Search Results - "MOY, ANDREW D."
Reduced calcification in modern Southern Ocean planktonic foraminifera
Published in Nature geoscience (01-04-2009)“…Anthropogenic carbon dioxide has been accumulating in the oceans, lowering both the concentration of carbonate ions and the pH (ref. 1), resulting in the…”
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A Millennial Proxy Record of ENSO and Eastern Australian Rainfall from the Law Dome Ice Core, East Antarctica
Published in Journal of climate (01-02-2013)“…ENSO causes climate extremes across and beyond the Pacific basin; however, evidence of ENSO at high southern latitudes is generally restricted to the South…”
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An East Antarctic, sub-annual resolution water isotope record from the Mount Brown South Ice core
Published in Scientific data (10-09-2024)“…We report high resolution measurements of the stable water isotope ratios ( δ 18 O, δ D) from the Mount Brown South ice core (MBS, 69.11 ° S 86.31 ° E). The…”
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Pacific decadal variability over the last 2000 years and implications for climatic risk
Published in Communications earth & environment (17-02-2022)“…The Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, an index which defines decadal climate variability throughout the Pacific, is generally assumed to have positive and…”
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Snowfall and Water Stable Isotope Variability in East Antarctica Controlled by Warm Synoptic Events
Published in Journal of geophysical research. Atmospheres (16-09-2020)“…Understanding climate proxy records that preserve physical characteristics of past climate is a prerequisite to reconstruct long‐term climatic conditions…”
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Reduction in size of the calcifying phytoplankton Calcidiscus leptoporus to environmental changes between the Holocene and modern Subantarctic Southern Ocean
Published in Frontiers in Marine Science (22-06-2023)“…The Subantarctic Zone of the Southern Ocean plays a disproportionally large role on the Earth system. Model projections predict rapid environmental change in…”
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Late Pleistocene and early Holocene change in the Weddell Sea: a new climate record from the Patriot Hills, Ellsworth Mountains, West Antarctica
Published in Journal of quaternary science (01-10-2013)“…ABSTRACT The transition from the late Pleistocene to the Holocene (30 000–5000 years ago) was a period of considerable climate variability, which has been…”
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Interannual pteropod variability in sediment traps deployed above and below the aragonite saturation horizon in the Sub-Antarctic Southern Ocean
Published in Polar biology (01-11-2011)“…Anthropogenic inputs of CO 2 are altering ocean chemistry and may alter the role of marine calcifiers in ocean ecosystems. Laboratory research and ocean models…”
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Inter-hemispheric temperature variability over the past millennium
Published in Nature climate change (01-05-2014)“…Palaeoclimate temperature records are dominated by Northern Hemisphere reconstructions. This study introduces a new Southern Hemisphere millennial temperature…”
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Varied contribution of the Southern Ocean to deglacial atmospheric CO2 rise
Published in Nature geoscience (01-12-2019)“…Glacial–interglacial changes in atmospheric CO 2 are generally attributed to changes in seawater carbon chemistry in response to large-scale shifts in the…”
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An ice core derived 1013-year catchment-scale annual rainfall reconstruction in subtropical eastern Australia
Published in Hydrology and earth system sciences (11-05-2016)“…Paleoclimate research indicates that the Australian instrumental climate record (∼ 100 years) does not cover the full range of hydroclimatic variability that…”
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Extending and understanding the South West Western Australian rainfall record using a snowfall reconstruction from Law Dome, East Antarctica
Published in Climate of the past (01-10-2021)“…South West Western Australia (SWWA) has experienced a prolonged reduction in rainfall in recent decades, with associated reductions in regional water supply…”
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A 2000-year temperature reconstruction on the East Antarctic plateau from argon–nitrogen and water stable isotopes in the Aurora Basin North ice core
Published in Climate of the past (07-06-2023)“…The temperature of the Earth is one of the most important climate parameters. Proxy records of past climate changes, in particular temperature, represent a…”
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Integral correlation for uneven and differently sampled data, and its application to the Law Dome Antarctic climate record
Published in Scientific reports (15-10-2020)“…We present a new simple and efficient method for correlation of unevenly and differently sampled data. This new method overcomes problems with other methods…”
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El Niño–Southern Oscillation signal in a new East Antarctic ice core, Mount Brown South
Published in Climate of the past (09-09-2021)“…Paleoclimate archives, such as high-resolution ice core records, provide a means to investigate past climate variability. Until recently, the Law Dome (Dome…”
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2000 years of annual ice core data from Law Dome, East Antarctica
Published in Earth system science data (19-07-2022)“…Ice core records from Law Dome in East Antarctica collected over the last four decades provide high-resolution data for studies of the climate of Antarctica,…”
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Individual particle morphology, coatings, and impurities of black carbon aerosols in Antarctic ice and tropical rainfall
Published in Geophysical research letters (28-11-2016)“…Black carbon (BC) aerosols are a large source of climate warming, impact atmospheric chemistry, and are implicated in large‐scale changes in atmospheric…”
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Diverse trends in shell weight of three Southern Ocean pteropod taxa collected with Polar Frontal Zone sediment traps from 1997 to 2007
Published in Polar biology (01-10-2014)“…The impact of ocean acidification on key ocean calcifiers is predicted to be imminent, particularly in high-latitude ecosystems. Long-term field observations…”
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Sea-ice-related halogen enrichment at Law Dome, coastal East Antarctica
Published in Climate of the past (27-02-2017)“…The Law Dome site is ideal for the evaluation of sea ice proxies due to its location near to the Antarctic coast, regular and high accumulation throughout the…”
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Optimal site selection for a high-resolution ice core record in East Antarctica
Published in Climate of the past (08-03-2016)“…Ice cores provide some of the best-dated and most comprehensive proxy records, as they yield a vast and growing array of proxy indicators. Selecting a site for…”
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