Search Results - "Mahadevan, Nagabhushan"
Fault-Adaptive Autonomy in Systems with Learning-Enabled Components
Published in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (11-09-2021)“…Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) must be robust against potential failure modes, including physical degradations and software issues, and are required…”
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Hierarchical Reasoning about Faults in Cyber-Physical Energy Systems using Temporal Causal Diagrams
Published in International journal of prognostics and health management (01-01-2018)“…fault management systems that observe the state of the system, decide if there is an anomaly and then take automated actions to isolate faults. For example, in…”
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A component model for hard real-time systems: CCM with ARINC-653
Published in Software, practice & experience (01-11-2011)“…SUMMARY The size and complexity of software in safety‐critical systems is increasing at a rapid pace. One technology that can be used to mitigate this…”
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Modeling COTS System TID Response With Monte Carlo Sampling and Transistor Swapping Experiments
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-05-2021)“…Modeling systems containing commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) parts exposed to total ionizing dose (TID) are difficult due to large parameter variability in the…”
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Radiation Response and Adaptive Control-Based Degradation Mitigation of MEMS Accelerometers in Ionizing Dose Environments
Published in IEEE sensors journal (15-02-2017)“…This paper investigates the effects of gamma radiation on the operation of commercially available capacitive microelectromechanical accelerometers intended for…”
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Radiation Assurance of CubeSat Payloads Using Bayesian Networks and Fault Models
Published in 2018 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) (01-01-2018)“…Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) electronics are used in satellites that span the size, cost, and acceptable risk spectrum. At one extreme the CubeSat, a…”
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Augmenting Learning Components for Safety in Resource Constrained Autonomous Robots
Published in 2019 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC) (01-05-2019)“…Learning enabled components (LECs) trained using data-driven algorithms are increasingly being used in autonomous robots commonly found in factories,…”
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A CubeSat-payload radiation-reliability assurance case using goal structuring notation
Published in 2017 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) (2017)“…CubeSats have become an attractive platform for universities, industry, and government space missions because they are cheaper and quicker to develop than…”
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Range-Finding Sensor Degradation in Gamma Radiation Environments
Published in IEEE sensors journal (01-03-2015)“…The effects of gamma radiation on common sensors used in robots intended for nuclear remediation scenarios are examined. Commercial rangefinders are chosen as…”
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Practical Implementation of Diagnosis Systems Using Timed Failure Propagation Graph Models
Published in IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement (01-02-2009)“…Timed failure propagation graphs (TFPGs) are causal models that capture the temporal aspects of failure propagation in typical engineering systems. In this…”
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Deliberative, search-based mitigation strategies for model-based software health management
Published in Innovations in systems and software engineering (01-12-2013)“…Rising software complexity in aerospace systems makes them very difficult to analyze and prepare for all possible fault scenarios at design time; therefore,…”
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System Health Awareness in Total-Ionizing Dose Environments
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-08-2015)“…Understanding the relationship between the impact of radiation at the component and system levels is challenging. This paper discusses a hierarchical approach,…”
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DVER: A tool chain for cross-validation and perfection of discrete model-based diagnostic systems
Published in 2016 IEEE Aerospace Conference (01-03-2016)“…The safe and reliable operation of complex aerospace vehicles requires rapid and accurate detection and identification of system faults. Discrete model-based…”
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Systems Engineering and Assurance Modeling (SEAM): A Web-Based Solution for Integrated Mission Assurance
Published in Facta universitatis. Series Electronics and energetics (01-03-2021)“…We present an overview of the Systems Engineering and Assurance Modeling (SEAM) platform, a web-browser-based tool which is designed to help engineers evaluate…”
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Bayesian Inference Modeling of Total Ionizing Dose Effects on System Performance
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-12-2015)“…A probabilistic Bayesian modeling method for determining the effects of radiation-induced component-level parameter shifts on system-level performance is…”
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Automatic Fault Tree Generation from Radiation-Induced Fault Models
Published in 2020 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) (01-01-2020)“…The space environment raises several unique reliability issues for non-optical-based electronic systems for surviving radiation from cosmic rays, our Sun, or…”
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Total-Ionizing-Dose Induced Timing Window Violations in CMOS Microcontrollers
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-12-2014)“…The total-ionizing-dose robustness of low power microcontrollers is investigated. Experiments reveal that with increasing total ionizing dose (TID), the…”
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Model-based software health management for real-time systems
Published in 2011 Aerospace Conference (01-03-2011)“…Complexity of software systems has reached the point where we need run-time mechanisms that can be used to provide fault management services. Testing and…”
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A Real-Time Component Framework: Experience with CCM and ARINC-653
Published in 2010 13th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (01-05-2010)“…The complexity of software in systems like aerospace vehicles has reached the point where new techniques are needed to ensure system dependability while…”
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Automated Method for Assurance Case Construction from System Design Models
Published in 2021 5th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS) (24-11-2021)“…Many Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) operate in safety- or mission-critical applications where strong assurance of safe operation is required. Assurance cases…”
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