Search Results - "McLaughlin, Kendra J."
Reliability of the Term “Serious Mental Illness”: A Systematic Review
Published in Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.) (01-11-2022)“…Objective:The term “serious mental illness” (SMI) is widely used across research, practice, and policy settings. However, there is no consistent operational…”
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Journal Article -
Jurors' perceptions of scientific testimony: The role of gender and testimony complexity in trials involving DNA evidence
Published in Cogent psychology (31-12-2016)“…With continuous advancements in forensic science, expert testimony has become more common in criminal proceedings. This study (N = 170) sought to examine the…”
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The influence of defendant race and mental disorder type on mock juror decision-making in insanity trials
Published in International journal of law and psychiatry (01-01-2020)“…This study examined the joint influence of defendant race (Black/White) and mental disorder type (schizophrenia/depression) on mock juror decisions in a Not…”
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Self-forgiveness: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Published in Social and personality psychology compass (01-08-2014)“…Traditionally, self‐forgiveness has been framed as a process that helps facilitate psychological as well as physiological well‐being following wrongdoing. In…”
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Journal Article -
The pressure to be cured
Published in Briar patch (01-09-2022)“…Psy-discourse is an important part of how psy-experts describe and manage people who may have used mental health services, have cognitive disabilities, or have…”
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Magazine Article -
Ingesting surveillance
Published in Briar patch (01-05-2021)“…According to some people, this is not just a health issue but an economic problem, said to cost the Canadian government billions of dollars yearly in…”
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Magazine Article