Search Results - "Martin Peinado, F.J."
Effect of soil properties on the toxicity of Pb: Assessment of the appropriateness of guideline values
Published in Journal of hazardous materials (30-05-2015)“…•Pb bioavailability was assessed in 7 soils with different properties.•Pb toxicity measured in aqueous extracts (plants, bacteria) and with soil…”
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Environmental impact of introducing plant covers in the taluses of terraces: Implications for mitigating agricultural soil erosion and runoff
Published in Catena (Giessen) (2011)“…South-eastern Spain, and in particular the coastal areas of Granada and Malaga, feature a large area under subtropical crops, with orchards established on…”
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Effectiveness of ecotoxicological tests in relation to physicochemical properties of Zn and Cu polluted Mediterranean soils
Published in Geoderma (15-03-2019)“…Zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) are essential elements for living organisms, but they are also among the most frequent soils pollutants. Toxicity of these elements…”
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Litter decomposition and nitrogen release in a sloping Mediterranean subtropical agroecosystem on the coast of Granada (SE, Spain): Effects of floristic and topographic alteration on the slope
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-11-2009)“…On the coast of Granada (SE, Spain), an economically important area for subtropical fruit cultivation, the crops are grown on orchard terraces. Also, high…”
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Environmental impact of introducing plant covers in the taluses of orchard terraces: implications for erosion and agricultural runoff control
Published in Catena (Giessen) (2011)“…South-eastern Spain, and in particular the coastal areas of Granada and Malaga, feature a large area under subtropical crops, with orchards established on…”
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Land-use changes in a small watershed in the Mediterranean landscape (SE Spain): environmental implications of a shift towards subtropical crops
Published in Journal of land use science (01-03-2013)“…Resource use and watershed management have become an increasingly important issue, stressing the need to find appropriate management approaches for improving…”
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Evaluation of remediation techniques in soils affected by residual contamination with heavy metals and arsenic
Published in Journal of environmental management (15-04-2017)“…Residual soil pollution from the Aznalcóllar mine spill is still a problem in some parts of the affected area, today converted in the Guadiamar Green Corridor…”
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Residual pollution and vegetation distribution in amended soils 20 years after a pyrite mine tailings spill (Aznalcóllar, Spain)
Published in The Science of the total environment (10-02-2019)“…The present work assesses the residual pollution in the Guadiamar Green Corridor (SW, Spain) after a long-term aging process (18 years) since the accident of…”
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Is soil basal respiration a good indicator of soil pollution?
Published in Geoderma (01-02-2016)“…Metal(loid)s are common pollutants in soils, causing a significant toxicological risk to living organisms and to the ecosystems. Soil basal respiration (SBR)…”
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Long-term toxicity assessment of soils in a recovered area affected by a mining spill
Published in Environmental pollution (1987) (01-01-2016)“…Residual pollution in the Guadiamar Green Corridor still remains after Aználcollar mine spill in 1998. The polluted areas are identified by the absence of…”
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A quick methodology for the evaluation of preliminary toxicity levels in soil samples associated to a potentially heavy-metal pollution in an abandoned ore mining site
Published in Chemosphere (Oxford) (01-05-2019)“…The risk assessment of pollution associated with metal extraction process is a social responsibility. The initial goal of this type of assessment should be the…”
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Long-term contamination in a recovered area affected by a mining spill
Published in The Science of the total environment (01-05-2015)“…Soil pollution from the spill of Aznalcóllar mine (S Spain) was monitored by analysing polluted soils in 1998, 1999, and 2004. Following the methodology used…”
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Lateral and vertical variations in contaminated sediments from the Tinto River area (Huelva, SW Spain): Incidence on tracemaker activity and implications of the palaeontological approach
Published in Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology (15-11-2014)“…Geochemical and ichnological analyses of the Tinto River area (SW Spain) reveal the presence of macro-tracemakers colonizing highly contaminated soils. We…”
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Mobility of iridium in terrestrial environments: Implications for the interpretation of impact-related mass-extinctions
Published in Geochimica et cosmochimica acta (01-08-2010)“…Traditionally, iridium has been considered an element of low mobility, but its behavior is still debated. Ir concentration in a soil affected by a catastrophic…”
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environmental disaster of Aznalcóllar (southern Spain) as an approach to the Cretaceous-Palaeogene mass extinction event
Published in Geobiology (01-12-2009)“…Biotic recovery after the Cretaceous-Palaeogene (K-Pg) impact is one unsolved question concerning this mass extinction event. To evaluate the incidence of the…”
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