Search Results - "Mello, Clarissa P"
Involvement of Nitric Oxide on Bothropoides insularis Venom Biological Effects on Murine Macrophages In Vitro
Published in PloS one (14-03-2016)“…Viperidae venom has several local and systemic effects, such as pain, edema, inflammation, kidney failure and coagulopathy. Additionally, bothropic venom and…”
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Bothropoides pauloensis venom effects on isolated perfused kidney and cultured renal tubular epithelial cells
Published in Toxicon (Oxford) (15-12-2015)“…Snake envenomation (Bothrops genus) is common in tropical countries and acute kidney injury is one of the complications observed in Bothrops snakebite with…”
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Bothropoides insularis venom cytotoxicity in renal tubular epithelia cells
Published in Toxicon (Oxford) (01-09-2014)“…Bothropoides insularis (jararaca-ilhoa) is a native endemic snake limited to the specific region of Queimada Island, on São Paulo coast. Several local and…”
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Involvement of Nitric Oxide on Bothropoides insularis Venom Biological Effects on Murine Macrophages In Vitro: e0151029
Published in PloS one (01-03-2016)“…Viperidae venom has several local and systemic effects, such as pain, edema, inflammation, kidney failure and coagulopathy. Additionally, bothropic venom and…”
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