Search Results - "MORALES, Angélica"
Black holes and gravitational waves sourced by non-linear duality rotation-invariant conformal electromagnetic matter
Published in Physics letters. B (10-01-2021)“…Maxwell's equations are invariant under both duality rotations and conformal transformations. Recently Bandos, Lechner, Sorokin, and Townsend have found a…”
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Efficiency of the removal of tetraethyl pyrophosphate (TEPP) pesticide in water: use of cork granules as a natural adsorbent on acetylcholinesterase activity in neuronal PC12 cell
Published in Journal of environmental science and health. Part B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes (14-07-2022)“…Tetraethyl pyrophosphate (TEPP) is an organophosphate pesticide that irreversibly inhibits acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Cork powder or granules have been…”
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Congenital intestinal stenosis and Hirschsprung's disease: two extremely rare pathologies in a newborn puppy
Published in BMC veterinary research (13-03-2019)“…Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR) is a common congenital malformation of the enteric nervous system (ENS). During fetal development, ganglion cells of the ENS are…”
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In Vitro Human Endometrial Cells and In Vivo Rat Model Studies Suggest That Ulipristal Acetate Impacts Endometrial Compatibility for Embryo Implantation
Published in Archives of medical research (01-12-2024)“…Ulipristal acetate (UPA) and levonorgestrel are used as emergency hormonal contraceptives. Although both are highly effective in preventing pregnancy, UPA…”
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wild-type Botrytis cinerea strain co-infected by double-stranded RNA mycoviruses presents hypovirulence-associated traits
Published in Virology journal (02-07-2013)“…BACKGROUND: Botrytis cinerea CCg378 is a wild-type strain infected with two types of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) mycoviruses and which presents…”
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Expression of Surfactant Protein D Distinguishes Severe Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1) from Coronavirus Disease 2019
Published in The Journal of infectious diseases (01-07-2021)“…Abstract The differentiation between influenza and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) could constitute a diagnostic challenge during the ongoing winter owing…”
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T. ROHAN - The Architecture of Paul Rudolph
Published in ZARCH : journal of interdisciplinary studies in architecture and urbanism (22-07-2018)“…Timothy M. RohanThe Architecture of Paul RudolphYale University Press, New Haven y Londres, 2014, 290 pp.Idioma: inglés. ISBN: 9780300149395…”
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Decreased basal insulin secretion from pancreatic islets of pups in a rat model of maternal obesity
Published in Journal of endocrinology (01-10-2016)“…Maternal obesity (MO) is a deleterious condition that enhances susceptibility of adult offspring to metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. The objective…”
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Different body mass indexes and their relation to prognosis of early-stage breast cancer in postmenopausal Mexican-Mestizo women
Published in Women & health (07-02-2021)“…It has been suggested that obesity increases the incidence of metastatic breast tumors, resulting in higher rates of recurrence, and increased mortality; for…”
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Maternal protein restriction during gestation impairs female offspring pancreas development in the rat
Published in Nutrition research (New York, N.Y.) (01-08-2016)“…Abstract A maternal low-protein (LP) diet programs fetal pancreatic islet beta cell development and function and predisposes offspring to metabolic dysfunction…”
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Calcitriol affects hCG gene transcription in cultured human syncytiotrophoblasts
Published in Reproductive biology and endocrinology (22-01-2008)“…In pregnancy, maternal serum concentrations of calcitriol significantly rise as a result of increased renal and placental contribution in order to assure…”
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Sentido de vida y mística desde las miradas de Martín Velasco y García-Baró
Published in Pensamiento (Madrid) (21-05-2021)“…Este ensayo parte de la recogida de algunos criterios esenciales que ofrece el pensamiento filosófico occidental y del estudio de la fenomenología de la…”
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Calcitriol inhibits Ether-à go-go potassium channel expression and cell proliferation in human breast cancer cells
Published in Experimental cell research (01-02-2010)“…Antiproliferative actions of calcitriol have been shown to occur in many cell types; however, little is known regarding the molecular basis of this process in…”
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Chronic methamphetamine abuse and corticostriatal deficits revealed by neuroimaging
Published in Brain research (02-12-2015)“…Abstract Despite aggressive efforts to contain it, methamphetamine use disorder continues to be major public health problem; and with generic behavioral…”
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Los dibujos de Ignacio Tirsch (1733-1781), tres cartas y una curiosa relación. Las historias naturales jesuitas de la Antigua California
Published in Nuevo mundo, mundos nuevos (08-10-2019)“…The drawings made by Ignacio Tirsch (1733-1781) are part of the Jesuit missionary work in the northern New Spain. Today we can find some of these drawings…”
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Orcinol derivative compound with antioxidant properties protects Langerhans islets against streptozotocin damage
Published in Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology (01-03-2017)“…Objective To design and synthesize an orcinol derivative compound, 3‐formyl‐2,4‐dihydroxy‐5,6‐dimethyl sodium benzoate (A4), as an antioxidant molecule and to…”
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Molecular expression of vascular endothelial growth factor, prokineticin receptor-1 and other biomarkers in infiltrating canalicular carcinoma of the breast
Published in Oncology letters (01-10-2016)“…Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is important in the growth and metastasis of cancer cells. In 2001, another angiogenic factor, endocrine…”
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Estrogens and Human Papilloma Virus Oncogenes Regulate Human Ether-à-go-go-1 Potassium Channel Expression
Published in Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) (15-04-2009)“…Ether-à-go-go-1 (Eag1) potassium channels are potential tools for detection and therapy of numerous cancers. Here, we show human Eag1 (hEag1) regulation by…”
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Enseñanza desde el Enfoque de Pensamiento Complejo para Escalar el Dominio de Competencias en Geometría y Trigonometría
Published in Paradigma (06-12-2023)“…Los resultados derivados del Plan Nacional para la Evaluación de los Aprendizajes (PLANEA) en 2017, muestran que los estudiantes de Educación Media Superior…”
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Ether à go-go potassium channels as human cervical cancer markers
Published in Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) (01-10-2004)“…Ether a go-go (EAG) potassium channels display oncogenic properties. In normal tissues, EAG mRNA is almost exclusively expressed in brain, but it is expressed…”
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