Search Results - "Maia, Marianna De Freitas"
Postexercise Hypotension and Heart Rate Variability Responses Subsequent to Traditional, Paired Set, and Superset Resistance Training Methods
Published in Journal of strength and conditioning research (01-09-2019)“…ABSTRACTPaz, GA, Iglesias-Soler, E, Willardson, JM, Maia, MdF, and Miranda, H. Postexercise hypotension and heart rate variability responses subsequent to…”
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Anthropometric and physical fitness parameters versus specific performance tests in Brazilian field hockey athletes: a pilot study
Published in Biomedical human kinetics (01-02-2017)“…Study aim: To investigate the correlation between anthropometric parameters, Sargent jump test, core muscles endurance and agility performance versus specific…”
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Knee Frontal Plane Projection Angle: A Comparison Study Between Drop Vertical Jump and Step-Down Tests With Young Volleyball Athletes
Published in Journal of sport rehabilitation (01-02-2019)“…Observational study. Altered frontal plane knee mechanics during dynamic tasks have been often associated with lower-extremity injuries. Strategies to decrease…”
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Electromyography Activation of the Lower-Limb Muscles Adopting a Physioball and Elastic Band to Stabilize the Knee Joint During Multiple Sets With Submaximal Loads
Published in Journal of sport rehabilitation (01-09-2017)“…Crossover design. Excessive valgus and varus force which affected the knee joint during dynamic tasks has been often associated to lower extremity injuries…”
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Maximal repetition performance, rating of perceived exertion, and muscle fatigue during paired set training performed with different rest intervals
Published in Journal of exercise science and fitness (01-12-2015)“…Abstract Background/Objective The purpose of this study was to examine rest interval length between agonist–antagonist paired set training (PS) on maximal…”
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Myoelectric activity of the gastrocnemius during plantar flexion in a standing versus seated position and with a neutral or dorsiflexed ankle: A pilot study
Published in Journal of bodywork and movement therapies (01-04-2021)“…The purpose of this study was to investigate the surface electromyographic (EMG) activity of the medial (GM) and lateral (GL) heads of the gastrocnemius muscle…”
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Maximal strength performance, efficiency, and myoelectric responses with differing intra-set rest intervals during paired set training
Published in Journal of bodywork and movement therapies (01-01-2020)“…The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different rest intervals within paired sets (PS) on total work and training volume, efficiency…”
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Positional relationship between several performance tests and physical profile of Brazilian football athletes
Published in Acta scientiarum. Health sciences (01-01-2019)“…The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between anthropometric (height and weight) and physical parameters in Brazilian football athletes…”
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Maximal exercise performance and electromyography responses after antagonist neuromuscular proprioceptive facilitation: a pilot study
Published in Journal of exercise physiology online (01-12-2012)“…Antagonist stretching may promote agonist performance-enhancement. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effects of antagonist…”
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Desempenho de repetições e tempo sob tensão no método Cluster Sets vs. tradicional em uma sessão de treinamento de força
Published in Conscientiae saúde (29-03-2019)“…Introdução: O método cluster sets (CLS) surge como um método de treinamento de força (TF) incluindo pequenos intervalos dentro da série. Objetivo: comparar o…”
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Efeito da pré-ativação dos antagonistas sobre a determinação da carga no teste de 10 repetições máximas no exercício supino reto
Published in Conscientiae saúde (04-07-2016)“…Introdução: Evidências indicam que a pré-ativação do antagonista melhora o desempenho agonista no exercício. Objetivo: Verificar o efeito da pré-ativação dos…”
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Desempenho de repetições máximas adotando diferentes ordens de exercícios em uma sessão de treinamento de força para o membro superior
Published in Conscientiae saúde (21-01-2016)“…Introdução: A ordem dos exercícios interfere diretamente no desempenho de força. Objetivo: Investigar a influência de diferentes ordens de execução de…”
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Published in Revista brasileira de prescrição e fisiologia do exercício (01-07-2014)Get full text
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Influência da ordem dos exercícios no desempenho do número de repetições com baixa intensidade de carga em homens destreinados
Published in Conscientiae saúde (30-04-2015)“…Introdução: A ordem dos exercícios pode afetar significativamente o desempenho de força muscular. Objetivo: Comparar o desempenho de repetições máximas e…”
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Influência do intervalo de recuperação entre alongamento e treinamento de força
Published in Conscientiae saúde (15-10-2013)“…Objetivo: Investigar o efeito de diferentes intervalos de recuperação entre alongamento estático passivo para o quadríceps no desempenho de repetições máximas…”
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Preensão manual entre membro dominante e não dominante em atletas de alto rendimento de Judô
Published in Revista brasileira de prescrição e fisiologia do exercício (01-07-2013)Get full text
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Vertical jump performance after passive static stretching of knee flexors muscles
Published in Apunts : medicina de l'esport (01-10-2016)“…Abstract Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effects of passive static stretching (PSS) applied on hamstring muscles on vertical…”
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Strength performance parameters when adopting different exercise sequences during agonist-antagonist paired sets
Published in Apunts : medicina de l'esport (01-07-2015)“…Objective: To investigate the effect of different exercise sequences during agonist-antagonist paired sets on training volume, ratings of perceived exertion,…”
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