Search Results - "McDonald, C. J"

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  1. 1

    Deficits in visuospatial processing contribute to quantitative measures of freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease by Nantel, J, McDonald, J.C, Tan, S, Bronte-Stewart, H

    Published in Neuroscience (27-09-2012)
    “…Highlights ► Freezers showed deficits in visuospatial perception/reasoning versus non-freezers. ► Deficits in visuospatial processing were correlated with…”
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  2. 2

    Fire behavior characteristics of buffelgrass-fueled fires and native plant community composition in invaded patches by McDonald, C.J., McPherson, G.R.

    Published in Journal of arid environments (01-11-2011)
    “…Buffelgrass invasions have been documented in Australia to North America, pointing to an end result of large-scale wildfires. In heavily populated areas such…”
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  3. 3

    Rising incidence and persistently high mortality of hospitalized pneumonia: a 10‐year population‐based study in Denmark by THOMSEN, R. W., RIIS, A., NØRGAARD, M., JACOBSEN, J., CHRISTENSEN, S., MCDONALD, C. J., SØRENSEN, H. T.

    Published in Journal of internal medicine (01-04-2006)
    “… Background.  Little is known about temporal trends in the incidence and mortality of pneumonia in the general population. Methods.  We conducted a…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
  4. 4

    Lung cancer and exposure to arsenic in rural Bangladesh by Mostafa, M G, McDonald, J C, Cherry, N M

    “…Background: Arsenic is a known carcinogen but the risk of lung cancer from the widespread contamination of drinking water in rural Bangladesh has not been…”
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  5. 5

    Incidence by occupation and industry of acute work related respiratory diseases in the UK, 1992–2001 by McDonald, J C, Chen, Y, Zekveld, C, Cherry, N M

    “…Aims: To summarise incidence rates and epidemiological characteristics of new cases of work related respiratory disease reported by specialist physicians in…”
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  6. 6

    Mortality in a cohort of vermiculite miners exposed to fibrous amphibole in Libby, Montana by McDonald, J C, Harris, J, Armstrong, B

    “…Background: Fibrous tremolite is a widespread amphibole asbestiform mineral, airborne fibres of which constitute an environmental hazard in Libby, Montana,…”
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  7. 7

    Rapid Prototyping of Microfluidic Systems in Poly(dimethylsiloxane) by Duffy, David C, McDonald, J. Cooper, Schueller, Olivier J. A, Whitesides, George M

    Published in Analytical chemistry (Washington) (01-12-1998)
    “…This paper describes a procedure that makes it possible to design and fabricate (including sealing) microfluidic systems in an elastomeric…”
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    The epidemiology of mesothelioma in historical context by McDonald, JC, McDonald, AD

    Published in The European respiratory journal (01-09-1996)
    “…Primary malignant mesothelial tumours were recognized by pathologists before asbestiform minerals (chrysotile, crocidolite and amosite) were mined…”
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    Heat shock protein inhibitors increase the efficacy of measles virotherapy by Liu, C, Erlichman, C, McDonald, C J, Ingle, J N, Zollman, P, Iankov, I, Russell, S J, Galanis, E

    Published in Gene therapy (01-07-2008)
    “…Oncolytic measles virus strains have activity against multiple tumor types and are currently in phase I clinical testing. Induction of the heat shock protein…”
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    Asbestos, asbestosis, and lung cancer: a critical assessment of the epidemiological evidence by Hessel, P A, Gamble, J F, McDonald, J C

    Published in Thorax (01-05-2005)
    “…The question of whether lung cancer can be attributed to asbestos exposure in the absence of asbestosis remains controversial. Nine key epidemiological papers…”
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    An Integrated Fluorescence Detection System in Poly(dimethylsiloxane) for Microfluidic Applications by Chabinyc, Michael L, Chiu, Daniel T, McDonald, J. Cooper, Stroock, Abraham D, Christian, James F, Karger, Arieh M, Whitesides, George M

    Published in Analytical chemistry (Washington) (15-09-2001)
    “…This paper describes a prototype of an integrated fluorescence detection system that uses a microavalanche photodiode (μAPD) as the photodetector for…”
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  12. 12

    Medical heuristics : the silent adjudicators of clinical practice by MCDONALD, C. J

    Published in Annals of internal medicine (1996)
    “…Robust scientific conclusions are too sparse to inform fully most of the choices that physicians must make about tests and treatments. Instead, ad hoc rules of…”
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  13. 13

    The barriers to electronic medical record systems and how to overcome them by McDonald, C J

    “…Institutions all want electronic medical record (EMR) systems. They want them to solve their record movement problems, to improve the quality and coherence of…”
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  14. 14

    Sixty years on: the price of assembling military gas masks in 1940 by McDonald, J C, Harris, J M, Berry, G

    “…Background: Between 1940 and 1944 military gas masks with filter pads containing 20% crocidolite were assembled in a Nottingham factory. Methods: Records…”
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  15. 15

    Incidence by occupation and industry of work-related skin diseases in the United Kingdom, 1996–2001 by McDonald, J. C., Beck, M. H., Chen, Y., Cherry, Nicola M.

    Published in Occupational medicine (Oxford) (01-09-2006)
    “…Background Work-related skin disease is common but few cases are documented in statutory reports or disability systems. Voluntary reporting by specialist…”
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    Reported incidence of occupational asthma in the United Kingdom, 1989–97 by McDonald, J C, Keynes, H L, Meredith, S K

    “…OBJECTIVES To examine trends in estimated population based incidence of occupational asthma by age, sex, occupation, geographical region, and causal agents…”
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  17. 17

    A randomized trial of "corollary orders" to prevent errors of omission by Overhage, J M, Tierney, W M, Zhou, X H, McDonald, C J

    “…Errors of omission are a common cause of systems failures. Physicians often fail to order tests or treatments needed to monitor/ameliorate the effects of other…”
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  18. 18

    Effects of Pulsed Electric Fields on Microorganisms in Orange Juice Using Electric field Strengths of 30 and 50 kV/cm by McDonald, C.J., Lloyd, S.W., Vitale, M.A., Petersson, K., Innings, F.

    Published in Journal of food science (01-09-2000)
    “…Inactivation of 4 microorganisms in orange juice was investigated in a 100 L/h flowing pulsed electric field (PEF) system. Electric field levels of 30 kV/cm…”
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    A characterization of local LOINC mapping for laboratory tests in three large institutions by Lin, M C, Vreeman, D J, McDonald, C J, Huff, S M

    Published in Methods of information in medicine (01-01-2011)
    “…We characterized the use of laboratory LOINC® codes in three large institutions, focused on the following questions: 1) How many local codes had been…”
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    Allergen exposure, atopy and smoking as determinants of allergy to rats in a cohort of laboratory employees by Cullinan, P, Cook, A, Gordon, S, Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ, Tee, RD, Venables, KM, McDonald, JC, Taylor, AJ

    Published in The European respiratory journal (01-05-1999)
    “…This study aimed to examine the relationship between exposure to rat urinary allergens, atopic status, smoking and the development of allergic symptoms and…”
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