Search Results - "Margetak, P"

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  1. 1

    Characterization of the Hamamatsu VUV4 MPPCs for nEXO by Gallina, G., Giampa, P., Retière, F., Zhang, G., Ward, M., Margetak, P., Tsang, T., Doria, L., Al Kharusi, S., Alfaris, M., Arnquist, I.J., Badhrees, I., Barbeau, P.S., Beck, D., Belov, V., Bhatta, T., Blatchford, J., Brodsky, J.P., Brown, E., Brunner, T., Cao, L., Cen, W.R., Chambers, C., Chiu, M., Craycraft, A., Dalmasson, J., Daniels, T., Darroch, L., Daugherty, S.J., De St. Croix, A., Der Mesrobian-Kabakian, A., DeVoe, R., Dilling, J., Dolinski, M.J., Dragone, A., Fairbank, D., Fairbank, W., Farine, J., Feyzbakhsh, S., Fontaine, R., Gautam, P., Gornea, R., Gratta, G., Hansen, E.V., Heffner, M., House, A., Ito, Y., Jamil, A., Jewell, M.J., Karelin, A., Koffas, T., Krücken, R., Kuchenkov, A., Kumar, K.S., Lan, Y., Larson, A., Leonard, D.S., Li, S., Licciardi, C., Lin, Y.H., MacLellan, R., McElroy, T., Mong, B., Murray, K., Nakarmi, P., Nolet, F., Odgers, K., Odian, A., Oriunno, M., Orrell, J.L., Ortega, G.S., Ostrovskiy, I., Overman, C.T., Piepke, A., Pocar, A., Pratte, J.-F., Radeka, V., Rescia, S., Richman, M., Robinson, A., Roy, N., Sangiorgio, S., Skarpaas, K., Soma, A.K., Stekhanov, V., Stiegler, T., Sun, X.L., Tarka, M., Tolba, T., Visser, G., Vuilleumier, J.-L., Wang, Q., Watkins, J., Weber, M., Wu, S.X., Wu, X., Yang, L., Yen, Y.-R., Zhao, J., Zhou, Y.

    “…In this paper we report on the characterization of the Hamamatsu VUV4 (S/N: S13370-6152) Vacuum Ultra-Violet (VUV) sensitive Multi-Pixel Photon Counters…”
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  2. 2

    Characterization of SiPM Avalanche Triggering Probabilities by Gallina, G., Retiere, F., Giampa, P., Kroeger, J., Margetak, P., Byrne Mamahit, S., De St. Croix, A., Edaltafar, F., Martin, L., Massacret, N., Ward, M., Zhang, G.

    Published in IEEE transactions on electron devices (01-10-2019)
    “…Silicon photo-multipliers (SiPMs) are detectors sensitive to single photons that are used to detect scintillation and Cherenkov light in a variety of physics…”
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  3. 3

    Quantum Yield in Silicon Photomultipliersand the Temperature Dependance by Mahtab, M., Retiere, F., Gallina, G., Massacret, N., Margetak, P., Matin, L., Capra, A.

    “…Incident particles and photons on semiconductor material with energies greater than 2 order of magnitude from the fundamental bandgap tend to produce more than…”
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    Conference Proceeding
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  5. 5

    Laser induced SiPM Luminescence by Raymond, K., Retiere, F., McCarthy, D., Capra, A., Underwood, R., Malbrunot, C., Hempel, C., Shi, F., Bron, S., de St Croix, A., Gallina, G., Massacret, N., Margetak, P.

    “…A byproduct of the detection mechanism used in silicon photo multipliers are secondary photons. These photons degrade performance of SiPMs through internal…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  6. 6
  7. 7

