Search Results - "Martínez Díaz Guerra, G."

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    Hormonal and anthropometric predictors of bone mass in healthy elderly men : Major effect of sex hormone binding globulin, parathyroid hormone and body weight by MARTINEZ DIAZ-GUERRA, G, HAWKINS, F, RAPADO, A, RUIZ DIAZ, M. A, DIAZ-CURIEL, M

    Published in Osteoporosis international (01-03-2001)
    “…Osteoporosis in men is a significant health problem, and factors associated with bone mass are being investigated. Although osteoporosis is a typical feature…”
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    Diferente evolución de la esclerostina sérica respecto de otros marcadores de remodelado óseo en el primer año tras un trasplante hepático by Martín González, A, Allo Miguel, G, Aramendi Ramos, M, Librizzi, S, Jiménez, C, Hawkins, F, Martínez Díaz-Guerra, G

    “…Resumen Objetivo: Nuestro estudio tiene como objetivo principal valorar la evolución de los niveles de esclerostina en pacientes con trasplante hepático, e…”
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    Results from a national survey on the management of primary hyperparathyroidism by Torres, M. Muñoz, Gimeno, E. Jodar, Garcia, R. Reyes, Guerra, G. Martínez Diaz, Amado, J. A., Gaztambide, S., Gómez, J. M. Quesada

    Published in Journal of endocrinological investigation (01-12-2012)
    “…Background: Management of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) continues to be challenging. At the Third International Workshop on PHPT, recent data on this…”
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    Translated article Socioeconomic status, osteoporosis and fragility fractures by Martínez-Díaz-Guerra, G, Hawkins Carranza, F, Librizzi, S

    “…Low socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with a higher risk of fragility fractures, as well as higher mortality in the first-year post-fracture. The SES…”
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    Long-term follow-up of bone mass after orthotopic liver transplantation: effect of steroid withdrawal from the immunosuppressive regimen by Mart, ínezDiaz-GuerraG, Gómez, R, Jódar, E, Loinaz, C, Moreno, E, Hawkins, E

    Published in Osteoporosis international (01-01-2002)
    “…Glucocorticoids have been suggested to play a major role in transplantation-related osteopenia. In this study we assess the long-term changes and the effect of…”
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    Serum Levels of Osteocalcin and Insulin Resistance in Patients with Impaired Glucose Tolerance or New-Onset Diabetes Mellitus After Liver Transplantation by Martínez-Díaz-Guerra, G, Guadalix, S, Aramendi, M, Librizzi, S, García, E, Jiménez, C, Hawkins, F

    Published in Hormone and metabolic research (01-05-2016)
    “…Liver transplantation (LT) patients are at high risk of developing new-onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT). Osteocalcin has been proposed as a…”
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    PINP en pacientes con insuficiencia hepática: Comparación de dos métodos de medida y asociación con diferentes parámetros bioquímicos by Guadalix, S., Martínez-Conde, L., Martínez Díaz-Guerra, G., Vargas, C., Hawkins, F.

    “…Introducción: El propéptido N-terminal del colágeno tipo I (PINP) es un marcador de formación ósea. El PINP en suero se encuentra en forma trimérica y…”
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    Socioeconomic status, osteoporosis and fragility fractures by Martínez-Díaz-Guerra, Guillermo, Carranza, Federico Hawkins, Librizzi, Soledad

    “…Low socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with a higher risk of fragility fractures, as well as higher mortality in the first-year post-fracture. The SES…”
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    [Translated article] Socioeconomic status, osteoporosis and fragility fractures by Martínez-Díaz-Guerra, G., Hawkins Carranza, F., Librizzi, S.

    “…Low socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with a higher risk of fragility fractures, as well as higher mortality in the first-year post-fracture. The SES…”
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    Estatus socioeconómico, osteoporosis y fracturas por fragilidad by Martínez-Díaz-Guerra, G., Hawkins Carranza, F., Librizzi, S.

    “…El estatus socioeconómico (ESE) bajo se asocia con un mayor riesgo de fracturas por fragilidad, así como con una mayor mortalidad en el primer año posfractura…”
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    Bone mineral density in male patients with L-thyroxine suppressive therapy and Graves disease by Jódar, E, Martínez-Díaz-Guerra, G, Azriel, S, Hawkins, F

    Published in Calcified tissue international (01-08-2001)
    “…Little is known about the effects of thyroid hormone excess in male patients. Our aim was to evaluate bone mineral density (BMD), bone turnover markers, and…”
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    Bone mineral density in hypoparathyroid women on LT4 suppressive therapy. Effect of calcium and 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 treatment by Hawkins, F, Escobar-Jiménez, F, Jódar, E, Campos, M M, López Alvarez, M B, Martínez Díaz-Guerra, G

    “…Our aim was to study the bone mineral density (BMD) of patients with chronic hypoparathyroidism (hypoPTH) after longterm calcium and vitamin D treatment…”
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    Hormonas tiroideas, TSH, cáncer de tiroides y hueso en mujeres pre y postmenopáusicas by Hawkins Carranza, Guadalix Iglesias, Martínez Díaz-Guerra, López Álvarez, De Mingo Domínguez, ML

    “…Resumen En los últimos años se han realizado progresos en el conocimiento de la regulación del desarrollo del esqueleto y del mantenimiento de la masa ósea del…”
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    Enfermedad ósea postrasplante hepático by Guadalix Iglesias S, Martínez Díaz-Guerra G, Hawkins Carranza F

    “…El trasplante hepático se ha consolidado en el manejo de las hepatopatías crónicas terminales. Con el seguimiento de estos pacientes, van conociéndose…”
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