Search Results - "Markiewicz, T.W"

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    Channeling and radiation experiments at SLAC by Wienands, U., Gessner, S., Hogan, M.J., Markiewicz, T.W., Smith, T., Sheppard, J., Uggerhøj, U.I., Hansen, J.L., Wistisen, T.N., Bagli, E., Bandiera, L., Germogli, G., Mazzolari, A., Guidi, V., Sytov, A., Holtzapple, R.L., McArdle, K., Tucker, S., Benson, B.

    “…Over the last years, a SLAC-Aarhus-Ferrara-CalPoly collaboration (augmented by members of ANL and MIT) has performed channeling experiments using bent silicon…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
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    First measurement of the double-inclusive [formula omitted] hadron energy distribution in e+e− annihilations, and of angle-dependent moments of the B and [formula omitted] energies by Abe, Koya, Abe, Kenji, Abe, T, Adam, I, Akimoto, H, Aston, D, Baird, K.G, Baltay, C, Band, H.R, Barklow, T.L, Bauer, J.M, Bellodi, G, Blaylock, G, Bower, G.R, Brau, J.E, Breidenbach, M, Bugg, W.M, Burke, D, Burrows, P.N, Calcaterra, A, Cohn, H.O, Damerell, C.J.S, de Groot, N, de Sangro, R, Doser, M, Dubois, R, Eschenburg, V, Etzion, E, Fahey, S, Falciai, D, Fernandez, J.P, Flood, K, Frey, R, Hart, E.L, Hertzbach, S.S, Huffer, M.E, Jackson, D.J, Jacques, P, Jaros, J.A, Jiang, Z.Y, Johnson, A.S, Johnson, J.R, Kajikawa, R, Kalelkar, M, Kang, H.J, Kofler, R.R, Kroeger, R.S, Langston, M, Leith, D.W.G, Mancinelli, G, Manly, S, Markiewicz, T.W, Maruyama, T, McKemey, A.K, Messner, R, Moffeit, K.C, Moore, T.B, Morii, M, Muller, D, Narita, S, Neal, H, Nesom, G, Oishi, N, Onoprienko, D, Osborne, L.S, Panvini, R.S, Park, C.H, Piccolo, M, Piemontese, L, Plano, R.J, Prescott, C.Y, Ratcliff, B.N, Reidy, J, Rowson, P.C, Russell, J.J, Saxton, O.H, Schalk, T, Schwiening, J, Serbo, V.V, Shapiro, G, Snyder, J.A, Stahl, A, Stamer, P, Steiner, H, Suekane, F, Suzuki, A, Usher, T, Va'vra, J, Verdier, R, Wagner, D.L, Walston, S, Weidemann, A.W, Whitaker, J.S, Williams, S.H, Wisniewski, W.J, Woods, M, Wright, T.R, Yellin, S.J, Young, C.C, Yuta, H

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-01-2004)
    “…We have made the first measurement of the double-inclusive B/B energy distribution in e+e− annihilations, using a sample of 400000 hadronic Z0-decay events…”
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    Improved measurement of the probability for gluon splitting into [formula omitted] in Z0 decays by Abe, Koya, Abe, Kenji, Adam, I., Akimoto, H., Aston, D., Baird, K.G., Bellodi, G., Berger, R., Bogart, J.R., Bower, G.R., Brau, J.E., Breidenbach, M., Bugg, W.M., Burke, D., Burnett, T.H., Burrows, P.N., Calcaterra, A., Cassell, R., Chou, A., Cohn, H.O., Convery, M.R., Cowan, R.F., Daoudi, M., de Groot, N., de Sangro, R., Dong, D.N., Doser, M., Dubois, R., Erofeeva, I., Fernandez, J.P., Flood, K., Frey, R., Hart, E.L., Hertzbach, S.S., Huffer, M.E., Huynh, X., Jackson, D.J., Jiang, Z.Y., Johnson, A.S., Johnson, J.R., Kajikawa, R., Kroeger, R.S., Langston, M., Leith, D.W.G., Lin, C., Mancinelli, G., Manly, S., Markiewicz, T.W., Maruyama, T., Messner, R., Moffeit, K.C., Moore, T.B., Morii, M., Muller, D., Murzin, V., Nauenberg, U., Neal, H., Oishi, N., Onoprienko, D., Osborne, L.S., Park, C.H., Peruzzi, I., Piemontese, L., Plano, R.J., Prepost, R., Prescott, C.Y., Ratcliff, B.N., Reidy, J., Rochester, L.S., Rowson, P.C., Russell, J.J., Schumm, B.A., Schwiening, J., Serbo, V.V., Shapiro, G., Snyder, J.A., Stahl, A., Steiner, H., Su, D., Suzuki, S., Taylor, F.E., Thom, J., Torrence, E., Usher, T., Wagner, D.L., Waite, A.P., Walston, S., Weidemann, A.W., Weiss, E.R., Whitaker, J.S., Williams, S.H., Willocq, S., Wilson, R.J., Wisniewski, W.J., Wittlin, J.L., Wright, T.R., Yamamoto, R.K., Yellin, S.J., Young, C.C., Yuta, H.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-05-2001)
    “…We have measured gluon splitting into bottom quarks, g→b b ̄ , in hadronic Z 0 decays collected by SLD between 1996 and 1998. The analysis was performed by…”
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    Performance of the SLD Central Drift Chamber by Hildreth, M.D., Junk, T.R., Markiewicz, T.W., Masuda, H., Mours, B., Neal, H.A., Prescott, C.Y., Rochester, L.S., Sugiyama, A., Takahashi, T., Usher, T., Young, C.C., Shypit, R., Fero, M.J., Williams, D.C., Massetti, R., Venuti, J., Honma, A.

    Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-08-1995)
    “…We report for the first time on the performance of the Central Drift Chamber (CDC) of the Stanford Linear Collider Large Detector (SLD), which has been…”
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    Measurement of the charged multiplicities in b, c and light quark events from Z0 decays by Abe, K., Ash, W.W., Aston, D., Baird, K.G., Baltay, C., Band, H.R., Bazarko, A.O., Benvenuti, A.C., Bilei, G.M., Bolen, B., Bolton, T., Breidenbach, M., Bugg, W.M., Burnett, T.H., Calcaterra, A., Camanzi, B., Carpinelli, M., Cohn, H.O., Coller, J.A., Cowan, R.F., D'Oliveira, A., Damerell, C.J.S., De Sangro, R., Dima, M., Dubois, R., Elia, R., Falciai, D., Fan, C., Fero, M.J., Frey, R., Furuno, K., Gillman, T., Gladding, G., Gonzalez, S., Hallewell, G.D., Hart, E.L., Hedges, S.J., Jackson, D.J., Kalelkar, M., Kendall, H.W., Kroeger, R.S., Labs, J.F., Lath, A., Lauber, J.A., Leith, D.W.G.S., Loreti, M., Lynch, H.L., Mancinelli, G., Manly, S., Mantovan, G., Moffeit, K.C., Nagamine, T., Neal, H., Ohnishi, Y., Osborne, L.S., Panvini, R.S., Pavel, T.J., Peruzzi, I., Piccolo, M., Plano, R.J., Prescott, C.Y., Quigley, J., Ratcliff, B.N., Reeves, T.W., Rowson, P.C., Schalk, T., Schindler, R.H., Schumm, B.A., Sen, S., Serbo, V.V., Shank, J.T., Shapiro, G., Sherden, D.J., Simopoulos, C., Steiner, R., Strauss, M.G., Su, D., Sugiyama, A., Suzuki, S., Swartz, M., Turk, J.D., Venuti, J.P., Verdier, R., Wagner, S.R., Waite, A.P., Weiss, E.R., White, S.L., Wickens, F.J., Williams, D.C., Wilson, R.J., Wyss, J., Yamamoto, R.K., Yamartino, J.M., Yang, X., Yellin, S.J., Young, C.C., Yuta, H., Zapalac, G., Zeitlin, C., Zhou, J.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-10-1996)
    “…Average charged multiplicities have been measured separately in b, c and light quark ( u, d, s) events from Z 0 decays measured in the SLD experiment. Impact…”
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    Factorial and cumulant moments in e +e − → hadrons at the Z 0 resonance by Abe, K., Ahn, C.J., Ash, W.W., Aston, D., Baird, K.G., Baltay, C., Band, H.R., Bazarko, A.O., Benvenuti, A.C., Bilei, G.M., Bower, G.R., Bugg, W.M., Burke, D., Burnett, T.H., Caldwell, D.O., Carpinelli, M., Cassell, R., Castro, A., Cohn, H.O., Cook, V., D'Oliveira, A., Damerell, C.J.S., Dima, M., Dubois, R., Eisenstein, B.I., Elia, R., Fan, C., Fero, M.J., Gillman, T., Gonzalez, S., Hallewell, G.D., Hart, E.L., Hughes, E.W., Jackson, D.J., Johnson, R.A., Karliner, I., Kim, Y., King, R., Kofler, R.R., Langston, M., Lath, A., Lauber, J.A., Liu, M.X., Liu, X., Lynch, H.L., Mancinelli, G., Manly, S., Markiewicz, T.W., Mockett, P.M., Muller, D., Narita, S., Neal, H., Osborne, L.S., Panvini, R.S., Park, H., Pavel, T.J., Peruzzi, I., Piemontese, L., Pieroni, E., Pitts, K.T., Plano, R.J., Prepost, R., Punkar, G.D., Quigley, J., Ratcliff, B.N., Reidy, J., Rochester, L.S., Schaffner, S.F., Schalk, T., Schindler, R.H., Schumm, B.A., Sen, S., Shaevitz, M.H., Shank, J.T., Sherden, D.J., Simopoulos, C., Snyder, J.A., Steiner, H., Steiner, R., Su, D., Szumilo, A., Takahashi, T., Torrence, E., Trandafir, A.I., Usher, T., Vannini, C., Verdier, R., Waite, A.P., Watts, S.J., White, S.L., Wickens, F.J., Williams, D.C., Williams, S.H., Willocq, S., Wilson, R.J., Woods, M., Yamartino, J.M., Young, C.C., Yuta, H., Zeitlin, C.

    Published in Physics letters. B (1996)
    “…We present the first experimental study of the ratio of cumulant to factorial moments of the charged-particle multiplicity distribution in high-energy particle…”
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    Optimization of the luminosity spectrum in the NLC by Thompson, K.A., Barklow, T.L., Markiewicz, T.W., Raubenheimer, T.O.

    “…A linear collider is determined largely by the beamsstrahlung spectrum. The beammsstrahlung spectrum in turn is sensitive to the design parameters at the…”
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    Conference Proceeding
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    Performance of the SLD central drift chamber by Hildreth, M.D., Junk, T.R., Markiewicz, T.W., Masuda, H., Neal, H.A., Prescott, C.Y., Rochester, L.S., Usher, T., Fero, M.J., Williams, D.C., Venuti, J., Mours, B., Takahashi, T., Sugiyama, A., Shypit, R., Honma, A.

    “…We report for the first time on the performance of the SLD central drift chamber (CDC) at SLC, which has been recording data since 1992. The low mass of the…”
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