frontiers in education (Lausanne) (29-01-2020)“…The article discusses the explanatory power of conceptual change for research on workplace learning in digitalized workplaces. Interestingly, research on…”
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Effects of age, gender and occupation on perceived workplace learning support
Published in International Journal of Training Research (02-01-2015)“…The provision of workplace support is central to how and what is and can be learnt at work. Hence, the distribution of those experiences is an important factor…”
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Sharing of control between an interactive shopping robot and it's user in collaborative tasks
Published in 19th International Symposium in Robot and Human Interactive Communication (01-09-2010)“…An important challenge in service robotics is to design user interfaces and interaction capabilities that can be used intuitively to enable the potential users…”
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Engineering students' learning during internships: Exploring the explanatory power of the job demands‐control‐support model
Published in Journal of engineering education (Washington, D.C.) (01-04-2020)“…Background Internships are highly relevant learning experiences for engineering students. However, such practice‐based learning settings must be carefully…”
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Finnish and German student teachers’ motivations for choosing teaching as a career. The first application of the FIT-Choice scale in Finland
Published in Teaching and teacher education (01-10-2019)“…This study introduces and validates the Finnish version of the FIT-Choice scale and uses the scale to explore Finnish undergraduate students' motivations for…”
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The Differential Influence of Learner Factors and Learning Context on Different Professional Learning Activities
Published in Vocations and Learning (01-10-2021)“…Participation in designated learning opportunities and engagement in workplace learning are very different kinds of professional learning activities: Whereas…”
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Becoming a Nurse Aide: An Investigation of an Existing Workplace Curriculum in a Nursing Home
Published in Vocations and Learning (01-04-2019)“…Although nurse aides take on a high share of care activities in nursing homes, almost nothing is known about how they develop the knowledge and skills to do…”
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Between Trust and Ambivalence: How Does Trainee Teachers’ Perception of the Relationship With Their Mentors Explain How Trainee Teachers Experience Their Work?
Published in Vocations and learning (01-07-2024)“…The study aims to identify profiles of trainee teachers in terms of their stress and work experiences and to uncover profile differences in regard to dropout…”
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Aufgaben, Ziele und Betreuungsstrategien von am Praxissemester beteiligten Lehrkräften
Published in PraxisForschungLehrer*innenBildung (01-06-2021)“…Im Praxissemester sind Mentor*innen für Studierende wichtige Bezugspersonen und Kooperationspartner*innen, die die Studierenden u.a. bei der Planung,…”
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A System Model for Cooperative RFID Readpoints
Published in IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement (01-10-2014)“…Exploiting spatial diversity by means of cooperative readpoints is a popular approach to the missing tag problem in radio frequency identification (RFID)…”
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Relative Tag Locations Based on Time-Differences in Read Events for Practical Applications
Published in IEEE journal of radio frequency identification (Online) (01-03-2020)“…Over the course of recent years, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has been applied in many different business domains to solve, for example,…”
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Die professionelle pädagogische Beziehung zwischen Referendarinnen und ihren Seminarlehrkräften: Belastungsfaktor oder Ressource?
Published in Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (2022)“…Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der professionellen pädagogischen Beziehung zwischen Referendar*innen und ihren Seminarlehrkräften, deren Beitrag…”
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Range Estimation and Performance Limits for UHF-RFID Backscatter Channels
Published in IEEE journal of radio frequency identification (Online) (01-03-2017)“…The accuracy of time-of-flight-based ranging over ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) backscatter channels is fundamentally…”
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SeCoS: Web of Things platform based on a microservices architecture and support of time-awareness
Published in Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (01-06-2016)“…New types of RFID applications require an intelligent connection between real world objects and software services. This also requires a new approach in the…”
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Effects of age, gender and occupation on perceived workplace learning support
Published in The international journal of training research (01-04-2015)“…The provision of workplace support is central to how and what is and can be learnt at work. Hence, the distribution of those experiences is an important factor…”
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Methods for Researching Professional Learning and Development: Challenges, Applications and Empirical Illustrations. Professional and Practice-Based Learning. Volume 33
Published in Methods for Researching Professional Learning and Development Challenges, Applications and Empirical Illustrations (31-08-2022)“…This volume provides alternatives for tackling existing empirical, methodological, and analytical challenges. It does so by providing a broad overview of less…”
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