Search Results - "Malik, Jahan"
Performance evaluation of fuzzy clustered case-based reasoning
Published in Journal of experimental & theoretical artificial intelligence (04-03-2021)“…Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a nature-inspired machine learning technique. It solves a new problem using the existing similar problems with their solutions…”
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Hippocampus Segmentation-Based Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis and Classification of MRI Images
Published in Arabian journal for science and engineering (2011) (01-08-2023)“…Alzheimer’s disease represents a neurological condition characterized by steady cognitive decline and eventual memory loss due to the death of brain cells. It…”
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Hybrid case-base maintenance approach for modeling large scale case-based reasoning systems
Published in Human-centric computing and information sciences (13-03-2019)“…Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a nature inspired paradigm of machine learning capable to continuously learn from the past experience. Each newly solved problem…”
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Predictors of Contraceptive practice in married women of Punjab, Pakistan
Published in Pakistan journal of medical sciences (30-06-2023)“…Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world. Current contraceptive use in Pakistan is only 26% despite being one of the leading countries in Asia…”
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An intelligent mobile application for diagnosis of crop diseases in Pakistan using fuzzy inference system
Published in Computers and electronics in agriculture (01-10-2018)“…•Largest producers of crops include south Asian countries including Pakistan.•There is lack of exploitation of technology for enhancements in agriculture…”
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Expression of Gstt1 in Type 2 Diabetic Retinopathy Patients
Published in Critical reviews in eukaryotic gene expression (2019)“…Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is the most common metabolic and multifactorial disease in which both genetic and environmental factors are involved. In…”
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An empirical study of modeling self-management capabilities in autonomic systems using case-based reasoning
Published in Simulation modelling practice and theory (01-11-2011)“…Autonomic systems promise to inject self-managing capabilities in software systems. The major objectives of autonomic computing are to minimize human…”
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A Randomized Partitioning Approach for CBR-Based Autonomic Systems to Improve Retrieval Performance
Published in Computer journal (01-02-2013)“…Autonomic systems exhibit self-managing behavior using various algorithms. Case-based reasoning is one the techniques that enable the autonomic manager to…”
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Nitenpyram selection, resistance and biochemical characterization in dusky cotton bug, Oxycarenus hyalinipennis Costa (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae)
Published in Crop protection (01-11-2019)“…Dusky cotton bug, Oxycarenus hyalinipennis Costa, causes economic loss by sucking the moisture and oil contents from the leaves and seeds of cotton plants…”
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Journal Article -
Alzheimers Disease Recognition using CNN Model with EfficientNetV2
Published in 2022 2nd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON) (26-08-2022)“…In recent years, machine learning-based identification of Alzheimer's disease (AD) from the use of brain images such as MRI has been a hot topic. Deep…”
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Conference Proceeding -
An Enhanced Approach on Brain Tumor Segmentation by the use of Deep Learning
Published in 2022 13th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) (03-10-2022)“…The process of separating tumors from normal brain tissues is known as brain tumor separation. Brain tumor segmentation is a challenging job in artificial…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Stroke Disease Classification with help of a ANOVA and Repeated StratiFiedKFold
Published in 2022 IEEE North Karnataka Subsection Flagship International Conference (NKCon) (20-11-2022)“…The Department for Heart and Stroke Prevention is to improve cardiovascular health for everyone, minimize load, and eliminate disparities in cardiovascular and…”
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Cirrhosis Disease Classification by using Polynomial Feature and XGBoosting
Published in 2022 13th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) (03-10-2022)“…Every year, over 2.8% of adult fatalities in India are caused by liver diseases. Discovering the liver illness is tough since its early phases, which will…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Development of Hydrometric Sensor Networks in Formerly Ungauged Watersheds: Lessons from Namal Valley, Mianwali
Published in IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (17-07-2022)“…Measurement of hydrological variables in rain-fed catchments is crucial for any decision support to mitigate flood risk. This paper describes our efforts in…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Anxiety Prediction during Stressful Scenarios using Machine Learning
Published in 2022 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) (25-05-2022)“…Depression, anxiety and stress are terms that should not be taken lightly. These 3 things can ruin a person's life at his/her core and has a lifelong, drastic…”
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Conference Proceeding -
CardioVascular Disease Detection uing Power Transforamtion and GradientBoosting Classifier
Published in 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE) (28-04-2022)“…Cardiovascular diseases are a set of blood vessel and heart problems. A setup of fatty plaques, one of the most major reasons is damage to the under cover of…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Hierarchical Service Oriented Architecture for Development of Autonomic Systems
Published in 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (01-09-2015)“…Software engineering literature is rich in terms of various architectural options to build conventional software systems but very less efforts have been put…”
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Exploiting Fuzzy Clustering and Case-Based Reasoning for Autonomic Managers
Published in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC) (01-07-2016)“…Designing efficient self-management algorithms for autonomic managers has been an ongoing and evolving research area. In literature, many machine learning…”
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Road Surface recognition by using Quantile Transformation and ML Algorithms
Published in 2022 IEEE 3rd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT) (07-10-2022)“…Surface road management predicts and mitigates problems on simple and rough roads, allowing the government to provide funding based on this knowledge in rural…”
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Prediction and Analysis of Air Incidents and Accidents Using Case-Based Reasoning
Published in 2012 Third Global Congress on Intelligent Systems (01-11-2012)“…Prediction of upcoming events has very critical role in many disciplines of life. Air accidents and incidents are one of such critical events. There are many…”
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