Search Results - "Marcelo Jorge Cavalcanti de Sá"
Evaluation of Osseointegration and Bone Healing Using Pure-Phase β - TCP Ceramic Implant in Bone Critical Defects. A Systematic Review
Published in Frontiers in veterinary science (12-07-2022)“…BackgroundThe gold standard for osseointegration remains the autogenous bone graft, but biomaterials such as Beta - tricalcium phosphate (β - TCP) in its…”
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Hidroxiapatita e quitosana isoladas e associadas à medula óssea no reparo do tecido ósseo em coelhos. Estudo histológico e morfométrico
Published in Ciência rural (01-07-2013)“…O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o processo de regeneração óssea em coelhos através da utilização da hidroxiapatita e da quitosana isoladas e…”
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Intratesticular injection of a zinc-based solution as a contraceptive for dogs
Published in Theriogenology (15-07-2007)“…The objective of the present study was to evaluate, by light and transmission electron microscopy, the efficacy of a single intratesticular injection of a…”
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Gastrosquise e toracosquise em um canino
Published in PUBVET (09-09-2021)“…The objective of this study was to describe a congenital malformation observed in a neonate dog treated at a Veterinary School Hospital. The fetus presented…”
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Injectable bone substitute based on chitosan with polyethylene glycol polymeric solution and biphasic calcium phosphate microspheres
Published in Carbohydrate polymers (01-10-2020)“…•Microspheres of biphasic calcium phosphate by coacervation and sinterization.•Injectable bone substitute gives good injectability results.•The calcium…”
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Avaliação de diferentes proporções de fosfato de cálcio na regeneração do tecido ósseo de coelhos: estudo clínicocirúrgico, radiológico e histológico
Published in Brazilian journal of veterinary research and animal science (03-09-2012)“…O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os fosfatos de cálcio, pirofosfato de cálcio (CPP) com tratamento térmico a 700 e 900°C, fosfato tricálcio associado à…”
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Platelet-Rich Plasma, Hydroxyapatite, and Chitosan in the Bone and Cartilaginous Regeneration of Femoral Trochlea in Rabbits: Clinical, Radiographic, and Histomorphometric Evaluations
Published in Journal of healthcare engineering (01-01-2018)“…The aim of this study was to evaluate the trochlear bone and cartilaginous regeneration of rabbits using the association of PRP, chitosan, and hydroxyapatite…”
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Utilização do anel metálico unitary anastomotic device (UAD) e da técnica convencional de sutura para anastomose da artéria carótida experimentalmente em cães
Published in Brazilian journal of veterinary research and animal science (01-12-2011)“…O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar a técnica de anastomose término-terminal convencional com a utilização do anel metálico Unitary Anastomotic…”
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Congenital elbow luxation grade I treated by radial head ostectomy in an English Bulldog
Published in Revista brasileira de ciência veterinária (2021)Get full text
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Hidroxiapatita e quitosana isoladas e associadas à medula óssea no reparo do tecido ósseo em coelhos. Estudo histológico e morfométrico
Published in Ciência rural (01-07-2013)“…O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o processo de regeneração óssea em coelhos através da utilização da hidroxiapatita e da quitosana isoladas e…”
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Seaweed flour (“Lithothamnium calcareum”) as a mineral supplement in the bone healing of a cortical autograft in dogs Farinha de algas marinhas (“Lithothamnium calcareum”) como suplemento mineral na cicatrização óssea de autoenxerto cortical em cães
Published in Revista brasileira de saúde e produção animal (01-03-2010)“…The influence of the seaweed flour (Lithothamnium calcareum) was evaluated as a mineral supplement in during healing of bone failure reconstructed with a…”
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Evaluation of different proportions of calcium phosphate in the regeneration of bone tissue of rabbits: clinical-surgical, radiological and histological study
Published in Brazilian journal of veterinary research and animal science (03-09-2012)“…The aim of this study was to evaluate the calcium phosphate, calcium pyrophosphate (CPP) with heat treatment at 700 and 900 ° C, tricalcium phosphate combined…”
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Hydroxyapatite and chitosan isolated and associated with bone marrow in repair of bone tissue in rabbits. Histological and morfometric study/Hidroxiapatita e quitosana isoladas e associadas a medula ossea no reparo do tecido osseo em coelhos. Estudo histologico e morfometrico
Published in Ciência rural (01-07-2013)“…The aim of this research was to evaluate the process of bone regeneration in rabbits by the use of hydroxyapatite and chitosan only and associated with bone…”
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Fixação externa em fratura completa de metacarpo em potros
Published in Ciência rural (01-08-1997)“…A regeneração de fraturas nos membros de eqüinos é complexa pelas características da espécie. Baseado em estudo biomecânico prévio, dez potros com fratura…”
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Fixação externa em fratura completa de metacarpo em potros External fixation in complete metacarpal fracture in foals
Published in Ciência rural (01-08-1997)“…A regeneração de fraturas nos membros de eqüinos é complexa pelas características da espécie. Baseado em estudo biomecânico prévio, dez potros com fratura…”
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Hydroxyapatite and chitosan isolated and associated with bone marrow in repair of bone tissue in rabbits. Histological and morfometric study/Hidroxiapatita e quitosana isoladas e associadas a medula ossea no reparo do tecido osseo em coelhos. Estudo histologico e morfometrico
Published in Ciência rural (01-07-2013)“…The aim of this research was to evaluate the process of bone regeneration in rabbits by the use of hydroxyapatite and chitosan only and associated with bone…”
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Fixação externa em fratura completa de metacarpo em potros
Published in Ciência rural (01-08-1997)“…A regeneração de fraturas nos membros de eqüinos é complexa pelas características da espécie. Baseado em estudo biomecânico prévio, dez potros com fratura…”
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