Search Results - "Maher, Ryan M."
Agricultural soil legacy influences multitrophic interactions between crops, their pathogens and pollinators
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (29-11-2023)“…Soil legacy influences plant interactions with antagonists and below-ground mutualists. Plant–antagonist interactions can jeopardize plant–pollinator…”
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Tarping and mulching effects on crop yields, profitability, and soil nutrients in a continuous no-till organic vegetable production system
Published in Renewable agriculture and food systems (10-01-2024)“…Small-scale organic vegetable farms need strategies to overcome yield, labor, and economic challenges in transitioning to reduced and no-till practices…”
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Black Plastic Tarps Advance Organic Reduced Tillage I: Impact on Soils, Weed Seed Survival, and Crop Residue
Published in HortScience (01-06-2020)“…Intensive tillage degrades soil structure, decreases soil organic matter, and can cause soil compaction and erosion over time. Organic vegetable farmers are…”
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Black Plastic Tarps Advance Organic Reduced Tillage II: Impact on Weeds and Beet Yield
Published in HortScience (01-06-2020)“…Organic vegetable farmers rely on intensive tillage to control weeds, incorporate amendments and residues, and prepare seedbeds. Intensive tillage, however,…”
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Changes in soil respiration across a chronosequence of tallgrass prairie reconstructions
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (15-12-2010)“…▶ Soil respiration increases with grassland age across young prairie reconstructions. ▶ Soil temperature and moisture do not explain greater soil respiration…”
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Legume species not spatial arrangement influence cover crop mixture effects in strip‐tilled organic cabbage
Published in Agronomy journal (01-05-2021)“…Management constraints in reduced tillage organic vegetable production may be alleviated by combining strip tillage (ST) with overwintering cereal–legume cover…”
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