Search Results - "Mariano, Marta"
When Histological Tumor Type Diagnosed on Core Biopsy Changes Its Face after Surgery: Report of a Deceptive Case of Breast Carcinoma
Published in Reports (MDPI) (01-09-2022)“…The presence of stromal osteoclast-like giant cells is a distinctive feature of some rare breast tumors, accounting for less than 1% of all breast cancer…”
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Does serum cause lipid-droplet accumulation in bovine embryos produced in vitro, during developmental days 1 to 4?
Published in Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics (01-10-2013)“…Summary Purpose Serum supplementation has shown to have beneficial effects on in vitro bovine embryo development. However, it is often assumed that serum…”
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Bilateral Phyllodes Giant Tumor. A Case Report Analyzed by Array-CGH
Published in Diagnostics (Basel) (15-10-2020)“…The breast phyllodes tumor is a biphasic tumor that accounts for less than of 1% of all breast neoplasms. It is classified as benign, borderline, or malignant,…”
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In healthy subjects nasal nitric oxide does not correlate with olfactory sensitivity, trigeminal sensitivity, and nasal airflow
Published in Clinical otolaryngology (01-11-2021)“…Objective The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between nasal nitric oxide (nNO) and olfactory sensitivity, trigeminal sensitivity and nasal…”
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Surgical Management and Outcome Following Adrenalectomy: A Retrospective Case Study in 16 Dogs (2008-2018)
Published 01-01-2018“…Primary neoplasms of the adrenal gland might represent more than 1-2% of all canine tumours and can originate various worrisome clinical presentations; hence…”
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Dissertation -
Differentiation and morphogenesis of Triatoma infestans (Klug 1834) female gonads. I--post embryonic development
Published in Biocell (01-12-2004)“…The post-embryonic development of the female gonads in Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera, Heteroptera), insects of importance in health affairs as harbors and…”
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Morphological Modifications of Oocyte Vitelline Envelope from Bufo arenarum during Different Functional States
Published in Development, growth & differentiation (1984)“…The submicroscopic morphology of the vitelline envelope of Bufo arenarum's oocyte change significantly during the maturation and fertilization processes. The…”
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Factores de Risco para Fenómenos Tromboembólicos em Doentes Internados no Serviço de Medicina Intensiva: Artigo Científico
Published 01-01-2015“…Introdução:Os fenómenos tromboembólicos venosos são entidades patológicas prevalentes e que continuam a associar-se a morbimortalidade elevada, apesar de…”
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Dissertation -
Published in Development, growth & differentiation (1980)“…Acrosome breakdown in Leptodactylus chaquensis is described: during this process acrosome enlarges, becomes round‐shaped and finally disrupts. Low tonicity…”
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Isosporosis and unizoite tissue cysts in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Published in Human pathology (01-05-2001)“…Isospora belli, a coccidian parasite in humans, has been described as causing chronic diarrhea and acalculous cholecystitis in patients with the acquired…”
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Bilateral Phyllodes Giant Tumor. A Case Report Analyzed by Array-CGH
Published in Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) (15-10-2020)Get full text
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Cyclospora cayetanensis in patients with AIDS and chronic diarrhea
Published in Acta gastroenterologica latinoamericana (2004)“…Cyclospora spp. is a protozoan parasite responsible for significant gastrointestinal disease in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. We…”
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Morphological Modifications of Oocyte Vitelline Envelope from Bufo arenarum during Different Functional States: vitelline envelope/amphibian eggs/fertilization
Published in Development, growth & differentiation (01-01-1984)“…The submicroscopic morphology of the vitelline envelope of Bufo arenarum's oocyte change significantly during the maturation and fertilization processes. The…”
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The vitelline envelope-to-fertilization envelope transformation in the toad Bufo arenarum
Published in Developmental biology (01-01-1977)“…An investigation of some changes associated with the transformation of the vitelline envelope into the fertilization envelope in the egg of the toad Bufo…”
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Effect of trypsin inhibitors and concanavalin A on the fertilization of Bufo arenarum coelomic oocytes
Published in The Journal of experimental zoology (01-06-1978)“…The effect of trypsin inhibitors (obtained from soybean, lima bean and ovomucoid) and Concanavalin A on fertilization in Bufo arenarum was tested. In order to…”
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