Search Results - "McCabe, Grainne"
Effects of future climate change on the forests of Madagascar
Published in Ecosphere (Washington, D.C) (01-04-2022)“…Global climate change is continuing to occur at an alarming rate. In addition to increases in global weather extremes, melting of polar ice caps, and…”
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Estimating the population size of the Sanje mangabey (Cercocebus sanjei) using acoustic distance sampling
Published in American journal of primatology (01-02-2020)“…The Sanje mangabey (Cercocebus sanjei) is endemic to the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania, and is classified as Endangered due to its putatively declining…”
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Calibrating occupancy to density estimations to assess abundance and vulnerability of a threatened primate in Tanzania
Published in Ecosphere (Washington, D.C) (01-03-2023)“…The current decline of mammals worldwide makes quantitative population assessments crucial, especially for range‐restricted and threatened species. However,…”
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Effects of Reproductive Status on Energy Intake, Ingestion Rates, and Dietary Composition of Female Cebus capucinus at Santa Rosa, Costa Rica
Published in International journal of primatology (01-08-2007)“…The limiting factor for fitness in female primates is the acquisition of high-quality food, i.e., food that is high in energy and nutrients, such as protein,…”
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Ecology of reproduction in Sanje mangabeys (Cercocebus sanjei): Dietary strategies and energetic condition during a high fruit period
Published in American journal of primatology (01-12-2013)“…The ability to increase energy storage when food is abundant for later use during late gestation and early lactation is often considered the primary benefit of…”
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Reproductive seasonality in wild Sanje mangabeys (Cercocebus sanjei), Tanzania: Relationship between the capital breeding strategy and infant survival
Published in Behaviour (2013)“…The reproductive seasonality model states that it is adaptive for species in seasonally variable environments to temporally cluster reproductive events around…”
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The Current Status of the World’s Primates: Mapping Threats to Understand Priorities for Primate Conservation
Published in International journal of primatology (01-02-2022)“…Over the past decades, primate populations have been declining. Four years ago, >60% of species were listed as threatened. As the rate of loss accelerates and…”
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Failure is the Greatest Teacher: Embracing the Positives of Failure in Primate Conservation
Published in International journal of primatology (01-12-2022)“…“Failure” is recognised as being vital for success in many fields but is seldom embraced in primate conservation or conservation more generally. In this paper,…”
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The low-frequency vocal repertoire of adult African dwarf crocodiles
Published in African journal of herpetology (15-11-2023)“…Acoustic techniques are rapidly becoming powerful tools for species monitoring and biodiversity assessment. These methods can be particularly appropriate for…”
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The impact of the “World's 25 Most Endangered Primates” list on scientific publications and media
Published in Journal for nature conservation (01-04-2020)“…•The ‘World's 25 Most Endangered Primates’ list is a widely recognised report for conservation.•We analyse its impact on scientist and general public, using…”
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Effects of Different Diet Types on Growth and Survival of White-Clawed Crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes in Hatcheries
Published in Frontiers in ecology and evolution (04-03-2021)“…Developing an optimal diet for rearing endangered white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes is important for captive breeding success prior to wild…”
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Determining an effective density regime for rearing juvenile Austropotamobius pallipes in a small‐scale closed system hatchery
Published in Aquaculture research (01-09-2018)“…With recent advances in aquaculture techniques, captive‐breeding of the endangered white‐clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes for restocking is becoming a…”
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Conservation Biogeography of the Dwarf Lemurs (Cheirogaleus) of Madagascar, Investigated via Ecological Niche Modelling
Published in International journal of primatology (01-10-2023)“…Ecological niches are the environmental conditions under which an organism can maintain viable populations. A detailed understanding of an organisms’…”
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The kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn, Malvaceae) as a food source for native vertebrate species during times of resource scarcity and its potential for reforestation in Madagascar
Published in Austral ecology (01-12-2021)“…Reforestation in Madagascar often relies on a few tree species with known properties. Species selection may consider aspects like human use, growth…”
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The use of Vocalizations of the Sambirano Mouse Lemur (Microcebus sambiranensis) in an Acoustic Survey of Habitat Preference
Published in International journal of primatology (01-08-2017)“…Primate vocalizations convey a variety of information to conspecifics. The acoustic traits of these vocalizations are an effective vocal fingerprint to…”
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Sleeping and Ranging Behavior of the Sambirano Mouse Lemur, Microcebus sambiranensis
Published in International journal of primatology (01-12-2017)“…Primates require secure sleeping sites for periods of rest, but despite their importance, the characteristics of desired sleeping sites are poorly known. Here…”
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The long-term effects and detection ranges of passive integrated transponders in white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes
Published in Knowledge and management of aquatic ecosystems (2018)“…Individual identification of the endangered white-clawed crayfish ( Austropotamobius pallipes ) can provide valuable information when assessing long-term…”
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Forest fragmentation and its associated edge-effects reduce tree species diversity, size, and structural diversity in Madagascar’s transitional forests
Published in Biodiversity and conservation (01-08-2023)“…Tropical forests are being cleared at an accelerating rate, despite being one of the most important habitats for global biodiversity. Many remaining tropical…”
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Predictors of dominance rank and agonistic interactions in captive Livingstone’s fruit bats
Published in Current zoology (01-12-2023)“…Male dominance hierarchies have been studied in many animals but rarely in bats (Chiroptera). The dominance rank of social animals may dictate access to…”
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Thirty years of conservation breeding: Assessing the genetic diversity of captive Livingstone's fruit bats
Published in Zoo biology (01-09-2024)“…Fruit bats (genus Pteropus) are typically island‐endemic species important in seed dispersal and reforestation that are vulnerable to increased extinction…”
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