Search Results - "Michálková, Helena"
Comparison between EWGSOP1 and EWGSOP2 criteria and modelling of diagnostic algorithm for sarcopenic obesity in over 70 years old patients
Published in European geriatric medicine (01-06-2022)“…Key summary points Aim This study proposed to compare performance of sarcopenia EWGSOP2 (Cruz-Jentoft et al. in Age Ageing 48:16–31, 2019) and EWGSOP1…”
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Patient's level of information on prevention of cardiovascular diseases
Published in Cor et vasa (English ed.) (20-10-2019)Get full text
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The quality of health of the Czech population at the age of 40+ using the Short Form - 36 (SF-36) questionnaire
Published in Kontakt (01-01-2020)Get full text
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Opinions regarding the effectiveness of non-pharmacological measures in prevention of cardiovascular disease in the Czech Republic
Published in Neuro-endocrinology letters (01-12-2016)“…Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of deaths. Cardiovascular mortality is influenced by several factors that can be changed by our behaviour…”
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Areas of health-education of physicians and nurses in care for cardiac patients from the perspective of citizens of the Czech Republic
Published in Neuro-endocrinology letters (01-12-2016)“…The goal of this article was to assess the delivery of patient health-education, relative to cardiovascular disease from the perspective of physicians and…”
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Education in the area of heart and vessel diseases for 40+ citizens
Published in Cor et vasa (English ed.) (01-12-2018)“…The heart and vessel diseases rank among main causes of death worldwide. In the Czech Republic, they account for a high proportion of hospitalizations…”
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Using the Multidimensional Prognostic Index (MPI) to improve cost-effectiveness of interventions in multimorbid frail older persons: results and final recommendations from the MPI_AGE European Project
Published in Aging clinical and experimental research (01-05-2020)“…MPI_AGE is a European Union co-funded research project aimed to use the Multidimensional Prognostic Index (MPI), a validated Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment…”
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Kvalita zdraví u české populace 40+ dle dotazníku Short Form - 36 (SF-36)
Published in Kontakt (01-01-2020)“…Kardiovaskulární choroby patří k hlavním příčinám úmrtí nejen v mnoha vyspělých zemích, ale i v zemích rozvojových. Podpora zdraví a preventivní činnosti mají…”
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Finances of the citizens of the Czech Republic spent on sports activities to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases
Published in Kontakt (13-12-2019)Get full text
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The importance of education on physical activities regarding cardiovascular illnesses
Published in Kontakt (27-03-2019)Get full text
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Perception of nutrition education by the Czech population of 40
Published in Hygiena (Prague, Czech Republic : 2006) (30-11-2018)Get full text
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Význam edukace o pohybové aktivitě v prevenci kardiovaskulárních onemocnění
Published in Kontakt (01-01-2019)“…Cílem příspěvku je popsat přínos pohybové aktivity v prevenci kardiovaskulárních onemocnění a možnosti sester a lékařů při poskytování zdravotní edukace v…”
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Finanční prostředky občanů České republiky vynakládané do sportovních aktivit v kontextu prevence a léčby kardiovaskulárních onemocnění
Published in Kontakt (01-01-2019)“…Sportovní aktivity nepochybně patří mezi významné faktory, kterými lze ovlivnit u jedinců vznik a rozvoj kardiovaskulárních onemocnění. Cílem tohoto příspěvku…”
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Sociální opora v edukaci pacientů s kardiovaskulárními chorobami: situace v České republice
Published in Kontakt (01-01-2019)“…Výskyt kardiovaskulárních chorob je vázán na rizikové faktory životního stylu. Tradičními ovlivnitelnými faktory jsou kouření, výživa, fyzická aktivita a…”
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Social support in the education of patients with cardiovascular diseases: the situation in the Czech Republic
Published in Kontakt (18-09-2019)Get full text
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Using the Multidimensional Prognostic Index to Predict Clinical Outcomes of Hospitalized Older Persons: A Prospective, Multicenter, International Study
Published in The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences (01-10-2019)“…Multidimensional Prognostic Index (MPI) is useful as a prognostic tool in hospitalized older patients, but our knowledge is derived from retrospective studies…”
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Preserving Mobility in Older Adults with Physical Frailty and Sarcopenia: Opportunities, Challenges, and Recommendations for Physical Activity Interventions
Published in Clinical interventions in aging (01-01-2020)“…One of the most widely conserved hallmarks of aging is a decline in functional capabilities. Mobility loss is particularly burdensome due to its association…”
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Frailty and anticoagulants in older subjects with atrial fibrillation: the EUROSAF study
Published in Age and ageing (02-11-2023)“…Abstract Aims Literature regarding anticoagulants in older people affected by atrial fibrillation (AF) is limited to retrospective studies, poorly considering…”
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Can the Multidimensional Prognostic Index Improve the Identification of Older Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 Likely to Benefit from Mechanical Ventilation? An Observational, Prospective, Multicenter Study
Published in Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (01-09-2022)“…Data on prognostic tools for indicating mechanical ventilation in older people with COVID-19 are still limited. The aim of this research was to evaluate if the…”
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The Role of Multidimensional Prognostic Index to Identify Hospitalized Older Adults with COVID-19 Who Can Benefit from Remdesivir Treatment: An Observational, Prospective, Multicenter Study
Published in Drugs & aging (01-07-2023)“…Background Data regarding the importance of multidimensional frailty to guide clinical decision making for remdesivir use in older patients with coronavirus…”
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