Search Results - "Maggi, Genaro"
Procalcitonin-guided therapy may reduce length of antibiotic treatment in intensive care unit patients with secondary peritonitis: A multicenter retrospective study
Published in Journal of critical care (01-06-2015)“…Abstract Purpose Because procalcitonin (PCT) might be surrogate for antimicrobial discontinuation in general intensive care units (ICUs), this study explored…”
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Continuous spinal anaesthesia with minimally invasive haemodynamic monitoring for surgical hip repair in two patients with severe aortic stenosis
Published in Brazilian journal of anesthesiology (Elsevier) (01-01-2016)“…Aortic stenosis increases perioperative morbidity and mortality, perioperative invasive monitoring is advised for patients with an aortic valve area <1.0cm2 or…”
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Levosimendan as a treatment for acute renal failure associated with cardiogenic shock after hip fracture
Published in Revista brasileira de anestesiologia (01-02-2017)“…Abstract Inotropic drugs are part of the treatment of heart failure; however, inotropic treatment has been largely debated due to the increased incidence of…”
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Pulse contour analysis calibrated by Trans-pulmonar thermodilution (Picco Plus®) for the perioperative management of a caesarean section in a patient with severe cardiomyopathy
Published in Brazilian journal of anesthesiology (Elsevier) (01-05-2016)“…The delivery of cardiac patients is a challenge for the anaesthesiologist, to whom the welfare of both the mother and the foetus is a main issue. In case of…”
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Posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome: Postpartum focal neurologic deficits: A report of three cases and review of the literature
Published in Saudi journal of anaesthesia (01-04-2013)“…Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome presents with a variety of neurologic features, which, although devastating at some point, are potentially…”
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Pulse contour analysis calibrated by Trans-pulmonar thermodilution (Picco Plus(®)) for the perioperative management of a caesarean section in a patient with severe cardiomyopathy
Published in Brazilian journal of anesthesiology (Elsevier) (01-05-2016)“…The delivery of cardiac patients is a challenge for the anaesthesiologist, to whom the welfare of both the mother and the foetus is a main issue. In case of…”
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Levosimendan as a treatment for acute renal failure associated with cardiogenic shock after hip fracture
Published in Revista brasileira de anestesiologia (01-01-2017)“…Inotropic drugs are part of the treatment of heart failure; however, inotropic treatment has been largely debated due to the increased incidence of adverse…”
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Jet ventilation for the extraction of endobronchial foreing body in a patient with drained pneumothorax: A case report
Published in Colombian journal of anesthesiology (Inglâes) (01-04-2017)“…Even though foreign body aspiration (FBA) is rare in adult patients, they sometimes require the performance of rigid bronchoscopy for its extraction…”
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Jet ventilation for the extraction of endobronchial foreing body in a patient with drained pneumothorax: A case report
Published in Colombian journal of anesthesiology (Inglâes) (01-04-2017)Get full text
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Levosimendan as a treatment for acute renal failure associated with cardiogenic shock after hip fracture
Published in Brazilian journal of anesthesiology (Elsevier) (01-01-2017)“…Inotropic drugs are part of the treatment of heart failure; however, inotropic treatment has been largely debated due to the increased incidence of adverse…”
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Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia in an immunocompetent patient
Published in Surgical infections (01-06-2012)Get more information
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Pulse contour analysis calibrated by Trans-pulmonar thermodilution (Picco Plus(®)) for the perioperative management of a caesarean section in a patient with severe cardiomyopathy
Published in Revista brasileira de anestesiologia (01-05-2016)“…BACKGROUNDThe delivery of cardiac patients is a challenge for the anaesthesiologist, to whom the welfare of both the mother and the foetus is a main issue. In…”
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Severe Mucor necrotizing fasciitis associated to dipyrone-induced agranulocytosis
Published in Revista española de quimioterapia (01-02-2015)Get full text
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Successful airway management of a patient with progressive supranuclear palsy during the induction of anesthesia
Published in Acta anaesthesiologica Taiwanica (01-06-2012)Get full text
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Analgesic management of a parturient with cystic fibrosis
Published in Colombian journal of anesthesiology (Inglâes) (01-07-2013)Get full text
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Levosimendana como tratamento para insuficiência renal aguda associada a choque cardiogênico após fratura de quadril
Published in Revista brasileira de anestesiologia (01-01-2017)“…Fármacos inotrópicos fazem parte do tratamento de insuficiência cardíaca; no entanto, o tratamento com inotrópicos tem sido amplamente debatido devido ao…”
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Analgesic management of a parturient with cystic fibrosis
Published in Colombian journal of anesthesiology (Inglâes) (2013)Get full text
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Ventilación jet para la extracción de un cuerpo extraño endobronquial en un paciente con neumotórax drenado: informe de caso
Published in Revista colombiana de anestesiología : Colombian journal of anesthesiology (01-04-2017)“…Aunque la aspiración de cuerpos extraños es rara en adultos, requiere en algunas ocasiones la realización de una broncoscopia rígida para su extracción. El…”
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Jet ventilation for the extraction of endobronchial foreing body in a patient with drained pneumothorax: a case report/Ventilacion jet para la extraccion de un cuerpo extrano endobronquial en un paciente con neumotorax drenado: informe de caso
Published in Revista colombiana de anestesiología : Colombian journal of anesthesiology (01-04-2017)“…Palabras clave:…”
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Raquianestesia contínua com monitoração hemodinâmica minimamente invasiva para cirurgia de reparação do quadril em dois pacientes com estenose aórtica grave
Published in Revista brasileira de anestesiologia (01-01-2016)“…A estenose aórtica aumenta a morbidade e mortalidade no período perioperatório. A monitoração invasiva no perioperatório é recomendada para pacientes com área…”
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