Search Results - "Meziou, O."
2555 – Violence in the mental patients: risk factors and comorbidities
Published in European psychiatry (2013)“…Introduction Several studies suggest that people with serious mental illness represent a higher risk of violent acting out than the general population…”
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Social and Professional Functioning of a Schizophrenia Patients Sample in Tunisia
Published in European psychiatry (28-03-2015)“…Introduction Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder that can lead to poor social and professional performances. Objectives and Aims To assess the study's…”
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Depression of the Institutionalized Elderly
Published in European psychiatry (28-03-2015)“…Introduction The aging of the population is a characteristic phenomenon of Western countries and soon in Tunisia. An average of 20% of the population aged over…”
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Bipolarity: Which Mask Today?
Published in European psychiatry (28-03-2015)“…Introduction The limits of bipolar disorder can be difficult to trace and they merge with other syndromic groups, and this is a diagnostic and therapeutic…”
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Temperament and Substance Abuse: is There a Relationship?
Published in European psychiatry (28-03-2015)“…Introduction The involvement of affective temperaments in the field of addiction and addictive conducts has been studied very little, despite the interest that…”
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Depression among patients affected by the human immunodeficiency virus
Published in Médecine et maladies infectieuses (01-08-2018)Get full text
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P-05-007 Erectile dysfunction among injecting drug users in Tunisia
Published in Journal of sexual medicine (01-05-2016)Get full text
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Évaluation de la fonction sexuelle chez les femmes consultant pour un premier épisode dépressif majeur
Published in Sexologies : European journal of sexology (01-11-2016)“…La dépression, état pathologique à prédominance féminine, ne se limite pas à des changements affectifs, mais touche aussi la fonction sexuelle. Évaluer la…”
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Ingénierie, climatologie et topographie de l'être-dans-le-monde – Des îles pour penser l'architecture ?
Published in Geographica Helvetica (21-02-2019)“…This text is an architect's reading of the last volume of Peter Sloterdijk's trilogy Ecumes (Foam), particularly the two chapters “Insulations” and “Indoors”…”
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Dépression chez les patients atteints du virus de l’immunodéficience humaine
Published in Médecine et maladies infectieuses (01-08-2018)Get full text
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Dépression chez les patients atteints du virus de l’immunodéficience humaine
Published in Médecine et maladies infectieuses (01-08-2018)Get full text
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