Search Results - "Mai, Nguyen Sao"
Assistive Technologies to Address Capabilities of People with Dementia: From Research to Practice
Published in Dementia (London, England) (01-05-2019)“…Assistive technologies became pervasive and virtually present in all our life domains. They can be either an enabler or an obstacle leading to social…”
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A Survey of Human Activity Recognition in Smart Homes Based on IoT Sensors Algorithms: Taxonomies, Challenges, and Opportunities with Deep Learning
Published in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (09-09-2021)“…Recent advances in Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and the reduction in the cost of sensors have encouraged the development of smart environments, such…”
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Identification and Validation of QTLs for Yield and Yield Components under Long-Term Salt Stress Using IR64 CSSLs in the Genetic Background of Koshihikari and Their Backcross Progenies
Published in Agriculture (Basel) (15-08-2021)“…Unraveling the complex genetic bases and mechanisms underlying salt tolerance is of great importance for developing salt-tolerant varieties. In this study, we…”
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Active choice of teachers, learning strategies and goals for a socially guided intrinsic motivation learner
Published in Paladyn (Warsaw) (01-09-2012)“…We present an active learning architecture that allows a robot to actively learn which data collection strategy is most efficient for acquiring motor skills to…”
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Effects of polymer molecular weight on curcumin amorphous solid dispersion; at-line monitoring system based on attenuated total reflectance mid-infrared and near-infrared spectroscopy
Published in Journal of drug delivery science and technology (01-02-2021)“…The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the molecular weight (Mw) of hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) and grinding duration on solid dispersions…”
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A Smart Home Digital Twin to Support the Recognition of Activities of Daily Living
Published in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (01-09-2023)“…One of the challenges in the field of human activity recognition in smart homes based on IoT sensors is the variability in the recorded data. This variability…”
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Secretion Genes as Determinants of Bacillus anthracis Chain Length
Published in Journal of Bacteriology (01-08-2012)“…Bacillus anthracis grows in chains of rod-shaped cells, a trait that contributes to its escape from phagocytic clearance in host tissues. Using a genetic…”
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Socially guided intrinsic motivation for robot learning of motor skills
Published in Autonomous robots (01-03-2014)“…This paper presents a technical approach to robot learning of motor skills which combines active intrinsically motivated learning with imitation learning. Our…”
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Technical Feasibility of Supervision of Stretching Exercises by a Humanoid Robot Coach for Chronic Low Back Pain: The R-COOL Randomized Trial
Published in BioMed research international (09-03-2022)“…Adherence to exercise programs for chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a major issue. The R-COOL feasibility study evaluated humanoid robot supervision of exercise…”
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Recognition of Activities of Daily Living via Hierarchical Long-Short Term Memory Networks
Published in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) (01-10-2019)“…In order to offer optimal and personalized assistance services to frail people, smart homes or assistive robots must be able to understand the context and…”
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Bacillus anthracis Acetyltransferases PatA1 and PatA2 Modify the Secondary Cell Wall Polysaccharide and Affect the Assembly of S-Layer Proteins
Published in Journal of Bacteriology (01-03-2013)“…The envelope of Bacillus anthracis encompasses a proteinaceous S-layer with two S-layer proteins (Sap and EA1). Protein assembly in the envelope of B…”
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Guest Editorial Special Issue on Continual Unsupervised Sensorimotor Learning
Published in IEEE transactions on cognitive and developmental systems (01-06-2021)“…The pursuit of higher levels of autonomy and versatility in robotics is arguably led by two main factors. First, as we push robots out of the labs and…”
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Learning a Set of Interrelated Tasks by Using a Succession of Motor Policies for a Socially Guided Intrinsically Motivated Learner
Published in Frontiers in neurorobotics (08-01-2019)“…We aim at a robot capable to learn sequences of actions to achieve a field of complex tasks. In this paper, we are considering the learning of a set of…”
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Staircase Negotiation Learning for Articulated Tracked Robots with Varying Degrees of Freedom
Published in 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR) (04-11-2020)“…Tracked robots capable of negotiating 3D terrains require delicate control, most often tailored to a specific platform or setting. For staircase traversal in…”
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Staircase Traversal via Reinforcement Learning for Active Reconfiguration of Assistive Robots
Published in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) (01-07-2020)“…Assistive robots introduce a new paradigm for developing advanced personalized services. At the same time, the variability and stochasticity of environments,…”
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Intrinsically Motivated Open-Ended Multi-Task Learning Using Transfer Learning to Discover Task Hierarchy
Published in Applied sciences (01-02-2021)“…In open-ended continuous environments, robots need to learn multiple parameterised control tasks in hierarchical reinforcement learning. We hypothesise that…”
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Object Learning Through Active Exploration
Published in IEEE transactions on autonomous mental development (01-03-2014)“…This paper addresses the problem of active object learning by a humanoid child-like robot, using a developmental approach. We propose a cognitive architecture…”
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Computational architecture of a robot coach for physical exercises in kinaesthetic rehabilitation
Published in 2016 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) (01-08-2016)“…The rising number of the elderly incurs growing concern about healthcare, and in particular rehabilitation healthcare. Assistive technology and and assistive…”
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Enhancing the Solubility of Curcumin Using a Solid Dispersion System with Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin Prepared by Grinding, Freeze-Drying, and Common Solvent Evaporation Methods
Published in Pharmacy (02-11-2020)“…Cyclodextrins (CDs) and their derivatives significantly increase drug solubility by forming drug/CD complexes known as solid dispersions (SDs), which consist…”
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Prerequisite Structure Discovery in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Published 18-01-2024“…2023 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), Nov 2023, Macau, China. pp.176-181 This paper addresses the importance of Knowledge…”
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