Search Results - "Mayer, Iva"
MCP-1, KC-like and IL-8 as critical mediators of pathogenesis caused by Babesia canis
Published in PloS one (01-01-2018)“…Canine babesiosis caused by the intraerythrocytic protozoan parasite Babesia canis is a tick-borne disease characterized by a host response that involves both…”
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Prevalence and Geographic Distribution of Vector-Borne Pathogens in Apparently Healthy Dogs in Croatia
Published in Vector borne and zoonotic diseases (Larchmont, N.Y.) (01-06-2017)“…Vector-borne pathogens (VBPs) are a group of globally extended and quickly spreading pathogens that are transmitted by various arthropod vectors. The aim of…”
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Clinical findings, laboratory data and outcome in dogs with spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism in croatia/Klinicki i laboratorijski nalazi te ishod lijecenja pasa sa spontanim hiperadrenokorticizmom u hrvatskoj
Published in Veterinarski arhiv (01-01-2016)“…Hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) is one of the most common endocrine disorders in dogs, and establishing a diagnosis requires extensive diagnostics. In this study,…”
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Lipid peroxidation in dogs naturally infected with Babesia canis canis/Lipidna peroksidacija u pasa prirodno zarazenih vrstom Babesia canis canis
Published in Veterinarski arhiv (01-01-2015)“…The possible role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of infections caused by parasites has been an active area of research in recent years. The aim of…”
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Arterial blood pressure values in dogs naturally infected with Babesia canis/Vrijednosti arterijskog krvnog tlaka u pasa prirodno invadiranih vrstom Babesia canis
Published in Veterinarski arhiv (01-11-2014)“…Babesiosis is a significant disease of domestic and wild animals caused by haemoprotozooan parasites of the Babesia genus. The aim of the present study was to…”
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Serum levels of the chemokines keratinocyte chemoattractant and interleukin-8 in dogs naturally infected with Babesia canis canis/Razine kemokina KC i IL-8 u serumu pasa prirodno zarazenih vrstom Babesia canis canis
Published in Veterinarski arhiv (01-07-2015)“…Canine babesiosis, caused by Babesia canis canis, is one of the commonest canine diseases in Croatia. It is known that systemic inflammatory response syndrome…”
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The concentrations of the inflammatory markers the amino-terminal portion of C-type pronatriuretic peptide and procalcitonin in canine babesiosis caused by Babesia canis/Koncentracije upalnih biljega aminoterminalnog okrajka C-tip pronatrijuretickog peptida i prokalcitonina u babeziozi pasa uzrokovanoj protozoonom Babesia canis
Published in Veterinarski arhiv (01-11-2014)“…Canine babesiosis is a multisystemic protozoan disease, considered as sepsis with a wide range of clinical signs, which can result in various outcomes, from…”
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Molecular evidence of natural infection with Babesia canis canis in Croatia
Published in Acta veterinaria Hungarica (Budapest. 1983) (01-03-2010)“…The aim of the present study was to detect and characterise the species and subspecies of Babesia spp. that cause canine babesiosis in Croatia. Twenty-eight…”
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Lipidna peroksidacija u pasa prirodno zaraženih vrstom Babesia canis canis
Published in Veterinarski arhiv (23-02-2015)“…Moguća uloga oksidacijskog stresa u patogenezi infekcije uzrokovane parazitima aktivno je područje znanstvenih interesa u posljednjih nekoliko godina. Cilj…”
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Klinički i laboratorijski nalazi te ishod liječenja pasa sa spontanim hiperadrenokorticizmom u Hrvatskoj
Published in Veterinarski arhiv (15-02-2016)“…Hiperadrenokorticizam jedna je od najčešćih endokrinoloških bolesti koja zahtijeva opsežnu dijagnostiku za postavljanje konačne dijagnoze. U ovo su…”
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Vrijednosti arterijskog krvnog tlaka u pasa prirodno invadiranih vrstom Babesia canis
Published in Veterinarski arhiv (05-12-2014)“…Babezioza predstavlja značajnu bolest domaćih i divljih životinja uzrokovanu protozoama roda Babesia. Cilj je istraživanja bio usporediti vrijednosti…”
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Razine kemokina KC i IL-8 u serumu pasa prirodno zaraženih vrstom Babesia canis canis
Published in Veterinarski arhiv (02-09-2015)“…Babezioza pasa uzrokovana vrstom Babesia canis canis jedna je od najčešćih bolesti pasa u Hrvatskoj. Poznato je da je sustavni upalni odgovor (SIRS), koji se…”
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Koncentracije upalnih biljega aminoterminalnog okrajka C-tip pronatrijuretičkog peptida i prokalcitonina u babeziozi pasa uzrokovanoj protozoonom Babesia canis
Published in Veterinarski arhiv (05-12-2014)“…Babezioza pasa je multisistemska protozojska sepsa sa širokim rasponom kliničkih znakova od blagih do onih sa smrtnim ishodom. U veterinarskoj medicini još…”
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