Search Results - "MECK, W. H"
Quinpirole-induced sensitization to noisy/sparse periodic input: temporal synchronization as a component of obsessive-compulsive disorder
Published in Neuroscience (14-04-2011)“…Abstract Quinpirole-sensitized rats were tested on a discrete-trials 40-s peak-interval procedure using lever pressing as the instrumental response. Although…”
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Acquisition of response thresholds for timed performance is regulated by a calcium‐responsive transcription factor, CaRF
Published in Genes, brain and behavior (01-08-2013)“…Interval timing within the seconds‐to‐minutes range involves the interaction of the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia via dopaminergic–glutamatergic…”
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Nicotine effects on adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Published in Psychopharmacologia (1996)“…Several lines of evidence suggest that nicotine may be useful in treating the symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The current study…”
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Characterization of the facilitative effects of perinatal choline supplementation on timing and temporal memory
Published in Neuroreport (08-09-1997)“…PERINATAL choline supplementation can improve performance on a variety of spatial memory tasks in adulthood. In order to extend these studies, we have…”
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Simultaneous temporal processing is sensitive to prenatal choline availability in mature and aged rats
Published in Neuroreport (29-09-1997)“…RATS were trained at 2–4 months and at 24–26 months of age on a peak-interval timing procedure in which auditory and visual stimuli signaled two different…”
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Perinatal choline supplementation increases the threshold for chunking in spatial memory
Published in Neuroreport (29-09-1997)“…CHUNKING and perinatal choline supplementation each provide rats with alternative memory processing advantages. Evidence from radial-arm maze performance of…”
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Hypertrophy of basal forebrain neurons and enhanced visuospatial memory in perinatally choline-supplemented rats
Published in Brain research (01-06-1998)“…The effects of choline supplementation during two time-frames of early development on radial-arm maze performance and the morphology of basal forebrain neurons…”
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The organizational effects of gonadal steroids on sexually dimorphic spatial ability
Published in Psychoneuroendocrinology (1991)“…Numerous studies have provided evidence that both human and nonhuman males reliably outperform females on tasks that require spatial ability. Because most of…”
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Neuropsychological mechanisms of interval timing behavior
Published in BioEssays (01-01-2000)“…Interval timing in the seconds‐to‐minutes range is believed to underlie a variety of complex behaviors in humans and other animals. One of the more interesting…”
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The use of timing behaviors in animals and humans to detect drug and/or toxicant effects
Published in Neurotoxicology and teratology (01-09-1999)“…Behavioral paradigms applicable for use in both human and nonhuman subjects for investigating aspects of timing behavior are presented with a view towards…”
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Nucleus basalis magnocellularis and medial septal area lesions differentially impair temporal memory
Published in The Journal of neuroscience (01-11-1987)“…Functional dissociations between the medial septal area (MSA) and the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) were examined using the concepts and experimental…”
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Interval Timing and the Encoding of Signal Duration by Ensembles of Cortical and Striatal Neurons
Published in Behavioral neuroscience (01-08-2003)“…This study investigated the firing patterns of striatal and cortical neurons in rats in a temporal generalization task. Striatal and cortical ensembles were…”
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Affinity for the dopamine D2 receptor predicts neuroleptic potency in decreasing the speed of an internal clock
Published in Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior (01-12-1986)“…For each of five neuroleptics (chlorpromazine, haloperidol, pimozide, promazine, and spiroperidol), the dose required to produce a rightward horizontal shift…”
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Systems-level integration of interval timing and reaction time
Published in Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews (2004)“…Reaction time (RT) procedures are a prominent tool for the study of information processing by humans and other animals. The interpretation of how RT changes…”
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Hippocampus, time, and memory
Published in Behavioral neuroscience (01-02-1984)“…Five experiments determined the effects of hippocampal damage on timing and the memory for temporal events. Norway rats ( N = 20) were trained to discriminate…”
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Paying Attention to Time as One Gets Older
Published in Psychological science (01-11-2001)“…Age-related changes in attention and interval timing as a function of time of day were examined using a temporal bisection task with single and compound…”
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Organizational Changes in Cholinergic Activity and Enhanced Visuospatial Memory as a Function of Choline Administered Prenatally or Postnatally or Both
Published in Behavioral neuroscience (01-12-1989)“…This experiment was an examination of the effects of supplemental dietary choline chlorid given prenatally (to the diet of pregnant rats) and postnatally…”
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Coupled temporal memories in Parkinson's disease: a dopamine-related dysfunction
Published in Journal of cognitive neuroscience (01-05-1998)“…Dysfunction of the basal ganglia and the brain nuclei interconnected with them leads to disturbances of movement and cognition, including disordered timing of…”
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Attention and the frontal cortex as examined by simultaneous temporal processing
Published in Neuropsychologia (1988)“…The brain mechanisms involved in attention and memory were examined by testing rats in temporal discriminations designed to emphasize these cognitive…”
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Cholinergic Modulation of the Content of Temporal Memory
Published in Behavioral neuroscience (01-08-1987)“…The pharmacological effects of anticholinesterases (physostigmine and neostigmine) and cholinergic receptor blockers (atropine and methylatropine) on the…”
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