Search Results - "Maza, Verónica de la"
Epidemiology of Meningococcal Disease in Four South American Countries and Rationale of Vaccination in Adolescents from the Region: Position Paper of the Latin American Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (SLIPE)
Published in Vaccines (Basel) (01-12-2023)“…Surveillance of meningococcal disease (MD) is crucial after the implementation of vaccination strategies to monitor their impact on disease burden. Adolescent…”
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Transdisciplinary research before, during and after COVID-19 vaccination in Chile: a virtuoso collaboration with future perspectives
Published in Frontiers in public health (03-04-2024)“…The COVID-19 pandemic presented numerous challenges that required immediate attention to mitigate its devastating consequences on a local and global scale. In…”
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Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Antibody Prevalence in Blood in a Large School Community Subject to a Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak: A Cross-sectional Study
Published in Clinical infectious diseases (15-07-2021)“…BACKGROUNDA severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak affecting 52 people from a large school community in Santiago, Chile, was…”
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Usefulness of Peripheral Blood Cultures in Children With Cancer and Episodes of Fever and Neutropenia
Published in The Pediatric infectious disease journal (01-02-2024)“…The collection of blood cultures (BC) is key for guiding antimicrobial therapy in children with febrile neutropenia (FN), more than 90% have central venous…”
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Clinical Outcome in Children With Cancer With Two or More Microorganisms Isolated From Blood Cultures During Episodes of Fever and Neutropenia
Published in The Pediatric infectious disease journal (01-01-2023)“…Bacterial bloodstream infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children with cancer and episodes of fever and neutropenia (FN). The aim of…”
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Respiratory Viral Infections and Coinfections in Children With Cancer, Fever and Neutropenia: Clinical Outcome of Infections Caused by Different Respiratory Viruses
Published in The Pediatric infectious disease journal (01-09-2016)“…BACKGROUND:Respiratory viral infections in episodes of fever and neutropenia (FN) in children with cancer are not well characterized. We compared the clinical…”
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Impact of a structured educational programme for caregivers of children with cancer on parental knowledge of the disease and paediatric clinical outcomes during the first year of treatment
Published in European journal of cancer care (01-11-2020)“…Objective To assess the impact of a structured educational programme for caregivers of children with cancer on their level of knowledge about the disease and…”
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Re: “Respiratory Viral Infections and Coinfections Caused by Human Metapneumovirus in Children With Cancer”
Published in The Pediatric infectious disease journal (01-09-2017)Get full text
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Cytokine and chemokine profiles in episodes of persistent high-risk febrile neutropenia in children with cancer
Published in Cytokine (Philadelphia, Pa.) (01-12-2021)“…•Etiological diagnosis is relevant in children with febrile neutropenia (FN).•Host response, including cytokines profiles, can guide the differential…”
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Clinical and cost characterization of hospitalization associated with varicella in children from the Metropolitan Region and Valparaíso, Chile
Published in Revista chilena de infectología (01-10-2021)“…Varicella is a relevant infection in Chile and may cause serious complications and death, which could be associated with significant health care resource…”
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Administration Time for the First Dose of Antimicrobials in Episodes of Fever and Neutropenia in Children With Cancer
Published in The Pediatric infectious disease journal (01-10-2015)“…BACKGROUND:Early administration of antimicrobial (AM) is relevant in children with cancer, fever and neutropenia (FN). The recommendation is to administer the…”
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Frequency and Clinical Outcome of Respiratory Viral Infections and Mixed Viral-bacterial Infections in Children With Cancer, Fever and Neutropenia
Published in The Pediatric infectious disease journal (01-09-2012)“…The role of respiratory viral infections (RVIs) as a cause of overall fever and neutropenia (FN) episodes in children with cancer has been less characterized…”
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Respiratory viral infections during episodes of fever in children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Published in Revista chilena de infectología (01-08-2020)“…Children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) can develop respiratory viral infections (RVI) during fever episodes. There are few data about…”
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Microorganismos aislados de hemocultivos y su perfil de resistencia en niños con cáncer y neutropenia febril de alto riesgo. Red PINDA, Chile, 2016-2021
Published in Andes pediatrica : revista Chilena de pediatría (22-04-2024)“…Las bacteriemias son una causa importante de morbimortalidad en pacientes con cáncer y episodios de neutropenia febril de alto riesgo (NFAR).Objetivo:…”
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Lesiones cavitadas pulmonares: diagnóstico diferencial y revisión pictográfica
Published in Revista chilena de radiología (19-07-2023)“…Diversas enfermedades se presentan como nódulos pulmonares cavitados. El espectro de diagnóstico es desafiante, ya que varía desde infecciones agudas hasta…”
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Infecciones respiratorias virales en episodios de fiebre en niños con trasplante de precursores hematopoyéticos
Published in Revista chilena de infectología (01-08-2020)“…Resumen Introducción: Los niños que reciben trasplante de precursores hematopoyéticos (TPH) pueden presentar infecciones respiratorias virales (IRV) durante…”
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Caracterización clínica y microbiológica de episodios de bacteriemia por Streptococcus grupo viridans en niños con cáncer y neutropenia febril de alto riesgo
Published in Revista chilena de infectología (01-08-2020)“…Resumen Introducción: Streptococcus grupo viridans (SGV) ha adquirido relevancia como microorganismo causante de neutropenia febril, asociándose a morbilidad…”
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Efficacy of pre-emptive versus empirical antifungal therapy in children with cancer and high-risk febrile neutropenia: a randomized clinical trial
Published in Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy (01-10-2018)“…To compare the efficacy of pre-emptive versus empirical antifungal therapy in children with cancer, fever and neutropenia. This was a prospective, multicentre,…”
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Epidemiological changes of invasive fungal disease in children with cancer: Prospective study of the National Child Program of Antineoplastic Drugs network, Chile
Published in Mycoses (01-08-2024)“…Background Invasive fungal diseases (IFD) are high morbidity and mortality infections in children with cancer suffering episodes of high‐risk febrile…”
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