Search Results - "Melchior, Melissa de Oliveira"
Effects of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy on Temporomandibular Disorders
Published in Cranio (01-10-2010)“…The objectives of the current study were to analyze the effects of orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) on the treatment of subjects with associated articular…”
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How do the mindfulness and sensory‐behavioural‐emotional aspects influence the painful experience related to temporomandibular disorder?
Published in Journal of oral rehabilitation (01-07-2024)“…Background Chronic pain is persistent or recurrent pain lasting longer than 3 months. The experience of temporomandibular disorder (TMD)‐related pain is…”
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Can high pain intensity and catastrophizing interfere with the cognitive performance of women with chronic pain related TMD? A cross-sectional study
Published in Journal of applied oral science (01-01-2023)“…Interventions based on pain education and self-management are dependent on factors such as attention, memory, concentration, and executive function. To explore…”
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Mindfulness and pain catastrophization: how are they associated in women with chronic painful temporomandibular disorder (TMD)?
Published in Cranio (20-06-2022)“…Pain catastrophizing has dimensions of magnification, rumination, and helplessness, being an important evaluator of chronic pain. Studies with mindfulness…”
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Is the Masticatory Function Changed in Patients with Temporomandibular Disorder?
Published in Brazilian dental journal (01-04-2015)“…Patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) often complain and have limitation in masticatory function, which can be affected by a complex interaction of…”
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Temporomandibular disorders and Burnout syndrome in students of the eighth period of dentistry course
Published in RGO - Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia (2019)“…ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the incidence of painful temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and Burnout Syndrome (BS) in Dentistry students, based on the…”
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Does Low Intensity Laser Therapy Reduce Pain and Change Orofacial Myofunctional Conditions?
Published in Cranio (01-04-2013)“…Due to its multifactorial pain aspects, combined therapies are required for the the comprehensive management of temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD)…”
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Rapid maxillary expansion in the treatment of the functional posterior crossbite: joint noise and electromyographic activity analysis
Published in Revista de Odontologia da UNESP (2019)“…Abstract Introduction The rapid maxillary expansion (RME) reduces the risk of developing structural and functional disorders in the stomatognathic system…”
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Otologic Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorder and Effect of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
Published in Cranio (01-04-2008)“…The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of otologic symptoms and their relationship to orofacial signs and symptoms of temporomandibular…”
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Relação da DTM dolorosa com a função de fala: Quais as possíveis características de movimentos mandibulares e os principais sintomas relatados?
Published in CoDAS (São Paulo) (2019)“…RESUMO Objetivo Analisar os movimentos mandibulares de pacientes com DTM dolorosa durante a função de fala, a fim de compreender possíveis alterações e quais…”
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Temporomandibular disorders and parafunctional oral habits: an anamnestic study
Published in Dental press journal of orthodontics (01-04-2012)“…OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency and severity of the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), the frequency of parafunctional oral habits and…”
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Efeito do tratamento fonoaudiológico após a laserterapia de baixa intensidade em pacientes com DTM: estudo descritivo
Published in CoDAS (São Paulo) (01-12-2016)“…RESUMO O aumento da dor/desconforto durante atividades como mastigar, falar e deglutir é comumente relatado por pacientes com Disfunção Temporomandibular (DTM)…”
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Clinical Validity of the Protocol for Multi-Professional Centers for the Determination of Signs and Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders. Part II
Published in Cranio (01-01-2009)“…The aims of this study were to analyze the criterion and construct validity of Part II of the protocol for multi-professional centers for the determination of…”
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Electromyographic Evaluation of Neuromuscular Coordination of Subject After Orthodontic Intervention
Published in Cranio (01-07-2009)“…The aim of this work was to investigate the neuromuscular changes associated with the orthodontic post-treatment using surface electromyography. One hundred…”
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Low-level lasertherapy associated to occlusal splint to treat temporomandibular disorder: controlled clinical trial
Published in Revista dor (01-03-2017)“…ABSTRACT BACKROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Most widely used treatment modality for temporomandibular disorders is the occlusal splint. Low-level lasertherapy has been…”
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The bruxism paradigm in the absence of teeth: observational crosssectional study in full denture users
Published in BrJP (2023)Get full text
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Examination of Information Quality on Public Instagram Profiles Regarding Botulinum Toxin for Bruxism: A Study in São Paulo State, Brazil
Published in Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry (01-07-2024)“…Currently, social media emerges as a swift and efficient channel for disseminating knowledge in dentistry; however, it is imperative to assess whether this…”
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Influence of cognitive performance on the response to pain education guidelines in patients with chronic painful temporomandibular disorders
Published in BrJP (01-10-2022)Get full text
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Evaluation of the impact on quality of life of patients with temporomandibular disorders
Published in Revista dor (01-09-2015)“…ABSTRACTBACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:Chronic pain, such as temporomandibular disorder, often leads to significant changes in quality of life. This study aimed at…”
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Influence of tongue exercise and orofacial myofunctional status on the electromyographic activity and pain of chronic painful TMD
Published in Cranio (03-09-2021)“…Objective: To analyze the influence of tongue exercise and myofunctional status on the electromyographic activity (EMG) and pain perception in individuals with…”
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