Search Results - "Medeiros, Paulo Ricardo Petter"
Assessment of the trophic status of four coastal lagoons and one estuarine delta, eastern Brazil
Published in Environmental monitoring and assessment (01-04-2013)“…Anthropogenic eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems continues to be one of the major environmental issues worldwide and also of Brazil. Over the last five…”
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A Multivariate Analysis Framework to Detect Key Environmental Factors Affecting Spatiotemporal Variability of Chlorophyll-a in a Tropical Productive Estuarine-Lagoon System
Published in Remote sensing (Basel, Switzerland) (01-06-2018)“…Here, we demonstrate how a combination of three multivariate statistic techniques can identify key environmental factors affecting the seasonal and spatial…”
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Circulation and salt balance in the São Francisco river Estuary (NE/Brazil)
Published in Revista brasileira de recursos hídricos (2017)“…ABSTRACT In order to evaluate how river discharge and tidal currents forcing influence the circulation and salt transport within the São Francisco…”
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Changes in nutrient loads (N, P and Si) in the São Francisco estuary after the construction of dams
Published in Brazilian archives of biology and technology (01-04-2011)“…The aim of this study was to investigate the post-dam conditions of the loads and yields of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), orthophosphate (DIP, silicate…”
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A satellite view of riverine turbidity plumes on the NE-E Brazilian coastal zone
Published in Brazilian journal of oceanography (01-09-2012)“…Turbidity plumes of São Francisco, Caravelas, Doce, and Paraiba do Sul river systems, located along the NE/E Brazilian coast, are analyzed for their dispersal…”
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Nutrients Load Estimation in a Regulated Streamflow Estuary: The São Francisco Estuary (NE/Brazil)
Published in Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia (01-12-2020)“…Abstract This study aimed to estimate the nutrients concentration variability in the São Francisco estuary from observed data during the summer and winter…”
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Inter-annual variability on the water quality in the Lower São Francisco River (NE-Brazil)
Published in Acta limnológica brasiliensia (2016)“…Aim This study characterized the water quality in the lower São Francisco River (NE-Brazil).This research represents the first work to be carried out in the…”
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Distribution of prokaryotic organisms in a tropical estuary influenced by sugar cane agriculture in northeast Brazil
Published in Brazilian journal of microbiology (01-10-2010)“…In a joint Brazilian-German case study, distribution patterns of microorganisms were compared with environmental variables in the tropical coastal Manguaba…”
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Anthropic Action and the Eutrophication Process in the Paraíba do Meio River
Published in Sociedade & natureza : revista do Departamento de Geografia da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (09-01-2023)“…The appropriation and use of a hydrographic basin by society is a historical process, necessary and, above all, a generator of environmental problems that…”
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Variabilidade da precipitação no rio Paraíba do Meio (AL): influência na vazão e nas cargas de fósforo dissolvido
Published in Boletim de geografia (24-09-2021)“…Estudos voltados às bacias hidrográficas são indispensáveis. Assim, este estudo objetiva analisar a variabilidade da precipitação e sua influência na vazão e…”
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A Ação Antrópica e o Processo de Eutrofização no Rio Paraíba do Meio
Published in Sociedade & natureza : revista do Departamento de Geografia da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (09-01-2023)“…A apropriação e uso de uma bacia hidrográfica, pela sociedade, é um processo histórico, necessário e, sobretudo, gerador de problemas ambientais que alteram,…”
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Diagnosis of environmental impact related to the deposit of solid urban waste (RSUS) in the contact between the Cidade de Deus neighborhood and the Alameda das Flores Subdivision, in Viçosa/AL-Diagnóstico de impacto ambiental referente ao depósito de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSUS) no contato entre o bairro Cidade de Deus e o Loteamento Alameda das Flores, em Viçosa/AL
Published in Diversitas Journal (01-04-2020)“…The present work highlights the formation of a solid waste deposit, popularly known as dump, in the contact between the Cidade de Deus neighborhood and the…”
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Inter-annual variability on the water quality in the Lower São Francisco River (NE-Brazil)/Variabilidade inter-anual na qualidade da água no Baixo Rio São Francisco (NE-Brasil)
Published in Acta limnológica brasiliensia (01-01-2016)“…Aim: This study characterized the water quality in the lower São Francisco River (NE-Brazil).This research represents the first work to be carried out in the…”
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IMPLICAÇÕES SOCIOAMBIENTAIS DO PROCESSO DE APROPRIAÇÃO E USO DO RIO PARAÍBA DO MEIO EM VIÇOSA (AL) / Social and environmental implications of the process of appropriation and use of the River Paraíba do meio in Viçosa (AL)
Published in Revista GeoNorte (29-06-2018)“…O homem ao longo de sua história evolutiva tem aperfeiçoado, por meio do trabalho, seus instrumentos e técnicas, usando-os para se relacionar com a natureza e…”
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Diagnóstico de impacto ambiental referente ao depósito de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSUS) no contato entre o bairro Cidade de Deus e o Loteamento Alameda das Flores, em Viçosa/AL
Published in Diversitas Journal (07-04-2020)“…RESUMO: O presente trabalho destaca a formação de um depósito de resíduo sólido, conhecido popularmente como lixão, no contato entre o bairro Cidade de Deus e…”
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Estimativa do fluxo de material em suspensão do Rio Paraíba do Meio (AL)
Published in Revista de Geociências do Nordeste (27-10-2016)“…O Rio Paraíba do Meio é considerado um rio de pequeno porte e não possui estudos referentes ao transporte de material em suspensão cujo ele é capaz de…”
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Origem da matéria orgânica sedimentar no delta-estuarino do Rio São Francisco, AL/SE – Brasil
Published in Geochimica Brasiliensis (01-09-2013)“…O Rio São Francisco (RSF) possui uma cascata de barragens, construídas entre 1975 e 1994, que reduziu drasticamente a vazão e o aporte de matéria para a zona…”
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Comparação de Modelos e Índices para Avaliação do Estado Trófico do Complexo Estuarino-Lagunar Mundaú-Manguaba, (AL)
Published in Geochimica Brasiliensis (01-02-2013)“…A eutrofização tem se tornado uma das maiores ameaças aos ecossistemas aquáticos. No presente estudo, o estado trófico e a eutrofização do Complexo…”
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