Search Results - "Mahabubul, Gazi"
Whether academics' job performance makes a difference to burnout and the effect of psychological counselling-comparison of four types of performers
Published in PloS one (14-06-2024)“…Treating burnout as an independent variable while performance is the dependent variable, earlier studies revealed that job burnout experienced by academics…”
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Does the job performance of academics' influence burnout and psychological counselling? A comparative analysis amongst high-, average-, low-, and non-performers
Published in BMC public health (26-06-2024)“…Extensive research has been conducted treating burnout as an independent variable and performance as a dependent variable to proffer possible solutions to…”
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Commercial higher education strategies for recruiting international students in China: a catalyst or obstacle for sustainable education and learning?
Published in Discover sustainability (14-03-2024)“…In this modern era of commercialized higher education, learning and qualifications have become the essential commodities that drive nations’ economic progress…”
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Does socioeconomic status influence students’ access to residential college and ameliorate performance discrepancies among them in China?
Published in Discover sustainability (27-02-2024)“…Education is one of the main prerequisites for a country making economic progress. A well-informed and well-functioning education system should be able to…”
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“We are out of toilet paper”: Testing the mediating effect of product scarcity on consumers’ competitive arousal in family firms
Published in Journal of business research (01-09-2023)“…•Product scarcity mediates between information overload and competitive arousal.•Consumers in family firms are less inclined to react impulsively than those in…”
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Multiple Beneficial Applications and Modes of Action of Herbs in Poultry Health and Production-A Review
Published in International journal of pharmacology (15-03-2015)Get full text
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Stress-inducing or performance-enhancing? Safety measure or cause of mistrust? The paradox of digital surveillance in the workplace
Published in Journal of innovation & knowledge (01-04-2023)“…The advent of digital technology has inevitably changed the modern workplace. While digital transformation has been beneficial for companies in terms of added…”
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Securing electronic medical records transmissions over unsecured communications: An overview for better medical governance
Published in Journal of medicinal plant research (04-10-2010)Get full text
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Does online technology provide sustainable HE or aggravate diploma disease? Evidence from Bangladesh—a comparison of conditions before and during COVID-19
Published in Technology in society (01-08-2021)“…Higher education (HE) serves to produce well trained and job-ready graduates. Despite this belief, whether HE produces certificates/qualifications or job-ready…”
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Can online higher education be an active agent for change? —comparison of academic success and job-readiness before and during COVID-19
Published in Technological forecasting & social change (01-11-2021)“…•Online provision of DOL has in fact developed an extended market for HE. On the other hand, some obvious limitations of online education have allowed the…”
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Online technology: Sustainable higher education or diploma disease for emerging society during emergency—comparison between pre and during COVID-19
Published in Technological forecasting & social change (01-11-2021)“…•Online technology is used as an auxiliary form to support the delivery of higher education (HE).•The exploitation of online technology in the name of handling…”
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Role of Fisheries Sector on Sustainable Development of Maldives: How Can Education Help?
Published in Asian journal of animal and veterinary advances (01-11-2012)Get full text
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Access, attendance and performance in urban K8 education during pre- and post-COVID-19 restrictions in Bangladesh: comparison of students in slums, tin-sheds and flats
Published in Education 3-13 (18-05-2024)“…'It is dark under the lamp'-a proverb that frequently refers to the misery that prevails in confined, lit environments. In terms of economic development, urban…”
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Impact of teachers’ professional development on school improvement—an analysis at Bangladesh standpoint
Published in Asia Pacific education review (01-09-2011)“…This study seeks to describe the teachers’ professional development activities in Bangladesh and explores the hypotheses about the relationship between…”
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Bioenergy consumption, carbon emissions, and agricultural bioeconomic growth: A systematic approach to carbon neutrality in China
Published in Journal of environmental management (15-10-2021)“…China is the world's largest fossil fuel consumer and carbon emitter country. In September 2020, China pledged to reduce carbon emissions, and achieve carbon…”
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Entrepreneurs as strategic transformation managers: Exploring micro-foundations of digital transformation in small and medium internationalisers
Published in Journal of business research (01-01-2023)“…This paper is set to explore the role of individual-level behaviours and actions in the digital transformation of international SMEs. This is particularly…”
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Does MBA’s paradigm transformation follow business education’s philosophy? A comparison of academic and job-performance and SES among five types of MBAian
Published in Journal of business research (01-02-2022)“…•The paradigm transformation of MBA program has replaced the ‘faculty of commence’ concept by introducing ‘school of business’.•Critics further argue that MBA…”
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Twin transitions & industry 4.0: Unpacking the relationship between digital and green factors to determine green competitive advantage
Published in Technology in society (01-05-2023)“…The topic of twin transition is playing a key role within the current literature. There is also growing interest amongst researchers, managers, and policy…”
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