Search Results - "Meister, Einar"
Articulatory properties of Estonian palatalization by Russian L1 speakers
Published in Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri (01-01-2022)“…We studied the articulatory and temporal properties of Estonian palatalization by Russian L1 Estonian L2 speakers and compared the results to Estonian native…”
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Vokaalide ja klusiilide intensiivsussuhted laulmisel teksti arusaadavuse mõjutajana
Published in Mäetagused (01-12-2023)“…Background. In operatic singing, poor text intelligibility is often a problem. Some voice teachers believe that singers should articulate consonants more…”
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Production of Estonian vowels by Finnish speakers
Published in Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri (01-01-2019)“…In the study, we examined the production of Estonian vowel categories by second language (L2) speakers of Estonian (native language Finnish) and compared them…”
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Production of Estonian quantity contrasts by Japanese speakers
Published in Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri (2015)“…Estonian and Japanese are quantity languages both exploiting the duration cue to implement phonological contrasts. However, the quantity systems of the two…”
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Keeleressursside loomise ja kasutamisega seonduvaid isikuandmete kaitse küsimusi
Published in Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat (01-01-2018)“…Kui keeleressursside autoriõiguslikke küsimusi on eelnevalt põhjalikult uuritud, siis isikuandmete kaitse temaatika keeleressursside kontekstis on suurelt…”
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Estonian Elderly Speech Corpus – Design, Collection and Preliminary Acoustic Analysis
Published in Baltic Journal of Modern Computing (2022)“…Elderly speech has been found challenging for automatic speech recognition systems due to the lack of suitable training data and due to age-related…”
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The intensities of vowels and plosive bursts and their impact on text intelligibility in singing
Published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (01-10-2023)“…In classical singing, there are often problems with the intelligibility of sung text. The present study aims to test the hypotheses that (1) in loud operatic…”
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The intensities of vowels and plosive bursts and their impact on text intelligibility in singinga
Published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (01-10-2023)“…In classical singing, there are often problems with the intelligibility of sung text. The present study aims to test the hypotheses that (1) in loud operatic…”
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Automaatse segmentimise hindamine
Published in Mäetagused (01-12-2017)“…The use of large speech corpora in phonetic research depends to a great extent on the availability and quality of phonetic segmentation and transcriptions. As…”
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Perception of the short vs. long phonological category in Estonian by native and non-native listeners
Published in Journal of phonetics (01-04-2011)“…This paper studies the perception of Estonian duration-based phonological oppositions by native Estonians and non-native speakers with Russian-language…”
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Detection of Bulbar Involvement in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by Machine Learning Voice Analysis: Diagnostic Decision Support Development Study
Published in JMIR medical informatics (10-03-2021)“…Bulbar involvement is a term used in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) that refers to motor neuron impairment in the corticobulbar area of the brainstem,…”
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Vowel quantity and quality perception in Finnish and Estonian speakers
Published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (01-04-2009)“…Vowel quality perception in quantity languages might be expected to be unrelated to duration of the vowels since duration is used to realize phonemic duration…”
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Durational patterns in Northern Estonian and Northern Finnish
Published in Journal of phonetics (01-01-2013)“…Estonian and Finnish are closely related languages in which quantity is extensively exploited for lexical and grammatical purposes (in both consonants and…”
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Real-time mimicking of estonian speaker's mouth movements on a 3D avatar using Kinect 2
Published in 2015 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) (01-10-2015)“…In this paper an algorithm for the real-time imitation of lips movements of an Estonian speaker on a 3D avatar is proposed. This research is focused on…”
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