Search Results - "Martinet, Noël"
Kinematic analysis of impairments and compensatory motor behavior during prosthetic grasping in below-elbow amputees
Published in PloS one (18-11-2022)“…After a major upper limb amputation, the use of myoelectric prosthesis as assistive devices is possible. However, these prostheses remain quite difficult to…”
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Comparison of compensatory shoulder movements, functionality and satisfaction in transradial amputees fitted with two prosthetic myoelectric hooks
Published in PloS one (02-02-2023)“…The functionalities of myoelectric hooks, such as whether they allow wrist movements, as well as the volume and design of the devices, may impact how fitted…”
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Simultaneous Control of 2DOF Upper-Limb Prosthesis With Body Compensations-Based Control: A Multiple Cases Study
Published in IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering (2022)“…Controlling several joints simultaneously is a common feature of natural arm movements. Robotic prostheses shall offer this possibility to their wearer. Yet,…”
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Reachability and the sense of embodiment in amputees using prostheses
Published in Scientific reports (10-07-2017)“…Amputated patients are hardly satisfied with upper limb prostheses, and tend to favour the use of their contralateral arm to partially compensate their…”
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Guiding the Training of Users With a Pattern Similarity Biofeedback to Improve the Performance of Myoelectric Pattern Recognition
Published in IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering (01-08-2020)“…Next generation prosthetics will rely massively on myoelectric "Pattern Recognition" (PR) based control approaches, to improve their users' dexterity. One…”
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Classification of Phantom Finger, Hand, Wrist, and Elbow Voluntary Gestures in Transhumeral Amputees With sEMG
Published in IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering (01-01-2017)“…Decoding finger and hand movements from sEMG electrodes placed on the forearm of transradial amputees has been commonly studied by many research groups. A few…”
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Predictive factors for the duration until return to work after surgery for work‐related rotator cuff syndrome: A prospective study of 92 workers
Published in American journal of industrial medicine (01-12-2021)“…Background Return to work (RTW) after surgery for a work‐related rotator cuff disorder (WRRCD) is often difficult. The study's purpose was to identify…”
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Are wearable insoles a validated tool for quantifying transfemoral amputee gait asymmetry?
Published in Prosthetics and orthotics international (01-10-2019)“…Background: Amputee gait is known to be asymmetrical, especially during loading of the lower limb. Monitoring asymmetry could be useful in quantifying patient…”
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Can We Achieve Intuitive Prosthetic Elbow Control Based on Healthy Upper Limb Motor Strategies?
Published in Frontiers in neurorobotics (02-02-2018)“…Most transhumeral amputees report that their prosthetic device lacks functionality, citing the control strategy as a major limitation. Indeed, they are…”
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Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the ABIS questionnaire for French speaking amputees: French validation of the ABIS questionnaire
Published in Disability and rehabilitation (27-02-2020)“…Background: The Amputee Body Image Scale (ABIS) and its shortened version (ABIS-R) are self-administered questionnaires to measure body image perception of…”
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Predictive factors of return‐to‐work trajectory after work‐related rotator cuff syndrome: A prospective study of 96 workers
Published in American journal of industrial medicine (01-09-2023)“…Objective Sustained return to work after surgery for work‐related rotator cuff syndrome (WRRCS) remains quite difficult. The main purpose of the present study…”
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Cross-cultural adaptation and measurement properties of the French version of the Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scales-Revised (TAPES-R)
Published in PloS one (21-02-2020)“…The Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scales-Revised (TAPES-R) is a self-administered questionnaire to measure multidimensional adjustment to a…”
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Characteristics of phantom upper limb mobility encourage phantom-mobility-based prosthesis control
Published in Scientific reports (18-10-2018)“…There is an increasing need to extend the control possibilities of upper limb amputees over their prosthetics, especially given the development of devices with…”
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Reliability quantification and gait loading asymmetry assessment with wearable insoles in transfemoral amputee people at different speeds
Published in Clinical neurophysiology (01-11-2016)“…Introduction Amputee people have gait defaults, as for example loading asymmetry, which increase with daily living situations. Replication of realistic daily…”
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Kinematics in the Terminal Swing Phase of Unilateral Transfemoral Amputees: Microprocessor-Controlled Versus Swing-Phase Control Prosthetic Knees
Published in Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation (01-06-2010)“…Abstract Mâaref K, Martinet N, Grumillier C, Ghannouchi S, André JM, Paysant J. Kinematics in the terminal swing phase of unilateral transfemoral amputees:…”
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Phantom-Mobility-Based Prosthesis Control in Transhumeral Amputees Without Surgical Reinnervation: A Preliminary Study
Published in Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology (29-11-2018)“…Transhumeral amputees face substantial difficulties in efficiently controlling their prosthetic limb, leading to a high rate of rejection of these devices…”
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Simultaneous control of 2DOF upper-limb prosthesis with body compensations-based control: a multiple cases study
Published in IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering (24-06-2022)“…Controlling several joints simultaneously is a common feature of natural arm movements. Robotic prostheses shall offer this possibility to their wearer. Yet,…”
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Outcomes and evaluation in lower limb amputees
Published in Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine (01-09-2017)“…Assessment is part of our professional practices. Moreover, the arrival of several new microprocessor prosthetic knee and bionic prosthetic feet requires lower…”
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Voluntary phantom hand and finger movements in transhumerai amputees could be used to naturally control polydigital prostheses
Published in 2017 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) (01-07-2017)“…An arm amputation is extremely invalidating since many of our daily tasks require bi-manual and precise control of hand movements. Perfect hand prostheses…”
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Conference Proceeding Journal Article -
Outcomes and evaluation in upper limb amputees
Published in Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine (01-09-2017)“…The reimbursement by French health care system of the new myoelectric devices with multiarticulated hands, requires assessment of the prehensile function. This…”
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