Search Results - "Macri, P. A."

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  1. 1

    Intermittent social distancing strategy for epidemic control by Valdez, L D, Macri, P A, Braunstein, L A

    “…We study the critical effect of an intermittent social distancing strategy on the propagation of epidemics in adaptive complex networks. We characterize the…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    Effect of degree correlations above the first shell on the percolation transition by Valdez, L. D, Buono, C, Braunstein, L. A, Macri, P. A

    Published in Europhysics letters (01-11-2011)
    “…The use of degree-degree correlations to model realistic networks which are characterized by their Pearson's coefficient, has become widespread. However the…”
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  3. 3

    Triple point in correlated interdependent networks by Valdez, L D, Macri, P A, Stanley, H E, Braunstein, L A

    “…Many real-world networks depend on other networks, often in nontrivial ways, to maintain their functionality. These interdependent "networks of networks" are…”
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  4. 4

    Slow epidemic extinction in populations with heterogeneous infection rates by Buono, C, Vazquez, F, Macri, P A, Braunstein, L A

    “…We explore how heterogeneity in the intensity of interactions between people affects epidemic spreading. For that, we study the…”
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  5. 5

    Temporal percolation of a susceptible adaptive network by Valdez, L.D., Macri, P.A., Braunstein, L.A.

    Published in Physica A (15-09-2013)
    “…In the past decades, many authors have used the susceptible–infected–recovered model to study the impact of the disease spreading on the evolution of the…”
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  6. 6

    Crossover from weak to strong disorder regime in the duration of epidemics by Buono, C., Lagorio, C., Macri, P.A., Braunstein, L.A.

    Published in Physica A (15-08-2012)
    “…We study the susceptible–infected–recovered (SIR) model in complex networks, considering that not all individuals in the population interact in the same way…”
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  7. 7

    Synchronization in scale free networks with degree correlation by La Rocca, C.E., Braunstein, L.A., Macri, P.A.

    Published in Physica A (01-08-2011)
    “…In this paper we study a model of synchronization process on scale free networks with degree–degree correlations. This model was already studied on this kind…”
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  8. 8

    Discrete surface growth process as a synchronization mechanism for scale-free complex networks by Pastore y Piontti, A L, Macri, P A, Braunstein, L A

    “…We consider the discrete surface growth process with relaxation to the minimum [F. Family, J. Phys. A 19, L441 (1986)] as a possible synchronization mechanism…”
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  9. 9

    Extracting Information About Few-Body Breakup Thresholds from High-Energy Collisions by Barrachina, R. O., Macri, P. A.

    Published in Few-body systems (01-05-2004)
    “…We show that the analysis of high-energy collisions provides an alternative, and sometimes advantageous, method of gathering information on a breakup system at…”
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  10. 10

    Quarantine-generated phase transition in epidemic spreading by Lagorio, C, Dickison, M, Vazquez, F, Braunstein, L A, Macri, P A, Migueles, M V, Havlin, S, Stanley, H E

    “…We study the critical effect of quarantine on the propagation of epidemics on an adaptive network of social contacts. For this purpose, we analyze the…”
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  11. 11

    Jost function description of elastic and few-body resonances by Macri, P.A., Sánchez Plastic, F., Barrachina, R.O.

    “…We discuss how the analysis of the zeros of the functions introduced by Jost in 1946, acting individually or collectively, provides a comprehensive framework…”
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  12. 12

    Conservative model for synchronization problems in complex networks by La Rocca, C E, Braunstein, L A, Macri, P A

    “…In this paper we study the scaling behavior of the interface fluctuations (roughness) for a discrete model with conservative noise on complex networks…”
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  13. 13

    Evolution equation for a model of surface relaxation in complex networks by La Rocca, C E, Braunstein, L A, Macri, P A

    “…In this paper we derive analytically the evolution equation of the interface for a model of surface growth with relaxation to the minimum (SRM) in complex…”
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  14. 14

    Slow epidemic extinction in populations with heterogeneous infection rates by Buono, C, Vazquez, F, Macri, P. A, Braunstein, L. A

    Published 27-08-2013
    “…Phys. Rev. E 88, 022813 (2013) We explore how heterogeneity in the intensity of interactions between people affects epidemic spreading. For that, we study the…”
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  15. 15

    Triple point induced by targeted autonomization on interdependent scale free networks by Valdez, L. D, Macri, P. A, Braunstein, L. A

    Published 08-02-2014
    “…Many man-made networks support each other to provide efficient services and resources to the customers, despite that this support produces a strong…”
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  16. 16

    Competition between surface relaxation and ballistic deposition models in scale-free networks by La Rocca, C. E., Macri, P. A., Braunstein, L. A.

    Published in Europhysics letters (01-01-2013)
    “…In this paper we study the scaling behavior of the fluctuations in the steady state WS with the system size N for a surface growth process given by the…”
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  17. 17

    Crossover from weak to strong disorder regime in the duration of epidemics by Buono, C, Lagorio, C, Macri, P. A, Braunstein, L. A

    Published 27-12-2012
    “…Physica A 391 (2012) 4181-4185 We study the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model in complex networks, considering that not all individuals in the population…”
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  18. 18

    Social distancing strategies against disease spreading by Valdez, L. D, Buono, C, Macri, P. A, Braunstein, L. A

    Published 09-08-2013
    “…The recurrent infectious diseases and their increasing impact on the society has promoted the study of strategies to slow down the epidemic spreading. In this…”
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  19. 19

    Temporal percolation of a susceptible adaptive network by Valdez, L. D, Macri, P. A, Braunstein, L. A

    Published 02-07-2013
    “…Physica A 392 (2013) 4172 In the last decades, many authors have used the susceptible-infected-recovered model to study the impact of the disease spreading on…”
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  20. 20

    Competition between surface relaxation and ballistic deposition models in scale-free networks by La Rocca, C E, Macri, P A, Braunstein, L A

    Published in Europhysics letters (01-01-2013)
    “…In this paper the authors study the scaling behavior of the fluctuations in the steady state W^subs S^ with the system size N for a surface growth process…”
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