Search Results - "Marcio Koiti Chiba"
Classification of Brazilian soils by using LIBS and variable selection in the wavelet domain
Published in Analytica chimica acta (29-05-2009)“…This paper proposes a novel analytical methodology for soil classification based on the use of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and chemometric…”
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Air-drying pretreatment effect on soil enzymatic activity
Published in Plant, soil and environment (01-01-2017)“…Air-drying of soil samples is a common practice for all-purpose soil testing. However, it may cause the cessation of microbial activity changing the…”
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Chemical and microbiological attributes of an oxisol treated with successive applications of sewage sludge
Published in Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (01-08-2011)“…Studies on sewage sludge (SS) have confirmed the possibilities of using this waste as fertilizer and/or soil conditioner in crop production areas. Despite…”
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Agronomic Efficiency of Biosolid as Source of Nitrogen to Banana Plants
Published in Applied and Environmental Soil Science (2015)“…Sewage sludge (SS) or biosolid has been studied as source of nutrient for several different plant species. It also contributes to soil fertility recycling…”
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Sewage sludge application to agricultural land as soil physical conditioner
Published in Revista brasileira de ciência do solo (01-06-2010)“…Water resource quality is a concern of today's society and, as a consequence, low pollutant wastewaters and sludges are being increasingly treated, resulting…”
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Spatial and temporal variability of crop yield and some Rhodic Hapludox properties under no-tillage
Published in Revista brasileira de ciência do solo (01-01-2010)“…Soil properties are closely related with crop production and spite of the measures implemented, spatial variation has been repeatedly observed and described…”
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Liming and Manganese Foliar Levels in Orange
Published in Journal of plant nutrition (01-04-2009)“…Citrus cultures have a fundamental importance to the Brazilian economy; certain aspects such as plant nutrition, yield, and fruit quality are vital for the…”
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Spatial variability of soil chemical properties after coffee tree removal
Published in Revista brasileira de ciência do solo (01-10-2009)“…Assessing the spatial variability of soil chemical properties has become an important aspect of soil management strategies with a view to higher crop yields…”
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Produtividade e nutrição de mamona cultivada em área de reforma de canavial tratada com lodo de esgoto
Published in Revista brasileira de ciência do solo (2009)“…A utilização de lodo de esgoto (LE) em solos agrícolas é uma das maneiras mais viáveis de destinação desse resíduo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o…”
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Carbon stocks of a degraded soil recovered with agroforestry systems
Published in Agroforestry systems (01-06-2020)“…The use of agroforestry systems (AFS) for the recovery of degraded lands allows the diversification of biomass production and can increase the ecological,…”
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Environmental fragility and susceptibility mapping using geographic information systems: applications on Ribeirão do Pinhal watershed (Limeira, State of São Paulo)
Published in Acta scientiarum. Technology (01-10-2012)“…This paper presents the results of integrated environmental analysis of the Ribeirao do Pinhal drainage basin, undertaken with geographic information systems…”
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Variabilidade espacial e temporal de plantas daninhas em Latossolo Vermelho argiloso sob semeadura direta
Published in Acta scientiarum. Agronomy (01-12-2010)Get full text
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Variabilidade espacial e temporal de plantas daninhas em Latossolo Vermelho argiloso sob semeadura direta = Spatial and temporal variability of weed population in an Oxisol under no-till system
Published in Acta scientiarum. Agronomy (01-10-2010)“…O conhecimento da variabilidade espacial das plantas daninhas permite ações de manejo localizado, que podem trazer o duplo benefício da economia de insumos e…”
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Environmental fragility and susceptibility mapping using geographic information systems: applications on Ribeirão do Pinhal watershed (Limeira, State of São Paulo)=Mapeamento da fragilidade e suscetibilidade ambiental utilizando sistemas de informações geográficas: aplicações na bacia hidrográfica do ribeirão do pinhal (Limeira, Estado de São Paulo)
Published in Acta scientiarum. Technology (01-10-2012)“…This paper presents the results of integrated environmental analysis of the Ribeirão do Pinhal drainage basin, undertaken with geographic information systems…”
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Cultivo de cana-de-açúcar em argissolo tratado com lodo de esgoto: II - Fertilidade do solo e nutrição da planta Sugarcane cultivation in a sewage-sludge treated ultisol: II - Soil fertility and plant nutrition
Published in Revista brasileira de ciência do solo (01-04-2008)“…A reciclagem do lodo de esgoto em solos agrícolas é uma das formas mais racionais de utilização desse material. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o…”
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Cultivo de cana-de-açúcar em argissolo tratado com lodo de esgoto: II - Fertilidade do solo e nutrição da planta
Published in Revista brasileira de ciência do solo (01-04-2008)“…A reciclagem do lodo de esgoto em solos agrícolas é uma das formas mais racionais de utilização desse material. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o…”
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Cultivo de cana-de-açúcar em argissolo tratado com lodo de esgoto: I - Disponibilidade de nitrogênio no solo e componentes de produção
Published in Revista brasileira de ciência do solo (01-04-2008)“…Adotando-se os devidos critérios agronômicos e sanitários, o lodo de esgoto pode ser utilizado como fonte de nutrientes, especialmente N, em solos agrícolas,…”
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Cultivo de cana-de-açúcar em argissolo tratado com lodo de esgoto: I - Disponibilidade de nitrogênio no solo e componentes de produção Sugarcane cultivation in a sewage-sludge treated ultisol: I - Soil nitrogen availability and plant yield
Published in Revista brasileira de ciência do solo (01-04-2008)“…Adotando-se os devidos critérios agronômicos e sanitários, o lodo de esgoto pode ser utilizado como fonte de nutrientes, especialmente N, em solos agrícolas,…”
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CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in an Ultisol treated with sewage sludge and cultivated with castor bean
Published in Revista brasileira de ciência do solo (01-12-2009)“…Organic residue application into soil alter the emission of gases to atmosphere and CO2, CH4, N2O may contribute to increase the greenhouse effect. This…”
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Classification of Brazilian soils by using LIBS and variable selection in the wavelet domain
Published in Analytica chimica acta (01-05-2009)“…This paper proposes a novel analytical methodology for soil classification based on the use of laser- induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and chemometric…”
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