Search Results - "Marcos Junior, Antonio Duarte"
Projections of climate change in streamflow and affluent natural energy in the Brazilian hydroelectric sector of CORDEX models
Published in Revista brasileira de recursos hídricos (01-01-2020)“…ABSTRACT Long-term water and energy planning makes it possible to reduce social and economic impacts by avoiding episodes of interruption in water and…”
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The water, climate and energy nexus in the São Francisco River Basin, Brazil: an analysis of decadal climate variability
Published in Hydrological sciences journal (02-01-2022)“…This paper analyses decadal climate phenomena and the phases of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and assesses…”
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Performance evaluation of AR5-CMIP5 models for the representation of seasonal and multi-annual variability of precipitation in Brazilian hydropower sector basins under RCP8.5 scenario
Published in Hydrological sciences journal (18-08-2019)“…Representations of precipitation from CMIP5 models over the 1950-1999 period in hydrographic basins that are relevant to the Brazilian electricity sector are…”
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Naturalized streamflows and Affluent Natural Energy projections for the Brazilian hydropower sector for the SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios of the CMIP6
Published in Journal of water and climate change (01-01-2022)“…Climate change projects an increase in extreme weather events in the coming decades, which could significantly affect Brazil's water and energy security. Thus,…”
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Combining traditional hydrological models and machine learning for streamflow prediction
Published in Revista brasileira de recursos hídricos (01-01-2024)“…ABSTRACT Traditional hydrological models have been widely used in hydrologic studies, providing credible representations of reality. This paper introduces a…”
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Avaliação de índices de Seca no Monitoramento Hidrológico de Reservatórios Estratégicos do Ceará, Brasil
Published in Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia (2023)“…Resumo O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a aplicabilidade do índice de Abastecimento de água Superficial (SWSI) e do índice de Recuperação de Seca…”
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Classificação Climática de Thornthwaite para o Brasil com Base em Cenários de Mudanças Climáticas do IPCC-AR5
Published in Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia (01-12-2018)“…Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o balanço hídrico de Thornthwaite a partir das projeções do IPCC-AR5, identificando as possíveis mudanças de…”
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Medium-term projection for the National Hydro-Electrical System using wavelets
Published in Revista ambiente & água (2020)“…The Brazilian energetic matrix is predominantly based on hydroelectric plants and its planning is very sensitive to climate variability in different time…”
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Uma metodologia para o gerenciamento de modelos de escoragem em operações de crédito de varejo no Brasil
Published in Economia aplicada (01-10-2003)“…The development of scoring models for credit risk management and behaviour analysis of clients is quite important in the routine of commercial banks, financing…”
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Equity Valuation with Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Analysis
Published in Revista Brasileira de Finanças (01-04-2018)“…We consider the problem of equity valuation. The use of fuzzy multicriteria decision analysis is proposed to solve the problem. The resulting methodology…”
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Fund of hedge funds: implementation and operation
Published in Economia aplicada (01-10-2002)“…Hedge funds are an interesting investment alternative for those seeking international diversification. However, the task of analyzing and selecting a hedge…”
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Indexation of fixed-income portfolios to the IMA-B
Published in BBR Brazilian business review (Portuguese ed.) (01-05-2015)Get full text
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Análise Multicritério Nebulosa de Empresas
Published in Revista Brasileira de Finanças (11-07-2018)“…Consideramos o problema tradicional de avaliação de empresas. Propomos uma metodologia que permite o uso não somente dos tradicionais indicadores financeiros…”
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Eta Model and CMIP5 Climate Change Projections for the São Francisco and Paraíba do Sul River Basins, Brazil
Published in Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia (2023)“…Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as projeções de precipitação do modelo climático regional Eta para as bacias dos rios São Francisco (SF) e Paraíba do…”
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Análise da Variabilidade Espaço-Temporal do SPI: Um Estudo de Caso para a Sub-Bacia Choró, Ceará, Brasil
Published in Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia (01-09-2021)“…Resumo Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a variabilidade espaço-temporal do índice Padronizado de Precipitação (SPI), de forma a identificar períodos de…”
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Indexation of Fixed-Income Portfolios to the IMA-B
Published in BBR Brazilian business review (Portuguese ed.) (01-01-2015)“…This study considers the problem of indexing fixed-income portfolios to the ANBIMA Market Index – Series B (IMA-B), composed of Brazilian National Treasury…”
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Unificando a alocação de capital em bancos e seguradoras no Brasil
Published in Revista de administração de emprêsas (01-06-2004)“…Um dos motivos para a recente evolução da gestão de riscos em bancos internacionais é a proposta contida no Novo Acordo de Capital da Basiléia. Essa proposta…”
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Indexing Pension Funds with Exchange-Traded Funds
Published in Revista Brasileira de Finanças (01-10-2014)“…This article considers the use of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) for indexing the portfolios of pension funds in Brazil. A methodology is proposed to allow the…”
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Investing in private equity in Brazil
Published in BBR Brazilian business review (Portuguese ed.) (01-09-2016)“…ABSTRACT We consider the problem of selecting private equity funds for investment in Brazil. The proposed methodology is based on multi-criteria…”
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Indexação de Fundos de Pensão com Fundos de Índice
Published in Revista Brasileira de Finanças (06-10-2014)“…Este artigo considera o uso de Fundos de Índice (FI) para a indexação das carteiras de fundos de pensão no Brasil. Uma metodologia é apresentada para a…”
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