Search Results - "McCarver, D.G"

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  1. 1

    Ethnic Differences in Human Flavin-Containing Monooxygenase 2 (FMO2) Polymorphisms: Detection of Expressed Protein in African-Americans by Whetstine, J.R, Yueh, M.-F, Hopp, K.A, McCarver, D.G, Williams, D.E, Park, C.-S, Kang, J.H, Cha, Y.-N, Dolphin, C.T, Shephard, E.A, Phillips, I.R, Hines, R.N

    Published in Toxicology and applied pharmacology (01-11-2000)
    “…The flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMOs) are a family of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes that are expressed in a species- and tissue-specific manner. FMO2…”
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  2. 2

    Modeling interchild differences in pharmacokinetics on the basis of subject-specific data on physiology and hepatic CYP2E1 levels: A case study with toluene by Nong, A., McCarver, D.G., Hines, R.N., Krishnan, K.

    Published in Toxicology and applied pharmacology (01-07-2006)
    “…The objective of the present study was to evaluate the magnitude of interindividual variability in the internal dose of toluene in children of various age…”
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  4. 4

    Ethnic differences of FMO3 gene mutant alleles by Kang, J.H., Park, C.S., Lee, K.H., Chung, W.G., Baek, H.M., Roh, H.K., Cha, Y.N., McCarver, D.G., Whestine, J.R., Hines, R.N.

    Published in Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics (01-02-1999)
    “…Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (1999) 65, 184–184; doi:…”
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