Search Results - "Margagliotti, G.V"
Negative heat capacity in the critical region of nuclear fragmentation: an experimental evidence of the liquid-gas phase transition
Published in Physics letters. B (03-02-2000)“…An experimental indication of negative heat capacity in excited nuclear systems is inferred from the event by event study of energy fluctuations in Au…”
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Thermodynamical features of multifragmentation in peripheral Au + Au collisions at 35 A MeV
Published in Nuclear physics. A (01-04-1999)“…The distribution of fragments produced in events involving the multifragmentation of excited sources is studied for peripheral Au + Au reactions at 35 A MeV…”
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On the reliability of negative heat capacity measurements
Published in Nuclear physics. A (11-03-2002)“…A global protocol for the thermostatistical analysis of hot nuclear sources is discussed. Within our method of minimization of variances we show that the…”
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Statistical multifragmentation in central Au + Au collisions at 35 MeV/u
Published in Physics letters. B (28-03-1996)“…Multifragment disintegrations, measured for central Au + Au collisions at E A = 35 MeV , are analyzed with the Statistical Multifragmentation Model. Charge…”
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Different isotopic composition as a signature for different processes leading to fragment production in midperipheral 58Ni+ 58Ni collisions at 30 MeV/nucleon
Published in Nuclear physics. A (01-05-2002)“…We report on the results of experiments performed to investigate the 58Ni+ 58Ni 30 MeV/nucleon reaction. In midperipheral collisions a massive fragment (4⩽…”
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The Ring Counter (RCo): A high resolution IC–Si–CsI(Tl) device for heavy ion reaction studies at 10–30 MeV/A
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (15-01-2006)“…An annular detector (Ring Counter, RCo) is presented, which has been designed and built to detect and identify in mass and charge light charged particles and…”
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Critical-like behaviours in central and peripheral collisions: a comparative analysis
Published in Nuclear physics. A (08-09-2003)“…Quasi-projectile events from peripheral 35 A MeV Au+Au collisions are compared with 25 A MeV Au+C, 25 and 35 A MeV Au+Cu and 35 A MeV Au+Au central events. By…”
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Assembly and validation of the ALICE silicon microstrip detector
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (2007)“…The two outermost layers of the ALICE Inner Tracking System consist of 1698 double-sided silicon microstrip modules, which form the Silicon Strip Detector…”
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The ALICE vertex detector: Focus on the micro-strip layers
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (10-12-2006)“…The ALICE experiment, which is being installed at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, is designed to operate in a high-track density environment which is…”
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A telescope with microstrip gas chambers for the detection of charged products in heavy-ion reactions
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21-04-1997)“…Prototypes of a ΔE- E telescope, designed to detect and identify with low-energy threshold both light charged particles and heavy fragments, are described…”
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Assembly and validation of the SSD silicon microstrip detector of ALICE
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (01-10-2006)“…The Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) forms the two outermost layers of the Inner Tracking System (ITS) of ALICE. The SSD detector consists of 1698 double-sided…”
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Size and asymmetry of the reaction entrance channel: Influence on the probability of neck production
Published in Nuclear physics. A (27-06-2005)“…The results of experiments performed to investigate the Ni + Al, Ni + Ni, Ni + Ag reactions at 30 MeV / nucleon are presented. From the study of dissipative…”
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A signal of spinodal decomposition around Fermi energy
Published in Nuclear physics. A (07-03-2005)“…Using thermal photons to tag the reaction time a prompt IMF emission component has been identified in central 58Ni + 197Au collisions at 45 MeV/amu. The…”
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Strong enhancement of extremely energetic proton production in central heavy ion collisions at intermediate energy
Published in Physical review letters (13-08-2001)“…The energetic proton emission has been investigated as a function of the reaction centrality for the system (58)Ni + (58)Ni at 30A MeV. Extremely energetic…”
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Calibrating the CsI(Tl) detectors of the GARFIELD apparatus
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11-08-2002)“…The energy and charge dependence of the light output of the CsI(Tl) detectors of the GARFIELD apparatus has been investigated for heavy ions with 5⩽ Z⩽16 in…”
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Nuclear temperature measurements with helium isotopes
Published in Physics letters. B (09-07-1998)“…Temperatures extracted with the family of ( 3 He , 4 He) isotope ratio thermometers, T He, have been studied and cross-checked with temperatures, T( 4 He ∗)…”
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Thermal source parameters in Au+Au central collisions at 35 A MeV
Published in Nuclear physics. A (20-04-1998)“…Central Au+Au collisions at 35 A MeV are analyzed to find the characteristics of a thermal source, in the framework of the statistical multifragmentation model…”
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Contemporary presence of dynamical and statistical production of intermediate mass fragments in midperipheral 58Ni+ 58Ni collisions at 30 MeV/nucleon
Published in Physics letters. B (01-06-2001)“…The 58Ni + 58Ni reaction at 30 MeV/nucleon has been experimentally investigated at the Superconducting Cyclotron of the INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud. In…”
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