    Performance of novel VUV-sensitive Silicon Photo-Multipliers for nEXO by Gallina, G., Guan, Y., Cao, G., Bolotnikov, A., Kotov, I., Rescia, S., Soma, A. K., Darroch, L., Bolster, J., Cohen, J. R., Thibado, S., Pocar, A., Bhat, A., Jamil, A., Angelico, E., Arnquist, I. J., Badhrees, I., Bane, J., Brodsky, J. P., Caden, E., Chana, B., Chernyak, D., Chiu, M., Collister, R., Cvitan, M., Daniels, T., Deslandes, K., di Vacri, M. L., Dolinski, M. J., Dragone, A., Eckert, B., Elbeltagi, M., Fairbank, W., Farine, J., Gallacher, D., Giacomini, G., Goeldi, D., Gratta, G., Hardy, C. A., Hedges, S., Heffner, M., Hein, E., Holt, J., Hößl, J., Hunt, W., Iverson, A., Jiang, X. S., Krücken, R., Kumar, K. S., Larson, A., Leach, K. G., Leonard, D. S., Lessard, G., Licciardi, C., Majidi, S., Malbrunot, C., Margetak, P., Martel-Dion, P., Martin, L., Massacret, N., McMichael, K., Mong, B., Nattress, J., Natzke, C. R., Ngwadla, X. E., Orrell, J. L., Ortega, G. S., Piepke, A., Radeka, V., Ramonnye, G. J., Rao, T., Rasiwala, H., Raymond, K., Rossignol, T., Rudolph, L., Sangiorgio, S., Spadoni, F., Stekhanov, V., Totev, T., Tsang, R. H. M., Tyuka, O. A., Vidal, M., Visser, G., Wagenpfeil, M., Walent, M., Wamba, K., Wang, Q., Wang, W., Watts, M., Wei, W., Wen, L. J., Wichoski, U., Wilde, S., Worcester, M., Wu, W. H., Wu, X., Xie, L., Yan, W., Zeldovich, O., Zhao, J.

    “…Liquid xenon time projection chambers are promising detectors to search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0 ν β β ), due to their response uniformity,…”
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  8. 8

    Characterisation of SiPM Photon Emission in the Dark by McLaughlin, J. B, Gallina, G, Retière, F, Croix, A. De St, Giampa, P, Mahtab, M, Margetak, P, Martin, L, Massacret, N, Monroe, J, Patel, M, Raymond, K, Roiseux, J, Xie, L, Zhang, G

    Published 29-07-2021
    “…In this paper, we report on the photon emission of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) from avalanche pulses generated in dark condition, with the main objective…”
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  10. 10

    Characterization of SiPM Avalanche Triggering Probabilities by Gallina, G, Retiere, F, Giampa, P, Kroeger, J, Margetak, P, Mamahit, S. Byrne, Croix, A. De St, Edaltafar, F, Massacret, N, Ward, M, Zhang, G

    Published 11-04-2019
    “…Silicon Photo-Multipliers (SiPMs) are detectors sensitive to single photons that are used to detect scintillation and Cherenkov light in a variety of physics…”
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  11. 11

    Mechanical Ventilator Milano (MVM): A Novel Mechanical Ventilator Designed for Mass Scale Production in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic by Galbiati, C, Abba, A, Agnes, P, Amaudruz, P, Arba, M, Ardellier-Desages, F, Badia, C, Batignani, G, Bellani, G, Bocci, V, Bonivento, W, Bottino, B, Buccino, G, Caminata, A, Capra, A, Caravati, M, Carlini, M, Carrozzi, L, Cela, J. M, Celano, B, Charette, C, Coelli, S, Constable, M, Cocco, V, Croci, G, Molin, A. Dal, D'Auria, S, De Cecco, S, De Lauretis, L, Devoto, A, Fabbri, A, Fiorillo, G, Ford, R, Foti, G, Gabriele, F, Abia, P. Garcia, Givoletti, J, Gorini, G, Gramellini, E, Grosso, G, Hadden, T, Hall, J, Heavey, A, Hersak, G, Hessey, N, Ianni, An, Ienzi, C, Ippolito, V, King, M, Kittmer, A, Kochanek, I, Kruecken, R, Leblond, G, Li, X, Lim, C, Lindner, T, Long, T, Lukhanin, G, Magni, G, Malosio, M, Margetak, P, Martin, L, Massacret, N, McDonald, A, Minuzzo, D, Moretti, C, Muraro, A, Nati, F, Olchanski, K, Palumbo, I, Paoletti, R, Pesudo, V, Pontesilli, M, Pordes, R, Raaf, J. L, Reed, D, Renshaw, A, Rescigno, M, Retiere, F, Santorelli, R, Sablone, D, Scapparone, E, Schaubel, T, Slutsky, A. S, Smith, B, Smith, N. J. T, Spagnolo, P, Spinella, F, Stenzler, A, Stiaccini, L, Stoughton, C, Tardocchi, M, Tartaglia, R, Testera, G, Tonazzo, A, Vivaldi, F, Wada, M, Wang, H, Yue, S, Zardoni, A

    Published 10-04-2020
    “…Phys.Fluids 33 (2021) 3, 037122 Presented here is the design of the Mechanical Ventilator Milano (MVM), a novel mechanical ventilator designed for rapid mass…”
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