Search Results - "Macêdo de Sousa, Francisca Georgina"
Indigenous women's experiences about the pregnancy-puerperal cycle
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-01-2024)“…to understand the experiences of indigenous women regarding the pregnancy-puerperal cycle. qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, carried out…”
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Data analysis: comparison between the different methodological perspectives of the Grounded Theory
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (2018)“…Grounded Theory (GT) has undergone many transformations since its proposition as a research method in the 1960s. As a result of these changes, three different…”
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Coverage of the basic immunization schedule in the first year of life in State capitals in Northeast Brazil
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (01-02-2013)“…Vaccination coverage in the so-called "developing countries" is still lower than expected. Such coverage is an important indicator of population health and the…”
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Published in Texto & contexto enfermagem (01-09-2015)“…ABsTrACTThis was qualitative research performed with 15 nursing professionals of a study cohort on adolescent health, in the capital of Rio de Janeiro/Brazil…”
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Significados do cuidado de enfermagem ao paciente em morte encefálica potencial doador
Published in Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (02-07-2018)“…Resumo OBJETIVO Compreender os significados do cuidado ao paciente em morte encefálica potencial doador para enfermeiros, e construir um modelo teórico. MÉTODO…”
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Social and health vulnerability of homeless people
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (01-01-2023)“…ABSTRACT The objective is to conduct a theoretical reflection on the social and health vulnerability of homeless people, from the perspective of complexity…”
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Nurses’ Attitudes Toward the Families Caring Process Regarding the Childbirth and the Immediate Postpartum Period / Atitudes de Enfermeiros nos Cuidados com Famílias no Contexto do Parto e Puerpério Imediato
Published in Revista de pesquisa, cuidado é fundamental (01-07-2018)“…Objetivo: Identificar atitudes de enfermeiros sobre a importância das famílias no processo de cuidado no contexto do parto e puerpério segundo as dimensões da…”
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Pesquisa-ação: ferramenta metodológica para a pesquisa qualitativa
Published in Revista eletrônica de enfermagem órgão da Faculdade de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Goiás (01-06-2017)“…A pesquisa-ação é um tipo de pesquisa interpretativa que abarca um processo metodológico empírico. Compreende a identificação do problema dentro de um contexto…”
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Meanings of family under the perspective of parents of adolescent students
Published in Rev. RENE (01-09-2014)“…This study aimed to understand the meanings of family according to parents of adolescent students. A qualitative research conducted with nine parents of…”
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Interprofessional qualification of prenatal care in the context of primary health care
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-04-2023)“…This study aims to describe and analyze an interprofessional educational intervention for the qualification of prenatal care in the context of primary health…”
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Cobertura vacinal do esquema básico para o primeiro ano de vida nas capitais do Nordeste brasileiro
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (01-02-2013)“…A cobertura vacinal nos chamados "países em desenvolvimento" ainda está aquém da esperada. Ela é um importante indicador de saúde das populações e da qualidade…”
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Levels of pressure for adolescent students and risk indicators for arterial hypertension - a descriptive study
Published in Online Brazilian journal of nursing (22-04-2006)“…This transversal, descriptive, and analytical study attempts to identify the levels of pressure for a determined population of adolescent students and the risk…”
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The Vaccination Situation of Nursing Students and Adhesion to the Adult Immunization Program. An exploratory study
Published in Online Brazilian journal of nursing (16-12-2006)“…The objective of this exploratory, transversal, and descriptive study was to identify the vaccination situation of Nursing students and their adhesion the…”
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Scoring interventions in family relations regarding the care for the child with a chronic condition
Published in Texto & contexto enfermagem (01-03-2015)“…The study aimed to reveal intervening conditions towards the care of children with chronic condition. The Complex Thought was used as theoretical framework and…”
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Health education, nurses and creativity: the necessary interconnection to the educative process
Published in Online Brazilian journal of nursing (09-08-2007)“…The object of this paper is to reflect upon the dimension of health education as a process of construction in comparison with the current pattern of health…”
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Interações no ambiente de cuidado: explorando publicações de enfermagem
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-06-2011)“…Revisão de literatura, utilizando a Análise Temática, com o objetivo de apreender as interações no ambiente de cuidado a partir de publicações em quatro…”
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Health services organization according to the intersectoral perspective: a review
Published in Online Brazilian journal of nursing (01-12-2005)“…This text presents some reflections upon organizing, programming and structuring health services, according to the perspective that involves the challenges of…”
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Nurses' Attitudes Toward the Families Caring Process Regarding the Childbirth and the Immediate Postpartum Period
Published in Revista de pesquisa, cuidado é fundamental (01-07-2018)“…Objective: Herein, our goal has been to identify the nurses' attitudes about the importance of families in the care process in the context of childbirth and…”
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A nursing academic perspective concerning the care environment within the complexity paradigm – a descriptive study
Published in Online Brazilian journal of nursing (22-04-2006)“…This is a qualitative study whose objective was to learn how nursing academics comprehend the care environment, and apply and analysis according to the…”
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Published in Texto & contexto enfermagem (2016)“…ABSTRACT This study aimed to identify the factors associated with violence among students of public schools located in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul…”
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