Search Results - "Maglaras, Costis"

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  1. 1

    Optimal Dynamic Auctions for Revenue Management by Vulcano, Gustavo, van Ryzin, Garrett, Maglaras, Costis

    Published in Management science (01-11-2002)
    “…We analyze a dynamic auction, in which a seller with C units to sell faces a sequence of buyers separated into T time periods. Each group of buyers has…”
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    Journal Article
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    Monopoly Pricing in the Presence of Social Learning by Crapis, Davide, Ifrach, Bar, Maglaras, Costis, Scarsini, Marco

    Published in Management science (01-11-2017)
    “…A monopolist offers a product to a market of consumers with heterogeneous quality preferences. Although initially uninformed about the product quality, they…”
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    Journal Article
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    Thompson Sampling with Information Relaxation Penalties by Min, Seungki, Maglaras, Costis, Moallemi, Ciamac C.

    Published in Management science (22-05-2024)
    “…We consider a finite-horizon multiarmed bandit (MAB) problem in a Bayesian setting, for which we propose an information relaxation sampling framework. With…”
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    Optimal Price and Delay Differentiation in Large-Scale Queueing Systems by Maglaras, Costis, Yao, John, Zeevi, Assaf

    Published in Management science (01-05-2018)
    “…We study a multiserver queueing model of a revenue-maximizing firm providing a service to a market of heterogeneous price- and delay-sensitive customers with…”
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    A Maximum Entropy Joint Demand Estimation and Capacity Control Policy by Maglaras, Costis, Eren, Serkan

    Published in Production and operations management (01-03-2015)
    “…We propose a tractable, data‐driven demand estimation procedure based on the use of maximum entropy (ME) distributions, and apply it to a stochastic capacity…”
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    Dynamic Pricing with Financial Milestones: Feedback-Form Policies by Besbes, Omar, Maglaras, Costis

    Published in Management science (01-09-2012)
    “…We study a seller that starts with an initial inventory of goods, has a target horizon over which to sell the goods, and is subject to a set of financial…”
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    Revenue Optimization for a Make-to-Order Queue in an Uncertain Market Environment by Besbes, Omar, Maglaras, Costis

    Published in Operations research (01-11-2009)
    “…We consider a revenue-maximizing make-to-order manufacturer that serves a market of price- and delay-sensitive customers and operates in an environment in…”
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    Dynamic Pricing and Lead-Time Quotation for a Multiclass Make-to-Order Queue by Celik, Sabri, Maglaras, Costis

    Published in Management science (01-06-2008)
    “…This paper considers a profit-maximizing make-to-order manufacturer that offers multiple products to a market of price and delay sensitive users, using a model…”
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    A deep learning approach to estimating fill probabilities in a limit order book by Maglaras, Costis, Moallemi, Ciamac C., Wang, Muye

    Published in Quantitative finance (02-11-2022)
    “…Deciding between the use of market orders and limit orders is an important question in practical optimal trading problems. A key ingredient in making this…”
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    Revenue management with minimax regret negotiations by Ayvaz-Cavdaroglu, Nur, Kachani, Soulaymane, Maglaras, Costis

    Published in Omega (Oxford) (01-09-2016)
    “…We study the dynamic bilateral price negotiations from the perspective of a monopolist seller. We first study the classical static problem with an added…”
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    Dynamic pricing when customers strategically time their purchase: Asymptotic optimality of a two-price policy by Bansal, Matulya, Maglaras, Costis

    Published in Journal of revenue and pricing management (01-01-2009)
    “…We study the dynamic pricing problem of a monopolist firm in presence of strategic customers that differ in their valuations and risk preferences. We show that…”
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    Monopoly pricing with limited demand information by Eren, Serkan S, Maglaras, Costis

    Published in Journal of revenue and pricing management (01-01-2010)
    “…Traditional monopoly pricing models assume that firms have full information about the market demand and consumer preferences. In this article, we study a…”
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    Operations in the Service Industries: Introduction to the Special Issue by Apte, Uday, Maglaras, Costis, Pinedo, Michael

    Published in Production and operations management (01-05-2008)
    “…This special issue of Production and Operations Management offers a sample of ongoing research that focuses currently on the services industries. The articles…”
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    Risk-Sensitive Optimal Execution via a Conditional Value-at-Risk Objective by Min, Seungki, Moallemi, Ciamac C, Maglaras, Costis

    Published 28-01-2022
    “…We consider a liquidation problem in which a risk-averse trader tries to liquidate a fixed quantity of an asset in the presence of market impact and random…”
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    Thompson Sampling with Information Relaxation Penalties by Min, Seungki, Maglaras, Costis, Moallemi, Ciamac C

    Published 12-02-2019
    “…We consider a finite-horizon multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem in a Bayesian setting, for which we propose an information relaxation sampling framework. With…”
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    Cross-Sectional Variation of Intraday Liquidity, Cross-Impact, and their Effect on Portfolio Execution by Min, Seungki, Maglaras, Costis, Moallemi, Ciamac C

    Published 13-11-2018
    “…The composition of natural liquidity has been changing over time. An analysis of intraday volumes for the S&P500 constituent stocks illustrates that (i) volume…”
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