Search Results - "Maccallum, C."

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  1. 1

    Applications of structural equation modeling in psychological research by MACCALLUM, R. C, AUSTIN, J. T

    Published in Annual review of psychology (01-01-2000)
    “…This chapter presents a review of applications of structural equation modeling (SEM) published in psychological research journals in recent years. We focus…”
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    Chronic Stress and Age-Related Increases in the Proinflammatory Cytokine IL-6 by Kiecolt-Glaser, Janice K., Preacher, Kristopher J., MacCallum, Robert C., Atkinson, Cathie, Malarkey, William B., Glaser, Ronald

    “…Overproduction of IL-6, a proinflammatory cytokine, is associated with a spectrum of age-related conditions including cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis,…”
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  4. 4

    Use of the Extreme Groups Approach: A Critical Reexamination and New Recommendations by Preacher, Kristopher J, Rucker, Derek D, MacCallum, Robert C, Nicewander, W. Alan

    Published in Psychological methods (01-06-2005)
    “…Analysis of continuous variables sometimes proceeds by selecting individuals on the basis of extreme scores of a sample distribution and submitting only those…”
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    Evaluating the Use of Exploratory Factor Analysis in Psychological Research by Fabrigar, Leandre R, Wegener, Duane T, MacCallum, Robert C, Strahan, Erin J

    Published in Psychological methods (01-09-1999)
    “…Despite the widespread use of exploratory factor analysis in psychological research, researchers often make questionable decisions when conducting these…”
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    On the Practice of Dichotomization of Quantitative Variables by MacCallum, Robert C, Zhang, Shaobo, Preacher, Kristopher J, Rucker, Derek D

    Published in Psychological methods (01-03-2002)
    “…The authors examine the practice of dichotomization of quantitative measures, wherein relationships among variables are examined after 1 or more variables have…”
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    Sample Size in Factor Analysis: The Role of Model Error by MacCallum, Robert C., Widaman, Keith F., Preacher, Kristopher J., Hong, Sehee

    Published in Multivariate behavioral research (01-10-2001)
    “…This article examines effects of sample size and other design features on correspondence between factors obtained from analysis of sample data and those…”
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    Using Parcels to Convert Path Analysis Models Into Latent Variable Models by Coffman, Donna L., MacCallum, Robert C.

    Published in Multivariate behavioral research (01-04-2005)
    “…The biasing effects of measurement error in path analysis models can be overcome by the use of latent variable models. In cases where path analysis is used in…”
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    Power Analysis and Determination of Sample Size for Covariance Structure Modeling by MacCallum, Robert C, Browne, Michael W, Sugawara, Hazuki M

    Published in Psychological methods (01-06-1996)
    “…A framework for hypothesis testing and power analysis in the assessment of fit of covariance structure models is presented. We emphasize the value of…”
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    Testing Differences Between Nested Covariance Structure Models: Power Analysis and Null Hypotheses by MacCallum, Robert C, Browne, Michael W, Cai, Li

    Published in Psychological methods (01-03-2006)
    “…For comparing nested covariance structure models, the standard procedure is the likelihood ratio test of the difference in fit, where the null hypothesis is…”
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    Sample Size in Factor Analysis by MacCallum, Robert C, Widaman, Keith F, Zhang, Shaobo, Hong, Sehee

    Published in Psychological methods (01-03-1999)
    “…The factor analysis literature includes a range of recommendations regarding the minimum sample size necessary to obtain factor solutions that are adequately…”
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    Exploratory factor analysis in behavior genetics research: factor recovery with small sample sizes by Preacher, Kristopher J, MacCallum, Robert C

    Published in Behavior genetics (01-03-2002)
    “…Results of a Monte Carlo study of exploratory factor analysis demonstrate that in studies characterized by low sample sizes the population factor structure can…”
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    Recovery of Weak Common Factors by Maximum Likelihood and Ordinary Least Squares Estimation by Briggs, Nancy E., MacCallum, Robert C.

    Published in Multivariate behavioral research (01-01-2003)
    “…This article examines the relative performance of two commonly used methods of parameter estimation in factor analysis, maximum likelihood (ML) and ordinary…”
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    The Use of Causal Indicators in Covariance Structure Models: Some Practical Issues by MacCallum, Robert C, Browne, Michael W

    Published in Psychological bulletin (01-11-1993)
    “…In conventional representations of covariance structure models, indicators are defined as linear functions of latent variables, plus error. In an alternative…”
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    Pathological CNS Autoimmune Disease Triggered by Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: Implications for Autoimmune Vaccine Therapy by Jones, T. Bucky, Basso, D. Michele, Sodhi, Ajeet, Pan, Jonathan Z, Hart, Ronald P, MacCallum, Robert C, Lee, Sunhee, Whitacre, Caroline C, Popovich, Phillip G

    Published in The Journal of neuroscience (01-04-2002)
    “…Lymphocytes respond to myelin proteins after spinal cord injury (SCI) and may contribute to post-traumatic secondary degeneration. However, there is increasing…”
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    A Multilevel Approach to the Relationship Between Birth Order and Intelligence by Wichman, Aaron L., Rodgers, Joseph Lee, MacCallum, Robert C.

    Published in Personality & social psychology bulletin (01-01-2006)
    “…Many studies show relationships between birth order and intelligence but use cross-sectional designs or manifest other threats to internal validity. Multilevel…”
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    Psychological Influences on Surgical Recovery: Perspectives From Psychoneuroimmunology by Kiecolt-Glaser, Janice K, Page, Gayle G, Marucha, Phillip T, MacCallum, Robert C, Glaser, Ronald

    Published in The American psychologist (01-11-1998)
    “…Greater fear or distress prior to surgery is associated with a slower and more complicated postoperative recovery. Although anxiety presumably interferes with…”
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    Published in Evolution (01-08-2003)
    “…Mosaic hybrid zones arise when ecologically differentiated taxa hybridize across a network of habitat patches. Frequent interbreeding across a small-scale…”
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    Chronic stress modulates the immune response to a pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine by Glaser, R, Sheridan, J, Malarkey, W B, MacCallum, R C, Kiecolt-Glaser, J K

    Published in Psychosomatic medicine (01-11-2000)
    “…Influenza and pneumonia account for significant morbidity and mortality, particularly in older individuals. Previous studies have shown that spousal caregivers…”
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    Evidence for a shift in the Th-1 to Th-2 cytokine response associated with chronic stress and aging by Glaser, R, MacCallum, R C, Laskowski, B F, Malarkey, W B, Sheridan, J F, Kiecolt-Glaser, J K

    “…A number of studies have shown that the chronic stress of caring for persons with dementia can have significant immunological consequences as demonstrated by…”
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