Search Results - "María Eugenia Olivares"
The structure of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 in pregnant women in Spain
Published in Midwifery (01-07-2018)“…•Depression is the most common complication during pregnancy. Depressed women during pregnancy are also more likely to have miscarriages, have fetuses with…”
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The Prevalence and Risk Factors for Antenatal Depression Among Pregnant Immigrant and Native Women in Spain
Published in Journal of transcultural nursing (01-11-2020)“…Introduction: The aim was to examine the risk factors of anternatal depression among immigrant and native pregnant women in Spain. Method: A total of 1,524…”
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Feasibility of screening and prevalence of prenatal depression in an obstetric setting in Spain
Published in European journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology (01-08-2017)“…Abstract Objectives Prenatal depression is a significant public health problem and one of the main risk factors for postpartum depression. Limited research in…”
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Psychological, Psychosocial and Obstetric Differences between Spanish and Immigrant Mothers: Retrospective Observational Study
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (18-09-2022)“…This study analyzed the influence of psychological and psychosocial factors of pregnant women at an obstetric level. The possible differences between Spaniards…”
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Review of suicidal ideation during pregnancy: risk factors, prevalence, assessment instruments and consequences
Published in Psicologia, reflexão e crítica (24-05-2022)“…Background Pregnancy is a period when women are particularly vulnerable to suicidal ideation and a great opportunity for suicide risk prevention. Aims This…”
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The Psychometric Properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 for Pregnant Women
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (19-10-2020)“…Perinatal anxiety and depression are common complications during pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to examine the item characteristics, reliability,…”
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Breast Cancer Management During COVID-19 Pandemic in Madrid: Surgical Strategy
Published in Clinical breast cancer (01-02-2021)“…From the first case of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Wuhan (China), the infection spread all around the world causing a pandemic of coronavirus disease-2019…”
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Preventing perinatal depression in Spain: a pilot evaluation of Mamás y Bebés
Published in Journal of reproductive and infant psychology (19-10-2020)“…Objective: This pilot study evaluated the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioural intervention to prevent…”
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Suicidal ideation: Prevalence and risk factors during pregnancy
Published in Midwifery (01-03-2022)“…Introduction: Although suicide is the main cause of maternal death during pregnancy in industrialized countries, there are few research regarding the…”
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Hygiene-based measures for the prevention of cytomegalovirus infection in pregnant women: a systematic review
Published in BMC pregnancy and childbirth (29-02-2024)“…Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the most frequent congenital infection worldwide causing important sequelae. However, no vaccine or antiviral treatments are…”
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Immediate Psychological Implications of Risk-Reducing Mastectomies in Women With Increased Risk of Breast Cancer: A Comparative Study
Published in Clinical breast cancer (01-10-2024)“…Risk-reducing mastectomy is recommended for high-risk patients but may have significant psychological consequences. This study aimed to determine the…”
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Calidad de vida en pacientes con tumores cerebrales: importancia de las variables psicológicas
Published in Clínica y salud (01-03-2015)“…Los síntomas clínicos de ansiedad y depresión, así como el deterioro cognitivo determinan la calida de vida de los pacientes con tumores cerebrales (Liu, Page,…”
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The healthy moms and babies app to prevent postpartum depression: analysis of user-profiles and dropout cases
Published in Frontiers in public health (15-09-2023)“…IntroductionPerinatal depression affects mothers, babies and society. Preventive interventions are needed, but face barriers to access. E-health interventions…”
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Prevención de la depresión perinatal
Published in Clínica y salud (01-11-2016)“…Estos datos son aproximadamente un 5% superiores a los de las mujeres adultas diagnosticadas de depresión cada año ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…”
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Propiedades psicométricas del postpartum depression predictors inventory- revised- versión prenatal en una muestra española de mujeres embarazadas()
Published in Revista española de salud pública (01-01-2017)“…ABSTRACT Background: Prenatal depression is a major public health problem, therefore predicting and preventing it is a relevant objective for public health…”
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Cirugía mamaria: aspectos psicológicos
Published in Psicooncologia (01-01-2007)“…Son indiscutibles los significativos avances que los tratamientos quirúrgicos de la mama, han experimentado en los últimos tiempos. El objetivo del presente…”
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Abstract PO-007: Breast cancer management during COVID-19 outbreak: Learned lessons
Published in Clinical cancer research (15-09-2020)“…Purpose: From the first case of COVID-19 infection in Wuhan (China), the infection spread westward around all the world, causing a pandemic. Madrid has been…”
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Abstract PO-025: Management of breast cancer surgery during de-escalation of COVID-19 infection
Published in Clinical cancer research (15-09-2020)“…Purpose: Spain has been one of the countries most severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and Madrid has reported the highest number of cases and deaths. A…”
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Valoración biopsicosocial en pacientes con patología mamaria oncológica quirúrgica
Published in Psicooncologia (01-01-2010)“…La versatilidad en la terapéutica quirúrgica oncológica de la patología mamaria, obliga a identificar las diferencias en cuanto a la repercusión psicológica…”
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Menopausal in breast cancer and the effectiveness of a dietary supplement: Serotomama project
Published in Cirugia española (English ed.) (01-06-2023)Get full text
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