Search Results - "Mantovani, Valentina"
Freeze-out conditions from net-proton and net-charge fluctuations at RHIC
Published in Physics letters. B (01-11-2014)“…We calculate ratios of higher-order susceptibilities quantifying fluctuations in the number of net-protons and in the net-electric charge using the Hadron…”
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A method to remove lower order contributions in multi-particle femtoscopic correlation functions
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01-03-2022)“…In recent years the femtoscopy technique has been used by the ALICE Collaboration in small colliding systems at the LHC to investigate the strong-interaction…”
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Hyperon-nucleon femtoscopy, nuclear production and bearing on astrophysics
Published in EPJ Web of Conferences (2022)“…The presence of hyperons in the inner core of neutron stars is still an open issue in astrophysics and the so-called hyperon puzzle is far away from being…”
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The half-skyrmion phase in a chiral-quark model
Published in Physics letters. B (2014)“…The Chiral Dilaton Model, where baryons arise as non-topological solitons built from the interaction of quarks and chiral mesons, shows in the high density low…”
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Gender Differences after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR): Insights from the Italian Clinical Service Project
Published in Journal of cardiovascular development and disease (15-09-2021)“…Background: TAVR is a safe alternative to surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR); however, sex-related differences are still debated. This research aimed to…”
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Sensitivity of multiplicity fluctuations to freeze-out conditions in heavy ion collisions
Published in Physical review. C, Nuclear physics (18-12-2015)Get full text
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Hadron thermodynamics from imaginary chemical potentials
Published in EPJ Web of conferences (01-01-2018)“…We use 4stout improved staggered lattice data at imaginary chemical potentials to calculate fugacity expansion coefficients in finite temperature QCD. We…”
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A method to remove lower order contributions in multi-particle femtoscopic correlation functions
Published 21-07-2021“…In recent years the femtoscopy technique has been used by the ALICE Collaboration in small colliding systems at the LHC to investigate the strong-interaction…”
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From Celts to Romans in Noricum. Ugly and less ugly pottery
Published in Studie Hercynia (01-01-2024)“…This short picture book intends to set the focus on a few essential features marking the evolution of coarse grained common wares in Noricum over more or less…”
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Thermal-model-based characterization of heavy-ion-collision systems at chemical freeze-out
Published in EPJ Web of Conferences (01-01-2022)“…We investigate the chemical freeze-out in heavy-ion collisions (HICs) and the impact of the hadronic spectrum on thermal model analyses [1, 2]. Detailed…”
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Chiral quark-soliton model with broken scale invariance for nuclear matter
Published in Physical review. C, Nuclear physics (27-07-2012)Get full text
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Effect of the QCD equation of state and strange hadronic resonances on multiparticle correlations in heavy ion collisions
Published 15-11-2017“…Phys. Rev. C 98, 034909 (2018) The QCD equation of state at zero baryon chemical potential is the only element of the standard dynamical framework to describe…”
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The half-skyrmion phase in a chiral-quark model
Published 09-11-2013“…The Chiral Dilaton Model, where baryons arise as non-topological solitons built from the interaction of quarks and chiral mesons, shows in the high density low…”
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Glass Coloring and Recycling in Late Antiquity: A New Case Study from Aquileia (Italy)
Published in Journal of glass studies (01-01-2016)“…Aquileia is widely cited as a major Roman glassworking center, but this assumption is based on scarce archaeological evidence and supported by only a few…”
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Sensitivity of multiplicity fluctuations to freeze-out conditions in heavy ion collisions
Published 13-04-2015“…Phys. Rev. C 92, 064910 (2015) We study the sensitivity of the higher-order moments of produced particle multiplicity distributions to the chemical freeze-out…”
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The decorated Padan terra sigillata from the site of Retratto, Adria (north-eastern Italy): Provenance and production technology
Published in Applied clay science (01-09-2013)“…The archaeological excavation at the Retratto site (Adria, north-eastern Italy) brought to light massive amounts of terra sigillata objects, the morphological…”
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Journal Article Conference Proceeding -
Mechanisms of ineffective patent foramen ovale closure using the percutaneous suture-mediated NobleStitch system
Published in EuroIntervention (15-05-2022)Get full text
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Acute changes in mitral valve geometry after percutaneous valve repair with MitraClip XTR by three‐dimensional echocardiography
Published in Echocardiography (Mount Kisco, N.Y.) (01-11-2021)“…Background Mitral valve (MV) repair with MitraClip system is a safe treatment option for high‐risk patients with significant mitral regurgitation (MR). We…”
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Constraining the hadronic spectrum through QCD thermodynamics on the lattice
Published 03-02-2017“…Phys. Rev. D 96, 034517 (2017) Fluctuations of conserved charges allow to study the chemical composition of hadronic matter. A comparison between lattice…”
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A chiral quark-soliton model with broken scale invariance for nuclear matter
Published 27-02-2012“…We present a model for describing nuclear matter at finite density based on quarks interacting with chiral fields, \sigma and \pi and with vector mesons…”
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